In Defense Of The Fanny Pack

There’s still time to get your vacation in before summer’s over, so this is a good time to review some of my helpful vacation fashion tips.

Chillin’ with the rest of the PTA and lookin’ gooooood.


I have a fanny pack.  I am not being ironic.  I own a fanny pack, I use it, and I like it. Deal.

I realize that any shred of cool I might have claimed has just gone out the window, and I hope we can still be friends. My daughters treat me like a leper if we’re out in public and I’m fanny-tized.   I wore one when we went to New York City a couple of years ago, and they insisted on walking several blocks behind me.  I had to keep turning around to keep track of them – I was afraid they would be abducted from the streets of Chinatown.

Me on vaca. What? WHAT???

I don’t fanny-up for important business meetings, swanky events or funerals – there’s a time and place for everything. But they’re extremely practical for a lot of situations. I bet more people would give in to the fanny-allure if they really thought about how great they are to:

tote stuff: Daily life requires a lot of equipment. There are very few places outside my living room where I don’t need my car keys, Kleenex, pepper spray, drivers license, credit card, spending cash, hairbrush, Chap-stick, cell phone and hand-sanitizer.  Any mother of a young child could double this list. You can’t carry more than a Kleenex in today’s skin-tight jeans  – ask anyone who has been to a college or pro football game lately, where bags of any kind are banned.

keep your hands free: I need to keep my hands free when:
– walking/hiking/exercising
– shopping
– sight-seeing
I usually carry a purse, but they can get in the way. They’re heavy, they dig into your shoulder and they slide right down your arm at the exact moment you’re reaching for a fragile, priceless vase at an antique shop.

stay with you: The world is a dangerous place and I’m careless. Put the two together and the risk rises exponentially that my purse will be:
– stolen
– left behind.
I might set my purse down in all the excitement of bargain hunting, and the next thing you know, poof!  It’s gone.   When your valuables are firmly belted around your waist it’s a lot tougher for them to walk away.  And while I might not feel it if a robber dipped their hand into my purse, I think I’d notice if somebody was fondling my midsection.

I was talking about this vital fashion accessory recently with my cousin Kathy, who is a super-chic fashionista, and she said the fanny pack is coming back into style.  Yes!  I knew if I waited long enough I would be fashion-forward once more.  Wait until I tell my girls!

This would be a good time to root around in my closet and unearth some more classic fashion pieces.  Now that the fanny pack is back in style, mom jeans are sure to be cutting-edge again any day now.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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57 Responses to In Defense Of The Fanny Pack

  1. susielindau says:

    I used a cross-body bag in Europe. You can thank Matthew McConaughey for the revival!


  2. Al says:

    If anyone can rock a fanny pack, it’s Peg-o-Leg! (Your vaca picture notwithstanding)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. helen J bryan says:

    For many years my daughter would never let me forget that i did use a fanny pack once about 25 years ago. Recently ( gasp), same daughter comes to my house with a fanny pack around her waist. Not being one to pass up an opportunity to get in a snide comment, I remarked on the new fanny pack. After eye rolling , she informed me that these are now in style, but I just don’t know new fashions trends. So, roll out the fanny packs!


  4. In Ireland we call these bumbags. We use the word fanny for lady private bits so you can imagine how funny this is for me😂

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Elyse says:

    Well, now that I can be a slave to fashion, I can dig mine out too!. Thanks for the update, Peg!


  6. Judy Budy says:

    Thanks for another good read! Love you, Miss Margaret😘


  7. Yes! I am glad they are back in style because, as you so succinctly summarized, they are uber handy.
    If anyone knows about fashion trends, it certainly would be cuz’n Kathy. You’re both fashionistas!
    I giggled when I learned the meaning of fanny in Ireland. Must be a hoot! 🙂
    Fun read, Peggles 🙂


  8. Some of today’s fanny packs come with an additional strap to secure the thing around your thigh, or strap configurations to wear like a shoulder holster. Some others are wider belts with a ton of pockets around that belt.

    The hippys and funky call ’em festival bags or utility belts…but you can only lay claim to those names if you’ve been to (or are planning on going to) burning man.

    Me? I like the classic…bring on the fanny pack!


    • pegoleg says:

      I’ve never even heard those terms, so I obviously can stake no claim to either being hip or funky.

      I have a really skinny fanny pack – more of a belt- that’s good to hold car keys, and nothing else, if you’re playing tennis. It’s just a stretch of lycra. I can jam my cell phone in one zippered pocket if I really stretch it, and then it looks like a python who just swallowed a groundhog is wrapped around my waist.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I use to have a couple of fanny packs. They were perfect when travelling or walking/hiking for all the reasons above. I folded under the pressure of the anti-fanny pack fashionistas and got rid of them. At least once a week I wish I had kept one “just in case”. I’m glad they are making a come back and as soon as I see one in a store I will be all over that.


  10. I love my fanny pack that I purchased 13 years ago in Las Vegas at the Golden Nugget. I know where I got it because ‘Golden Nugget’ is imprinted in gold on the front of it. Yes, it is tacky, but, hey, it is becoming a family heirloom. Who knew?


  11. I think if they marketed them as “Bum Bags” they’d truly come back in style. I think I’ll have to dig mine out of the closet now. (I do have a photo of me wearing a fanny pack back in 1992 in Oregon….I’ll email it to you later so you can have a good guffaw at work today!)


  12. Most women look good with fanny packs. I may get one for my wife. You should see her purse. Personally, I would rather be slowly cooked over any open flame, then wear one.


  13. Pingback: Fanny Packs are Back! – that little voice

  14. I use a “waist pouch” when I walk my dog to hold his treats and bags. “Waist pouch” makes me feel better about the whole thing.


  15. Pingback: In Defense Of The Fanny Pack — Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings | By the Mighty Mumford

  16. Pingback: In Defense Of The Fanny Pack — Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings – Travel etc etc

  17. josypheen says:

    I still can’t keep a straight face when you refer to it as a fanny back. We always called them bum bags…although most people seem to wear them on the front, so maybe they should be marketed as “belly-wrap-bags” or something like that!?


    • pegoleg says:

      I can’t believe I didn’t know that! I think I’ve caused an international incident. Diplomats are scurrying back and forth across the pond and the Queen has been quoted as saying, “we are not amused.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • jancarol11 says:

        My first thoughts, too – it’s the same in Australia. Fanny not a polite word. Stunned that we Americans name our daughters that….


  18. PiedType says:

    I have a training pouch for when I was training my dog — room for pet treats, ID and keys, etc. No problem when with the dog. More recently I got a running belt to carry my phone, keys, and ID when out walking, but I couldn’t easily access the phone once it was secured. Obviously there’s a lot to be said for a hands-free carrier of some kind, if we could just get past the “fanny pack” label.


  19. jancarol11 says:

    Huge bum bag fan here. I know it’s ugly – but it’s so functional. When hand was injured, could be operated with one hand. No setting it down, hanging it on the back of the chair, no losing stuff. It’s on me at all times. It’s not a purse, it’s a kit, and an essential for modern living, style be danged.
    But I did a number on the hips and have switched the kit to the “Healthy Back Bag” – it’s just as functional a kit as they bum bag. Almost as ugly, too, as it sits across shoulder and front. But – can fly it with one hand, it’s almost as bottomless as a Bag of Holding (holds kindle and a book in addition to a drink and my regular gear.
    I might even take either of these bags to a funeral or a meeting. It’s just too functional to have free hands, especially when you get older!


  20. If you use and fanny pack AND a selfie stick AND walk three abreast slowly on a sidewalk, you get pushed in front of the crosstown M42 bus. Just a warning.

    I think MC Hammer pants are making a comeback, too. Not kidding.


  21. brandedmerch says:

    Haha! I love this, and hope fanny packs make an amazing comeback. I’ll keep an eye out for stylish styles for gifts and giveaways my clients can consider for swag gifts. 😉


  22. maximolint says:

    Mom jeans and a fanny pack. The perfect combination!


  23. Jo says:

    I didn’t realize the virtues of a fanny pack until I travelled with two small kids by air and then on s cruise. It’s sure handy for passports. Good thing I didnt have teens though because it was BRIGHT yellow 😉


  24. I’d just like to have my midsection fondled, to be truthful. You’re so right about purses being more trouble than they’re good for. Nice post!


  25. Pingback: In Defense Of The Fanny Pack — Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings – Knot-X

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