Have You Made Your Lunar New Year’s Resolutions?

Blogging on the moon: still OK

Blogging on the moon: still OK

Happy New Year!  Friday, January 31st marks the Lunar New Year, and you know what that means.  If you’ve already blown your regular New Year’s resolutions, this is your chance for a fresh new start.  Except, obviously, Lunar New Year resolutions have to do with the moon.

Here are mine:

1)      I hereby resolve not to eat green cheese.  Except for Gorgonzola and blue cheese, which, although it’s called blue, often has a green cast to it.   I’m definitely swearing off green American cheese, but will still enjoy the American blues. Strictly from a musical standpoint.

2)      I hereby resolve not to moon anyone, especially while traveling in a car.  By the time I got my Spanx pulled down, the light would probably have turned green anyway, much like the cheese.

3)      I hereby resolve to listen to The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd even more often than I currently do, and that’s a lot.

4)      I hereby resolve to sing Shine On Harvest Moon in that “yo-di-oh-do”, Rudy Vallee kind of way, whenever I’m on a hay-rack ride during the month of October.

5)      I hereby resolve to learn the moonwalk.  Naaaaah.  That’s too hard.  I’ll just watch the maestro,  Michael Jackson getting down with his fine, smooth self to Billie Jean.

6)      I hereby resolve to finally learn that tricky part of Moonlight Sonata that I could never get right, even after 6 years of lessons with Mrs. Meilach.  As soon as I get a piano.

7)      I hereby resolve to keep my eyes peeled for any jumping cows, violin-playing cats or cutlery doing the 50-yard dash and, if seen, I will report them to the proper authorities.

What are your Lunar New Year Resolutions?

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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70 Responses to Have You Made Your Lunar New Year’s Resolutions?

  1. lisaspiral says:

    Only you could make resolutions sound like so much fun. Happy birthday to everyone born in the year of the horse!


  2. Hey! If I started a resolution on January 1st, and give up on it at midnight, can I still claim it as a win, since it’s the next New Years, right? Am I pushing it?


  3. I would love to learn to do a moon walk like our incomparable Michael Jackson…even just a few inches or a foot. Call me an ace when I can do it across the kitchen tile floor. Perhaps GS can teach me…if not this MJ move, one of his.


  4. mistyslaws says:

    I will resolve to call the authorities if I see that Man in the Moon peaking into my windows. Again. Either that, or I resolve to close my blinds more often. That guy is SUCH a perv!


  5. Snoring Dog Studio says:

    I resolve to be more looney (luny) because that’s the only way I can make it through the year!


  6. No green cheese. Got it. What about green eggs and ham?


  7. I am over the moon with your lunar resolutions! But it’s not unusual for me to be delighted by your posts, it’s certainly not a once in a blue moon occurence, in fact I’m going to have to start moonlighting if I want my blog posts to be as inspired as yours…these are bad aren’t they…ok, let’s try something else…I resolve to distill some moonshine, to drink while I eat moon pie, and….let’s see…no, I think I’m done.


  8. PinotNinja says:

    I’ve been waiting for the perfect excuse to re-watch the entire run of Moonlighting! Bring on the 1980s Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepard.


  9. I, for one, intend to go out on a date with Moon Unit Zappa.


  10. The Cutter says:



  11. Carrie Rubin says:

    I hereby resolve to eat a Moon Pie. A nice, chocolaty one. Oh, the horrors I subject myself, too.


  12. I am on my way to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate with a large group of people. I resolve to eat everything I take off the buffet…the first trip.


  13. Blogdramedy says:

    I’m going to read all the comments in my spam folder from when I wrote a post about Chinese food.
    And in an hour, when I’m done, I’ll read them again.
    Because…Chinese food.


    • pegoleg says:

      I was gonna go the Chinese New Year route but I was too afraid of being called out as an insensitive jerk if I went with a whole list of cliches pertaining to persons of Chinese descent. I figure the moon doesn’t have its own Easily Offended Special Interest Group With An Agenda And A Platform….yet.


  14. OK, now my NEW new year’s resolution is to fly you out here to Maine so we can play Moonlight Sonata together (one of my fave piano pieces to play!)

    Also, I resolve to keep eating cheese in all its forms. I just had scrambled eggs with cheddar for lunch. Boom.

    I resolve to never type the word “boom” again in a comment.


  15. susielindau says:

    You better get to work. That’s a pretty tough list, piano included.
    I resolve to eat blue cheese with a fork while looking out at the moon. Somehow, in that moment, all will be right in The Year of the Horse. **whinnie**


  16. I felt inspired and did a post today that almost looks like the moon…

    The Beaten Path Insults My Intelligence


  17. Al says:

    I vow that this will be the year I finally carry a moonbeam home in a jar and be better off than I are….er….am.


  18. I hereby resolve not to look at The New York Time’s cover of Hillary Clinton as a PLANET!! 🙂


  19. JC says:

    I resolve to ride a moon blind horse to the Himalayas, and moonlight as a Sherpa until I find a moon bear to wrestle by starlight.
    Or I might just look up & say, “Oh look, it’s a full moon,” the next time I see one. One of those two.


  20. Love it!!!

    (crooning) Moon river, wider than a mile – – I’m crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker …

    Also – – has anyone ever seen a movie called “Shoot the Moon” ?? I am dating myself now but it was a really good film with Dianne Keaton in ’82.


  21. I resolve not to make that idle threat to Alice Kramden again. She’s heard it enough, and it’s clearly never gonna happen.


  22. I resolve not to curse at people in anything other than English on any Dallas freeways for one month.

    I believe I can keep that one. I love your ambition.


  23. The not mooning anyone resolution seems well-advised for all of us. I resolve to smile each time I see the moon–I think I should have been born on the moon, but, then, I couldn’t look at her magnificence and constant flow from full to nothing to full, which is kind of how I feel a lot of the time… 😉

    Sorry I can’t catch up on all of your posts–I’m just trying to make an effort to let you know I’m still alive, kicking, and thinking of you!


  24. dorannrule says:

    Your resolutions are absolutely hilarious! By comparison, my own are mundane. I must think of making better Lunar resolutions before the Lunar date for making them is up. Already failed on the regular New Year’s resolves…. maybe there is an Ides of March period for reinvention?


  25. Pleun says:

    Coincedentally the Lunar New Year was on the same day as my birthday. Which, as everyone knows is a bad day for resolutions. So I’ll stick to my usual one (not to make any). But I have to say yours are brilliant! Wish I would have thought of that, or maybe I did and it had to just be those braincells I wasted during a fairly liquid lunch… 😉


  26. And by calling it Lunar New Year, you don’t leave the Vietnamese community out. There’s been lion dancers all over for the past week…they used to call it Asian History Month here – but who knows if that’s the right term these days – terms change so much.
    What was that moon song in “It’s a Beautiful Life”? It was all “lasso the moon”, “by the light of the silvery moon” and stuff for poor ole George.
    Well, no point mooning over vague memories.


  27. Archie says:

    My husband has vowed to listen to The Wall a gazillion times. I’ve vowed to buy ear plugs.
    I love Floyd… just not all the time 🙂


  28. Dana says:

    I’m giving up moonshine. Not hard, since I’ve never tried the stuff, but it’s the thought that counts.


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