My Dad Has No Rhythm, Yet Is Master Of The Dance

My Dad is the one in the snappy plaid jacket.

My Dad sired 9 children.  He then topped that accomplishment by staying around, with our Mom, to raise every one of us.   For that reason alone, he deserves to be Father of The Year.

Not convinced?  Here are a few things you should know about him.

My Dad…

can clear a room quicker than you can say National Geographic.  Not because of poor hygiene or a less-than-winning personality, but because of his TV viewing habits. 

All us kids would be piled into our tiny sunroom watching The Monkees or Get Smart on TV Dad would come in, squat next to the set and start flipping the dial.  (This was in the dark days before remotes.)  He would come upon a fascinating National Geographic special on plate tectonics and there he would stay.   We all groaned, rolled our eyes, exclaimed “Da-a-ad!” and left the room.  If we were old enough to do so, we flounced out. 

As he squatted next to the set, chewing his nails and staring raptly at the educational program du jour, we would hear his voice faintly, fading as we scattered through our big, old house “Hey, don’t you want to watch this?  This is really interesting!”

should have joined the Navy.  He bought his first boat when we were young kids.  This started a life-long love affair second only to the one he shares with my Mom.   I loved the family trips, especially to Mackinac Island each summer. 

Each new boat was bigger than the last, and all the early ones were wood.   When I think of how much of my life was spent in the boat shed, stripping varnish off metal trim and sticking Coopernal-ed toothpicks into screw holes, all I can say is… Dad, I forgive you.

is one of the smartest people I know.  Too smart.  He was always ready to help with math homework, but his explanation would sail right over your head.  After just a few minutes, your eyes would glaze over.  We’d say, “Thanks, Dad, I get it now.” and he would walk away, mission accomplished.  He never suspected we would call a friend for help as soon as he left the room.

He has taught celestial navigation for years, a skill I greatly admire even though the topic makes me glaze over worse than math.

has no rhythm that I’ve noticed, but is the Master of the Dance.  He is best known for The Mosquito Ballet.

On sultry summer nights when we were very little, the windows and the balcony door in our bedroom would be opened to catch any stray breezes.  Somehow the mosquitoes always got in to plague us.  Dad to the rescue.  Wearing a sappy expression and brandishing a fly swatter, he would leap and pirouette about the room, chasing the pesky bugs.   We stood in our cribs and beds, flushed and sweating in diapers and t-shirts,  shrieking with laughter, the sound floating out into the hot, still nights.

is a Yankee Doodle Dandy.   Not because of his patriotism, though he is a proud and loyal American, but because of his zeal for the 4th of July. 

My Dad loves fireworks with the pure joy of a child. 

As my brothers got older they bought fireworks, most from the lawless land of Indiana, to set off in the driveway.  Dad half-heartedly endorsed Mom’s edict to stop because those things “were just too dangerous”, but you could tell only the strictest discipline kept him from elbowing the boys aside to light the fuses himself.  

To this day, almost every 4th of July, Dad and some of the family take the boat down the river to watch the fireworks over the water.  That’s the only way to see them.

tells a shaggy dog story with the best of them.   There’s a real art to telling the long, involved joke known as the shaggy dog.  Dad has great delivery, no doubt. The problem is remembering the whole story.  Early on, he developed a system.  He wrote down his best material and kept the notes tucked in the front pocket of his shirt. 

Our parents used to host cocktail and dinner parties pretty often when we were kids.  Dad would duck into a corner, surreptitiously refer to his notes, and then sally forth to slay the crowd with his latest gems.

All his shirts still have pockets, and they still bulge with papers.  I know for a fact most of those papers are jokes, now sent by friends via that new, joke-passing technology, email.

is a devout man.  He spent years in the seminary before deciding the priesthood was not for him.  But his faith and devotion to God have been constants in his life; something he and Mom passed on to their children.

When we were kids, we said family prayers almost every night.  As I entered my teens, I must admit that I didn’t have quite the appreciation for this ritual that I have now, in retrospect. 

Sometimes, in the middle of our devotions, one of my brothers would let one fly: pass gas, fart, release the Silent-But-Deadly hounds of hell.  Of course we all started giggling, then looked guiltily to our parents.  They tried to maintain the mood.  But more often than not, Dad would lose it.  He’d start laughing.  It was that highly contagious laughter that you couldn’t resist.  We all joined in, laughing until we were leaning on the couch, crying.  When it was obvious this train was not going to get back on the holy track, he’d waive us weakly from the room. 

Prayers called on account of laughter. I think God understood.

At 83, his ballet jumps aren’t what they once were.  The boat will probably be sold this year.  But Dad still teaches others how to navigate by the stars.   He worked hard every day of his life to provide for us.   He still tells a great shaggy dog story, and loves and supports God, my Mom and the rest of his family.   For these reasons and more, I’m sure you’ll agree that the Father of the Year Award should go to – my Dad.

What’s that you say?  My Dad sounds great, but you’d like to nominate someone else – maybe your dad?  Fair enough. 

If you’re blessed to still be able to do so, join me in telling each of our nominees for Father of the Year:

Thanks Dad.

I love you.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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235 Responses to My Dad Has No Rhythm, Yet Is Master Of The Dance

  1. Seasweetie says:

    Peg, your post made me teary. I know that one day, hopefully in the far distant future, there will be a star in heaven that is your Dad, still guiding you and your brothers and sisters. But you omitted one thing… Your Dad….. raised an amazing,eloquent, loving daughter.


  2. Tar-Buns says:

    Once again you reduce me to weepies. Our Dad is the best. Your writing is exceptional and eloquent. There’s so much good to say about this strong yet humble man. The older I get, the luckier I know we are to have such a loving Dad.
    I love the family church photo of everyone but me, the cereal bowl hairdo kid. How come I didn’t get a nice do like MK and Carolyn??? Ah, the memories 🙂
    Love ya, T


  3. bigsheepcommunications says:

    I nominate you for Daughter of the Year for that very loving tribute. By the way, how is it a mom of 9 looks so fabulous, so calm, so relaxed?


  4. pegoleg says:

    I think she was heavily medicated for most of the early years (JUST kidding, Mom.) She does look fab, doesn’t she?


  5. Now, that’s a Father’s Day gift.


  6. Love this post pegoleg! And I love the picture. Which one are you?


  7. Such a fun post — I, too, have witnessed my dad perform the mosquito ballet, and it’s a must-see!


    Congrats on a well-deserved Father’s Day Freshly Pressed…



    • Jeannie Rupp says:

      Luv, luv, luv this post! I laughed so hard at the “devout man” paragraph. Similar things happened in my family :). Then, I too, got teary eyed at the end. I wish I had your special talent for writing. You are Blessed! Congrats! Jeannie


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks so much! I can’t believe I can remember those days – must have been all of 2 years old.


  8. Love it. You have a wonderful father. And nine kids?! I take it your parents had a good marriage 🙂


  9. That was a beautiful tribute to your father. I am so glad I saw this, and read it!


  10. Tar-Buns says:

    Wow, Peg!!! What a great post to be FP. I was actually thinking that it was well worthy when I read it before you were pressed. You rock, sista! Congrats again!!!


  11. Mr. Green says:

    The photo is priceless, makes me want to go did up some old photos of my family. I am also inspired to write a Fathers Day post to my blog. Thanks.


  12. MKC says:

    Wonderful post, I can hardly see the keyboard through my tears. We do have an awesome Dad! You put into words what we sibs all feel and I thank you for that. Your writing ability is fabulous and congrats for being Freshly Pressed. Love-MK


  13. MKC says:

    PS I just copied all 5 pages and in COLOR, first one I have done in color! It’s a great keepsake for our family. MK


  14. A great post. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have as wonderful dad as I do. How blessed we are. How I wish everyone to have been raised by a strong, devout father. What a difference that would make to our world!

    Thanks Dad!


  15. Kathleen says:

    We must be very close in age as all my brothers and sisters (eight of us) had those same haircuts at around those ages. Remember the “pixie” haircut – I was in first grade when I got my first “pixie”. A beautiful post. I remember riding in my uncle’s wooden speed boat – collector’s items now. The Monkees and Get Smart – wonderful memories of watching those shows with us crowded around the TV. Mom would bring Dad and herself a cup of coffee served on the Ham’s Beer tray. I wish I had that tray. Thank you for bringing back wonderful memories.


  16. 9 kids! WOW!

    Do not sell the boat – how else are you going to put to work all the youngsters of the family? 😉


  17. Cricket says:

    Great post! I laughed out loud and seriously thought about getting teary-eyed.


  18. Seasweetie says:

    And look at you, all Freshly Pressed!!!! So deserving!


  19. gaycarboys says:

    good heavens…. My gran had 8 boys in a house with no gay, electricity, telephone or transport in the middle of the countryside. It must have been something like your place 🙂 I think they must have been made of tougher stuff! Great story too by the way…


  20. SoapBird says:

    I came across your blog on Freshly Pressed. Congrats! Such a sweet read! 🙂


  21. Eva McCane says:

    GREAT family photo! huge family too!


  22. I absolutely love this!! It reminds me of when I was a kid with my dad. I am now 32 and would give anything to get those days back!


  23. artreviewed says:

    Your dad sounds like a truly amazing man! 🙂


  24. Al says:

    Great tribute to an obviously loving and amusing father. If my kids have half the great memories as you, they’ll be fine.


  25. Libertarian says:

    Peg, I should have obeyed the little voice in my head that said NOT to read this at work… truly sappy, and truly moving (note the wiping of tears)!! Yes, Dad can be called one of the great ones. Thanks be to God for such a loving dad to all nine of us crazy kids!!


  26. Lisa says:

    Love the photo


  27. Lancelot says:

    This was fun. Thanks.


  28. design98 says:

    Ah, yes, the Monkees & Get Smart. Thanks for the memories of our television viewing and paternal preemption heydays. It is obvious that you(and I know I certainly would not) change one thing about these sweet memories.


  29. GD says:

    What a great, touching post to honor your dad. He seems like such a well-rounded guy who we’d all like to meet. You did him justice with this piece.

    My writing blog:


  30. Very nice tribute. I love the TV viewing one. What is it about dads and dull TV?


  31. eggwegg says:

    Your second sentence alone says it all — He then topped that accomplishment by staying around, with our Mom, to raise every one of us.— A statement that many fathers cannot claim. Praise the Lord for your dad. Thank you for sharing!!


    • pegoleg says:

      Isn’t it sad that many fathers can’t claim that? I can’t see letting any force on this earth keep me from my kids. The Lord has blessed my Dad, and all of us who know him.


  32. Emjayandthem says:

    Your beautiful tribute to your loving (and hilarious) Dad made me long for mine; oh we are the lucky ones aren’t we? Lucky to have had (or still have) a Dad who was sweet, funny, devoted and, most importantly, there.

    Cheers! MJ


  33. takadi says:

    dear lady i was so happy to read such a tribute for a are an angel and i am sure you will be more if you gratify us with a similar tribute for the loving sparrow that carried the burden with daddy:mummy. thanks a are abeautiful candle glowing in the night.


    • pegoleg says:

      Thank you so much for reading, and for your kind comment.


      • KOUIDER LAHCEN says:

        we have similar big families here in Morocco but many children end up in terrible problems when irresponsible fathers leave so as to create new problems away from their first are blessed to have such a loving father.we usually do not appreciate the real value of things until we miss them.your story reminds me of a country singer i love too much:DOLLY PARTON.TAKADI from MOROCCO


  34. Beverly Mascio says:

    A wonderful tribute.


  35. Naraluna says:

    What a wonderful way to describe your father! Well, it seems that he should be awarded! 🙂 I have also been blessed with a wonderful father who taught how to be strong and how to fight for making my dreams come true. I admire and love him very much. I think both of us are very lucky people because we have a wonderful caring father in our lives. Best wishes for you and your family! It’s been a pleasure to read your blog! 🙂


  36. indowaves says:

    Yes, I think your father is the hot favourite for “Father of the Year” award. I must say I really enjoyed reading your post. It’s written in quite a brilliant way.

    I have also talked about attributes of my father in one of my posts titled: Remembering-exceptional-souls-who-shaped-my-simple-life.

    Remembering Exceptional Souls Who Shaped My Simple Life !

    Please have a look at the post.

    -Arvind K. Pandey


  37. Sandy Sue says:

    Your dad and Mike Brady—if only!
    Your voice really comes through in this piece, Peg. One for the book you should be writing.


    • pegoleg says:

      Oh, Mike Brady was waaay cooler than my dear Dad. I used to berate my parents because they didn’t show the same high level of concern for every pimple that erupted to ruin my date with the Big-Man-On-Campus. Thanks for the kind words!


  38. eva626 says:

    love the photo!!! and such a great post!!!


  39. Wow, look at you, Miss Freshly Pressed! And what a wonderful homage to your dad!


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks, Renee. I encourage everyone to check out your blog and read your inspiring story about your dad, and finding meaning (and perhaps a measure of peace?) in sharing.


  40. tliou says:

    This is so sweet, and by the way… that is absolutely the perfect family portrait! I love it! 🙂 I just posted my Father’s Day blog entry too!!! Go dads!


  41. klrs09 says:

    That was beautifully written — your father obviously loved you very much. Congrats on being FP’d!


  42. Excellent! now that is a man of character! a lot like my father who is now 82, the 60’s and 70’s were great! great writing! held my interest all the way through….first time I’ve heard of the word ‘flounced’ lol thanks…


  43. Pingback: The Perfect Recession-Proof Gift (a Father’s Day post) « Alan W. King's Blog

  44. hissimplelook says:

    So Thoughtful!


  45. A heartwarming post. Have been thinking of my own father these last few days. He would have qualified for father of the year in his day.

    You have some wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing them. And it goes without saying – enjoy the time you have with your wonderful dad now. You will never regret the time you spend with him.

    And congrats on being freshly pressed!


  46. Pingback: Dear Old Dads by kristin « RawFoodChef

  47. Wow! What a lovely tribute! Great, great story telling! I’d buy this if you wrote it into a book!!!


  48. workingonthemindbodyandspirit says:

    Love your post! My dad had nine children as well, so I know first hand that it takes a good man to do that and do it well. It takes a “real” man.


  49. thesunnygirl says:

    What a great way to honor your dad. I really enjoyed it. My dad actually does love to dance, though–he can swing like no other. Have to say, I haven’t seen him attempt fly swatting ballet yet.

    Here’s what I wrote for my dad:

    Have a Happy Father’s Day!

    Keep shining,
    The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


  50. So loved this post! I wished I had honored my father in such a beautiful way, before he passed 18 years ago.


    • Just happened to notice your comment. Actually you can still honour his memory now. It is never too late to express appreciation – even if he is unable to read it. But you certainly could still share the legacy of your memories and record what is on your heart. It will probably do you good, and it could well be uplifting for your readers as well.

      Just a thought, from one whose father passed away 12 years ago.


  51. Oh my gosh. My mom was one of 9, so your photo looks so familiar to me, and your father sounds exactly like my grandfather. Happy Fathers Day to him for sure!!!


  52. nicolemartinez says:

    Touching! I love this.


  53. anne says:

    What a great tribute to your dad.. sounds like you had a fantastic family! I loved how he’d “clear a room..” wasn’t what I expected! hah


  54. elhave says:

    such a nice writing about amazing dad ^^
    wish for the best for your family.


  55. carol says:

    beautiful tribute!


  56. rp71 says:

    Amazing post…touched my heart


  57. Jane says:

    Just beautiful, Peg!


  58. Isobel says:

    What a great article! Your Dad sounds great. My husband shares your Dads taste in TV shows!


  59. taureanw says:

    Awesome post!


  60. Wonderfulpost especially for those of us who were raised without a consistant father figure. My Mom is my dad, so I always wish her a Happy Father’s Day too b/c she had to be mom and dad. A lovely post and so nice to know that those of you who have great dad’s apprecaite them!!! And to all the Moms who had to be dads and all the dads who have had to be Mom…double good wished to you all!


  61. John Hunsinger says:

    Very nice Peg. All we got him was a tie.


    • pegoleg says:

      I’m sure it’s a really, really nice tie.

      Just sat down to my computer with my morning coffee and spewed it all over the monitor. This cracked me up…big time.


  62. bunganizam says:

    oh dear,,, i just read this post and it reminds me of my daddy who is now is walking on the stairway to heaven,,

    well i love the way you describe that your dad is so smart and you know,, i do feel the same

    everytime he had shown me the best trick in math,, my eyes would glaze and now,,, i missed that moment 🙂

    nice to read ur post


    • pegoleg says:

      It’s great that you had such a wonderful father, and that you appreciate him. There are a lot of people who can’t say that. Thanks for reading my blog!


  63. Pingback: My daddy « NonaBunga

  64. Awesome post 😀 I just posted my ‘Top Five Disney Dads’ on my blog Please check it out and support thanks 🙂


  65. countoncross says:

    I love your stories…..I can picture some of the same things happening in my house. Love your blog


  66. imaginecreation says:

    There are seven kids in my family. My dad sired and stuck around to raise all of us too. A pastor for 20 years of my childhood . . . hard working, loving, devoted. Your post hit home with me this morning. Thanks for sharing!! My kids and I are headed up to visit he and my mom next week. =0)


  67. hayadith says:

    hi there..send my regards to ur dad. Tell him, he has done his job well. 🙂


  68. What a beautiful post! I very much enjoyed it.


  69. Jackie says:

    And again! Grats, Peg – this is a very deserving post. Heck, I’d make it Freshly Pressed just for the jacket he’s sporting in that pic. 😉


    • pegoleg says:

      He owes much of his sartorial splendor to me, because I had to iron all his shirts when I was about 13. To this day, I don’t own anything that isn’t wash-and-wear.


  70. Priceless! You write with such ease and light-heartedness. You’ve got a new fan and I can see why this post was chosen to be Freshly Pressed! Congratulations on having such a great dad and being such a great writer!


  71. This is a beautiful post… so descriptive and heartwarming! I can just see your dad flailing around, swatting mosquitoes. I love when people have a great, silly sense of humor! Great, great memories… thanks for sharing!


  72. This is one of the fun-est posts I’ve ever read. Well done. And congratulations on making the front page !!


  73. Harold says:

    A nice tribute to your Dad! Sounds a lot like mine. That picture of your family has to be from the early 70’s? We have lots of those. My dad didn’t boat or do mosquito dances but he did family trips and always seem to find fallen trees across streams to dance on. My parents had one less kid that yours at eight I was number 7. We carried that on with 6 of our own.
    Congrats on being FP!


  74. Arnold Watson says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post about your dad. It got me a little emotional as my dad has been deceased for over twenty years. Thank you for a great article!


    • pegoleg says:

      We’ve been so blessed that both of our parents are still alive, although we tragically lost a brother. I guess we need to remember to make each day count, because we never know what tomorrow brings, do we?


  75. I can see you flouncing in my mind! Your dad sounds like a very cool guy.
    Thanks to some modern devices, my kids have been growing up with the pleasure of Get Smart, Gilligan’s Island, and My Three Sons. I am happy to report that the humor of these shows is timeless. The Monkees is passable for them, but comes off as more dated.


  76. Lafemmeroar says:

    Funny and touching. I love the first paragraph. Nicely done 🙂


  77. I can just see those ballet jumps! Great post!


  78. SallyK says:

    When I saw your photo I knew it was a church directory photo! I have one that looks very similar but only 4 kids in our family. Is thatyou behind your Dad? I even had a plaid dress like that and only slightly longer hair! Great story about your Dad. I’m lucky that my Dad is still with us too. Our Dad’s are a rare and precious breed.


    • pegoleg says:

      There is something about the church directory photo. Maybe because that’s the only time most families ever get in front of a photographer? So glad you still have your dad around.


  79. Dad’s are awesome. Great post!!!


  80. Your Dad sounds awesome 🙂 Yep, I remember having just one TV, and my Dad could clear a room, too!


    • pegoleg says:

      I don’t think anyone had more than 1 TV back in the day – what extravagance! Of course, when there were only a couple of channels, who needed more than 1?


  81. I’m running almost a week behind in my reading, but I had to pop in and congratulate you on being FP’d, Peggy! I especially love the account of your dad changing the channel on the TV…

    He was probably tickled to read your tribute! What a great Father’s Day present!



  82. Tar-Buns says:

    I am compelled to mention that our Dad actually DOES have rhythm, is quite the dancer, according to Mom, and we all know, has a beautiful baritone voice. We grew up with music, because Dad’s a great fan of big band, classical, humorous – music in many forms.

    Tomorrow will be busy with both Dad’s to celebrate. (We are lucky). First, we will have breakfast with hubby’s Dad and his sister and husband, at OUR house (I just learned) tomorrow mid morning (must clean!).

    Next, we’re off to the boat club for my Dad’s day cookout. It will be grand, Mar Rosalie! 🙂 Wish you could join us, Peg!

    Cheers to all the Dads!


  83. Jenny says:

    You should give us at least first names and also I was curious when the photo was taken. When I looked at the photo my first thought was, a Catholic family. Made me smile and I felt a lot of similarities. Also I am missing my dad even more today. He passed in the spring, but what treasured memories we have.


  84. LouLou says:

    Beautiful tribute!!!!! I learned a lot about my Uncle through this. Thanks for sharing!


  85. Your Dad deserves the Best treat ever! Well maybe casino today, and a ticket for Ballroom dancing..hehe
    I hope your Dad stay as healthy as he is 😀
    Great post..☺


  86. bellab85 says:

    Well done on a great blog post! Your piece brought a tear to my eye.
    Your dad sounds like a great guy and we can see the great love and respect you have for him.
    Happy Father’s Day to your family


  87. Selena Beany says:

    I just love that you used the word ‘sired’!


  88. kukkumol says:

    I LOVE MY DADDY;);););) YOU R THE BEST DAD IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE..U R MY LIFE MY FATHER…I love u,i love u,i love u more than anything in this world daddy..u r my heart!! May god give all my happiness to u and all ur sorrows to me=D….Alwazzz b HAAPPPPYYYYYY..LoVe U sO mUcH mY DEAR DAD.Happyyy Father’s Day=D ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


  89. This is so beautiful. Your vivid, laughing, loving description of your Dad is amazing. As another daughter in a family of nine kids, I love the way you describe your experience growing up with such love. Thanks for your beautiful post.


  90. Always bullied says:

    I can only envy you.


    • pegoleg says:

      Oh, that really tugs at my heart strings. I read somewhere that we get two chances in life at a great child/parent relationship. When we are the children, we have no control. But we have a second chance with children of our own, if that is a choice that life gives. I hope you have other warm, wonderful relationships in your life.


  91. You made my day with this post! 🙂

    I guess if we’d really sit down to find out the ‘world’s best dad’, it would be the world’s first tie with everyone tied on the first spot!


  92. poetgranny says:

    A beautiful man and a beautiful tribute. I too am from a family of 9 kids! Third oldest. My dad died at 38 when I was 16 and my mom died at 55. She never remarried. With that many kids you can imagine the devastation, but all of us are still close and we cherish our many happy memories. What the world needs is more brave, corny dads!!


    • pegoleg says:

      Hey, I’m #3 also! So sorry you lost both your parents so early. But it is a real blessing to be close to your sibs – lots of people can’t stand their own families.


    • Libertarian says:

      I’m sorry for your loss, Poetgranny!!! I am glad you have so many wonderful memories of your loving upbringing! 🙂


  93. missumerica1 says:

    FANTASTIC! He had me with the jacket and your words just reeled me in!


  94. Pingback: My Dad Has No Rhythm, Yet Is Master Of The Dance (via Ramblings) « godlysexuality

  95. Rita Vanbeber says:

    the National Geographic part reminds me of when we had moved into a new house and had gotten cable for the first time. My husband gathered up all 5 kids aged 2 thru 9 and brought them to the tv to watch National Geographic “Birds do it Bees do it” only to freak out when rhino mating appeared. He quickly changed channel and said” OK kids thats it for now. Go play” . It was too funny.


  96. Kay at Blue Speckled Pup says:

    What a lovely memoir of your dad. He sounds like a fantastic man!
    Congratulations on Freshly Pressed.


  97. Lavender says:

    This is my first visit to your blog and I must say that I love this post! 🙂
    Awesome Father’s day gift! 🙂


  98. Diana Ward says:

    I was wandering around wordpress and your story was what I was looking for, and didn’t realize that fact until I had read it. The title jumped out at me and this is why…My father passed away last January and I miss him and his laughter, his smell, his voice…you get the picture, I’m sure. He had no rythym and was certainly the master of the dance. We never noticed…I thought that was how everyone danced. But as I grew older I found that life has many dances, and I was lucky to call him Daddy for 54 years. Thank you. You gave me what I was searching for.


  99. smilesndreams says:

    Lovely post and very eloquently put. Happy Fathers day!


  100. ia84 says:

    Beautiful 🙂


  101. Victoria says:

    What a wonderful post. You really have a gift. What a great family you have!


  102. What a beautiful tribute to your father! What an awesome Father’s Day Present! Great post, congratulation for making Freshly Pressed!!


  103. momslovinit says:

    This tribute to your dad was beautiful. My dad was not really apart of my life, but it is always wonderful to hear stories of all the amazing dads who were/are there in their childrens life.


  104. wytch says:

    sorry – yet ANOTHER comment.
    I LOVE that your dad could laugh at a fart, and realise that it was more important to have a giggle with the kids than maintain some kind of religious experience, or punish the farter. BTW How did you all get around? did you have a car?


  105. rtcrita says:

    “My Dad sired 9 children. He then topped that accomplishment by staying around, with our Mom, to raise every one of us. For that reason alone, he deserves to be Father of The Year.”

    I am so glad you started your story with these very important words. Because my dad had ten kids and I often think the very same thing about him. Things just aren’t like they use to be, and while our own fathers knew the meaning of the world “responsibility,” unfortunately, there are too many men these days that don’t even seem to know the meaning of the word when it comes to seeing your commitments through to the end.

    I always enjoy your writings. You have such a great way of telling your stories, your life. You were blessed to have such a great dad while growing up. He sounds like a wonderful man, surely deserving of a Father of the Year award!


    • pegoleg says:

      Hey, Rita, nice to hear from you. You’re so right about men needing to take responsibility. But women also have to pick the right men in the first place, knowing that guy will be the all-important father to their children. I’ll be sure to stop by your blog to check out your beautiful photos.


  106. pink24z says:

    I’m one of seven kids i can relate


  107. This is such a beautiful post that made tears constantly spring to my eyes. You wrote it so vividly that I can’t help but feel strong emotion. It makes me think of my “dad”, who is actually my mom now. I like to think of her as being both of my parents at once, since my dad walked out on me a couple years back. Happy Father’s Day, mom. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing.


  108. Chubbi says:

    Very well written 🙂 I love how you put your memories into words. Happy father’s day to all our amazing dads! 🙂


  109. Oh yeah… I have nothing to say, he really deserves and award just for raising you and your siblings! That’s so inspiring! C’mon where’s his award people? :p

    Here I wrote about my stubborn but humorous grandfather:


  110. Great post! I have to say a lot of your ‘dadisms’ reminded me of my own dad…great (and loving) minds must think alike. I hope your dad, as well as all of the deserving fathers out there, had a very great Father’s Day 🙂

    Here is just a little something about what makes my dad so great!

    Lessons From My Dad


  111. Olivia says:

    Such nice things about your dad. Thanks for sharing. I hope he does win father of the year 🙂


  112. realanonymousgirl2011 says:

    Nice post! I’m afraid my daughter will have to be tortured by the same TV habits as you. My husband will watch anything on the History or Bio channel about presidents or gangsters. Poor girl!


  113. Pingback: Pressed and Pegged and Oh-So-Flattahed | The Jackie Blog

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