Thursday Thoughts

Just a few meanderings and housekeeping matters.

I first started writing this post last Sunday, so it was originally titled Monday Moanings.  Then I decided to go with a finished piece for Monday, and pushed this back a day.  Had I got it done in time you would have been subjected to Tuesday’s Tortured Turnings.  I finished up my glasses rant so you narrowly avoided Wednesday Whining.  Thank your lucky blog stars that I didn’t wait until tomorrow to post Friday’s Frenetic Feelings.

Some may recall I blogged about my struggles to find a decent dress for the ball last weekend (Every time I say that my brain cues the music from Cinderella, “The prince is giving a ball, the prince is giving a ball!”) and somehow managed to promise I would post a picture of moi in my sartorial splendor.  So here it is.

For some reason my hubby, Bill, had his I-phone camera set to Squatty Fuzzy Mode, but I hope you can get a feel for the sparkliness of the dress.   I was feeling bad about the tiny Asian woman who got paid $10 for 3 years’ work, hand-sewing all those beads on my (Peg) Oleg Cassini dress, but it seems she got her revenge.  She somehow sewed an invisible hump into the dress.   The fat-cat, American she-devil who bought it would think she looked swell in it, never knowing that, from the back, she looked like Quasimodo in drag.  “How do you like that, you hunchback, capitalist swine?” I could almost hear her cackling when I saw this picture.

The really important thing is to notice the miles and miles of shiny, metallic heels on those shoes.  And I wore them all night.  I did NOT kick them off, and I was standing around most of the time.  Only once did I have to knock some grandmother to the floor so I could steal her chair for a little rest for my bleeding toesies.

I think I may have had just a teeny bit too much wine at the ball, which, for all intents and purposes was a business event for me.  I’m hoping none of my major clients remember me forcing them to admire my shoes, or how I draped myself all over one CEO and said “I LOVE you, man, and I’m not just saying that!  Jeez, this dress weighs a ton.  Can I have some of your wine?”

All in all, we had a good time.



I saw my blog on the Recommended list of humor blogs for WordPress on Wednesday – can’t believe it!   I then went back to the page 2 hours later and was still there, but moving down with a bullet.  It seems to be a revolving list.  Now watch –  I’m directing everyone over there for a look-see and I will be off by now, and you’ll think I’m a liar, or delusional, or still drunk from Saturday.  Wish I could’ve figured out how to take a screenshot for my scrapbook.  This might explain my recent influx of new subscribers.  If you found me through that site, welcome!  I’m glad to have you.  Pull up a tuffet, read, comment and have fun.  

Anyhoo, I didn’t even know that the editors had recommended sites.  I’m thrilled and humbled to be/have been in such august company.  I already read some of the others on this list, and add my recommendation to the editors.   I’m not familiar with some of these blogs, but I’m going to check them out.   You should, too.

Which brings me to the point of how the interwebz can be so VAST and at the same time it is such a small world.  The longer I’m on WordPress the more I bump into some of the same folks over and over again.  The sense of “community” just keeps growing.  And that’s pretty cool.  And also pretty hokey, right there.  Sorry.

I’m going to be out of town for the next week and a half.  I’m going down to Charleston, SC to see my brother Jim and his family.  You may remember that Jim offered to wine and dine the winner of the Family Weight Loss Challenge, so I’m going down to collect.  It will be great to spend some time with Jim, my sister-in-law, Lisa (whose decision to diet right before Christmas last year inspired one of my most popular posts, My Sister-In-Law is Ruining the U.S. Economy), and my cutie-patootie nieces.

I’m also getting my teeth Zoom whitened.  I was thinking that was a good thing but thanks to the (no doubt) well-meaning advice of some who have gone through this (you know who you are.  Jane. ), it seems this may be akin to volunteering as a rack-tester for the Spanish Inquisition.  The more I think about it, the more I think grey teeth work for me.

After a few days there, I’ll rent a car and head down to the West Palm Beach, FL area to spend the rest of the week with my dear parents.  I’m really looking forward to some R&R with them.  When you come from a family of 9 kids, one-on-one time with the ‘rents is rare.

I can’t figure out how to get the interwebz anywhere but here at work, so there won’t be much Rambling going on here at my blog.  Nor reading or commenting at other blogs.  So y’all have a good time, and I’ll chat witcha later!




About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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57 Responses to Thursday Thoughts

  1. egills says:

    Wow! Look at those pins! You look fantastic 🙂

    Love the killer heels – although wearing them all night would quite probably result in amputation of toes!

    Have a lovely break


  2. gojulesgo says:

    You look HAWT!!! So glad you posted a pic of the dress. It’s gorgeous.

    And congrats on making the editor’s list – I had no idea that that existed either! Couldn’t agree more about the sense of community (awww) 🙂

    Have a WONDERFUL trip!! Can’t wait to hear about the Zoom. (Yes, I do seem fixated. Because I have a fixation with teeth.)


  3. Jackie says:

    How exciting – enjoy your trip! Also, holy cow you’re skinny. You look FAB.


  4. Gorgeous dress! And the glass slippers are amazing. Thank you for sharing a real picture and staying away from the markers. You look beautiful and what a very cute pose!
    Congratulations on the humor recommendation. Well-deserved, funny lady.


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks Georgette. I felt like a goof demanding the hubby take a picture. Posing is not a natural thing for me, at least not without crossing my eyes and sticking out my tongue.


  5. joehoover says:

    You’re still on the recommended page, each time you go in it juggles about 20 blogs around each time. Tried it a couple of times and I just saw you cosying up right next to Good Greatsby there 😉

    And what are you talking about, you look fab in the pic!


  6. You look mahvelous, darlink! Truly gorgeous. I admire your ability to stay all that time in those hot heels. Congrats on being in the editor’s top picks as well!

    Enjoy your little vacation, Mr. Skittles and I will miss you terribly.


  7. You look FABULOUS. Are those 6 inch heels. My Gawd, you are hot.


  8. Safe travels and I’m not surprised you’re noticed by the WordPress OverLords. You rock (especially in those shoes, Sister)!


  9. Off the Wall says:

    Love the dress and can’t believe you actually WALKED in those fab shoes! You rock! Have a great vacation Erma!!!!


  10. Peg, you look great! And is it okay that the first thing I noticed about the pic was the shoes?! G’ahead girlfriend. Glad you had such a great time. You felt good – and that’s because of what you accomplished in the Biggest Loser challenge! Congrats again! Enjoy your time with family.


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks! I’m really looking forward to it. This afternoon I somehow have to figure out how to get emails on my new tablet computer. I’m too old for this stuff!!!!


  11. k8edid says:

    Okay, you look smoking in that dress and those shoes….now I can’t stand you. Hope you’re satisfied.


  12. You look beautiful – you must feel great.
    Have a wonderful trip and don’t worry about us blogging buddies .


  13. I’m sure I’m on a list somewhere, too.
    Only something tells me it’s not a very flattering one.
    Anyway, congrats on the listing! And the tripping! I hope you have a wonderful time!


  14. bigsheepcommunications says:

    You look spectacular, you hot thing! I didn’t know about the recommended list either – thanks for the tip : )


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks, sweetie!
      Looks like a lot of talent on that list. If only I could jettison my day job and just read blogs all day.
      Loved your article in The Ripe Report about working from home – I couldn’t do it.


  15. Janu says:

    Wow! You look FABULOUS in that dress!! How did you walk in those shoes? I would have needed to have someone on each arm keeping me steady. They are as sexy as they can be. Thank you for posting!


    • pegoleg says:

      Ain’t you a sweet thang! I wasn’t striding confidently around in them, that’s for sure. That seems to be a skill that some women are just born with – not me.


  16. Tar-Buns says:

    Woo-hoo, Peg! Great dress and OMG, what about those shoes??? Or, should I call them stilts?
    Glad you posted a picture. Your hotness is evident!
    Safe travels to the east coast. Enjoy but be safe when venturing into those off the road places, K? Love ya, T


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks Tar Baby! When I hit that link it doesn’t really take me there, either. The little busy thing just goes round and round. From the homepage there’s a tab, “Read Blogs”. Click on that and, down the side, one of the choices is “Recommended Blogs”. Choose a category (my personal favorite is humor, as you might imagine) and it brings up a menu of blogs. Looks like it’s a revolving door of choices, and I cycle through the list on occasion. Pretty cool, eh?


  17. Tar-Buns says:

    By the way, where is the Recommended List? Your link took me to the homepage but I didn’t see any list you mentioned. Please advise!


  18. Big Al says:

    You’re such a hottie that SC will feel like Florida. Have fun! Miss ya already.


  19. Sandy Sue says:

    Yowie! Hotsie Totsie! No wonder Bill got all blurry and squint-eyed–he was blinded by your bedazzle!


  20. Lenore Diane says:

    You are super-dooper, Peg! Thanks for having your husband snap a shot of you in the awesome dress and fine shoes. I think it is great he snapped it.
    The dress really is a winner, as are the shoes. Yep, you done did good, Peg. Now go enjoy yourself in SC. We’ll miss you. Though with one less blog to compete with – maybe I’ll get my 15 minutes of fame! *sigh* Nah. Hurry back.


  21. pattisj says:

    Wow, you look great, Peg, and the dress is lovely! I wouldn’t have been able to stand in those shoes long enough for the picture to be snapped!


  22. Barb says:

    I’m so glad you posted the pic. I was wondering how the ball went. You could kill with those shoes if you can balance on one foot and kick with the other. Congrats for reaching the Recommended column. Be careful as you travel.


  23. Angie Z. says:

    Peg! You look phenomenal! What are you talking about with the back hump thing? You look perfect. And that dress is beautiful. I’m glad you had a great evening.

    Thanks for telling me that I was on that WP recommended reading list — except that I’m pretty sure they’re going to take me down soon. It goes back to that thing I mentioned about not being cool if you’re worried about being cool. Once WP sees how many times a day I click on that page, the alarms will go off that I’m not cool enough to be on there anymore.

    Have a great trip! You’ll be missed.


    • Congrats on being up there too, Angie. I’ve noticed something about that WP page of recommended humor blogs: every blog I follow is on there. Everybody I know has been invited to the ‘cool kids’ party. While I sit at home shoveling skittles in my mouth watching TV with Mr. Skittles. Maybe they should have a button to click on for recommended blogs that are ‘Mildly Amusing’ or even ‘Needy and Desperate for Attention’? Peg, surely, you must have some pull over at the wordpress offices….


      • Angie Z. says:

        Darla, I have a hunch that this listing is where all the semi-recent FP people graduate to — you were on FP sometime in late September, right? (That’s the beautiful moment when I discovered your blog so I remember the timeframe.) So give us another month on there and then I’m sure we (me at least) will be back in the soup kitchen line again 🙂


  24. Curly Carly says:

    “Quasimoto in drag”- classic. For what it’s worth, that phrase certainly didn’t pop into my head upon seeing the picture. And I’m in awe of your heel-wearing talents. I think I’d have to be wheeled home after a night in those.

    I’ll have to check out the recommended reading list. I didn’t know about that. Thanks for the tip!


  25. Laura says:

    Wow, Peg, you look amazing! And congrats on being on the WordPress recommended list (I think I’m on the avoid-at-all-cost list).


  26. Dana says:

    You look AMAZING! Congratulations for being on the editor’s pick list, too– I just stumbled across it for the first time the other day. You weren’t on there (yet), but I did notice Good Greatsby. Way to go! 🙂


  27. Mary Kay says:

    You look so fab, dear Peg, I got teary thinking how much work you have put into your weight loss. You enjoy your time with the SC clan and the Rockports. Watch out for those early-bird specials!


  28. Umm…yeah, you still look hot and everything.

    But where the heck are you?! When ya comin’ back? What, are you out in the real world having a real life or something? I can’t take this much longer. I need your post hijacks. Plus Mr. Skittles has finally come running back to me after I finally won.


  29. Libby says:

    Love the silver shoes, Peg!! Beautiful, and you look pretty darn good, too! 🙂


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