Why Trump? To The Intelligentsia From The Flyover Zone


Why Trump?  This question seems to be a source of genuine bafflement for the ruling classes on both sides of the aisle, but especially for liberals.  Let me see if I can explain.

I fell victim to one of those nasty, late fall colds and went home sick at lunch on Wednesday.  While ladling chicken noodle soup down my aching throat, I turned on the TV and wound up watching the America’s News HQ midday program on Fox.  The newscaster was interviewing Democratic Representative Tim Ryan from Ohio, and they were discussing why House Democrats are delaying a vote on the minority leader.  The talk is that Ryan may be tagged to replace Nancy Pelosi.

They cut away in the middle of their live interview to a clip of Ryan talking to reporters in the hallway at an earlier time.  Ryan said Democrats needed to reconnect with voters in the “flyover zone.”

The “flyover zone.”

The newscaster repeated the term, looking slightly puzzled by Congressman Ryan’s casual use of it, but she didn’t belabor the point.  They moved on to their main topic.

The thing is that the term “flyover zone” IS the point…of the entire election.

I’m sure Ryan didn’t mean to be insulting.   His was benevolent condescension.  He was just saying what the intelligentsia in both parties thinks of those of us in Middle America; you’re smarter than we are, you’re more sophisticated, you’re better qualified in every way to run this country and if you occasionally have to take a few shortcuts in the Democratic process or the Constitution to achieve your goals, well, the ends justify the means.

We know that’s what you think of us.  You make it abundantly clear.  We get it from the top down – even the President of the United States made it clear when he sneered about us rubes “clinging to our guns and religion.”

When I say Middle America I’m not just talking about the states located geographically in the middle of the country, although the election map certainly lit up that way.  We’re in every state of the union and we encompass all races, backgrounds and religions.  Middle America is made up of everyday people who quietly go about the business of living life.  Some went to college, some didn’t, but most of us work hard to earn our keep and take care of our families.  On our days off we kick back or kick up our heels a little.  We’re no saints, but we try to do the right thing.  We probably go to church.

We love our country and we worry about our families and the future.

You won’t find us out on the streets vandalizing property when things don’t go our way, because:

  1. it wouldn’t be nice
  2. many of us own small businesses and we know how we’d feel if someone did that to us
  3. it’s hard to stay up all night smashing car windows when you have to get up early the next morning to go to work

Middle America is tired of being lied to, either outright or by the ever-present “spin.”  We’re tired of being sneered at; we’re tired of being condescended to; and we’re tired of having the things that matter most to us mocked or brushed aside like so many pesky gnats; unimportant in the Grand Scheme of Things.

I’ve talked to a lot of people about this, mainly since the election.  Most said they were afraid to voice an opinion contrary to the established narrative beforehand. They knew that the same crowd screaming for inclusion and diversity would exclude them in a New York minute for espousing diverse ideas on topics that had been declared closed for debate.  If you suggested that Trump had anything at all of value to offer to our country, then that thought would put you squarely in the basket with the other “deplorables.”

It seems to me the main appeal of Donald Trump to Middle America, and the thing that first caught people’s attention, is one of the very characteristics that the intelligentsia ridicules the most: he says what he thinks.

You have no idea how refreshing that is.

He hasn’t had every syllable vetted by a carefully orchestrated focus group.  He’s relatively rough, unpolished and direct and, consequently, he often sticks his foot in his mouth.  Average people react to that because they do that, too.

I think that many Americans feel that Trump is an average Joe.  He’s one of them…except really, really rich.

In another interview on CNN, Congressman Ryan candidly said that his party needed to reevaluate how they talk to voters.  He said that they need to go into the red states and connect with working class voters, people he says he knows well. “They want to – they want you to talk to them about how they can run machinery, or run a back hoe or sling concrete block.  That’s what they want to do.  So we need an agenda for Democrats that speaks to those workers.”

He’s figured out what went wrong.  This is good.  The ideas aren’t the problem; it’s just that they didn’t explain their fabulous vision in a way that Joe Doakes in the flyover zone could understand.    They need to write a new script.

If they could just explain in simpler terms, Joe Doakes would understand that fossil fuels are BAD.  We don’t need that nasty smelly stuff, or those nasty, smelly jobs.  Joe can still run machinery.  He can run machinery to repair windmills and solar panels.  He’ll make a lot more money, too, because the taxpayer subsidizes those industries a ton.

If they could just explain it right, he’d understand that when he loses his job running a backhoe to an illegal immigrant who will work for $4 per hour less, he should blame his greedy, fat cat employer.  What possible justification could that employer have for trying to hold costs down in a global economy?  Blame him, not the government who refuses to deport illegals, not even those who are criminals.

If they could just make him understand, Joe Doakes would know that he’s much better off now under Obamacare.  When he’s slinging that concrete block around and he drops it on his foot, he now has unlimited access to the emergency room.  Of course, he has a $6,500 deductible, but he can sign up for free lactation counseling on his way out of the hospital.  That benefit alone makes it perfectly acceptable that his insurance premium doubled this year.

Every possible negative label was thrown at Trump.  They were piled on his back like heavy rocks, purposely designed to weigh him down and count him out.  The right hurled labels at Clinton as well, but the aim of those hefting the labels wasn’t nearly as good.

I’m no cheerleader for Donald Trump. I’m not going to defend or explain things he has said or done.  I probably can’t and I sure as hell don’t want to.   Lord knows the man is far from perfect, but neither is he the anti-Christ he has been painted.

I think people saw both campaigns as the hatchet jobs they were, and they chose to look beyond the labels.  When presented with two, deeply flawed candidates, voters tried to look past the man or woman and determine from their words and actions what each believed.  More importantly, what they intended to DO.

I’d like to think that everyone would give the President-elect a chance.  Maybe a new way of doing things WOULD be good for our country.  I feel that way after every election, no matter which way it falls.  I say I’d like to think that will happen, but I gave up on impossible dreams when I learned the Easter Bunny wasn’t real.  After a one-day pause to cry and lick their wounds, the attack dogs went right back to the task of tearing down everything Donald Trump does, says or is with renewed vigor.

There is one change I think we can count on as a result of this election.  Now that the intelligentsia has figured out they need the votes from the flyover zone, we’ll be seeing a lot more hard hats and Caterpillar tractor t-shirts on Capitol Hill in the next 4 years.








About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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59 Responses to Why Trump? To The Intelligentsia From The Flyover Zone

  1. Carol Russell says:


    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Carol Russell says:

    Not just good, excellent!!!

    Sent from my iPhone



  3. franhunne4u says:

    “Middle America is tired of being lied to”

    And then you go and vote for Trump – defies belief …

    Liked by 3 people

    • pegoleg says:

      That comment is kinda what I’m talking about – the assumption that one candidate or the other has a lock on honesty. Please.

      Instead of honesty, maybe it would be more accurate to say that people want candor. Let us love it or hate it, but we want to KNOW what their position is.

      Liked by 1 person

      • franhunne4u says:

        Candor is (according to Merriam Webster:)
        Full Definition of candor
        a : whiteness, brilliance
        b obsolete : unstained purity
        : freedom from prejudice or malice : fairness
        archaic : kindliness
        : unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness
        Was Trump brilliant? Blundering about he was.
        He told people he was one of them – when all he is is the son of a millionaire.
        Hillary Clinton (as well as her husband) are from MUCH humbler beginnings and hence can relate. More the kind of people gone through the American Dream. But you absolutely failed to see that.

        Now you live with Trump. Hope you are happy with what he serves.


        • pegoleg says:

          I’m using the definition on the very end of option 4: forthright. Again, I’m not endorsing Trump, I’m trying to explain the appeal. All but her most ardent supporters thought that Clinton would say whatever it took to get elected.

          I also hope we are happy with what comes next. If not, we do this all over again in 4 years.

          Liked by 2 people

          • If nothing else comes of the new President Elect, it appears that the “gleening out” of Washington lobbyists has begun. That was enough to get my vote.
            As to your post, Ms. Peg, you get an A+ and an “Atta Girl!”
            It was plain to see that the Clinton Machine buried itself with all its’ baggage, transgressions, et al. Those of us who were paying attention knew why Clinton lost. Foreigners might not understand.
            As to the on-going Soros backed protestors, didn’t the news say that 75% of them weren’t even registered voters and/or didn’t bother to vote?
            But then, the press also was calling Clinton “Madam President” BEFORE election day, so what do they know….lol.

            (I’ll never believe another poll again…)


          • franhunne4u says:

            I am not saying Clinton would NOT have said what it took to get elected. But judging from the many contradictions Trump made in his campaign I am sure the same can be said about him.


        • Fran,
          Do you live in America? Just wondering. If not, the American “Press/Media” is so left-winged biased, that anyone living outside the country wouldn’t have a clue as to the truth of what’s happening here. Our so-called “Press” (media) does not give an accurate accounting of what’s going on in America. Foreigners aren’t going to understand what happened in America if they are depending on our “Press” for news and explanations.

          The “fly-over” population of America a.r.e. n.o.t. s.t.u.p.i.d.


          • franhunne4u says:

            I am not saying you are stupid, I am just saying, yes, Trump DID and DOES contradict himself – so he obviously lies at least some of the time. And what you call left-wing I do call centre … I live in Germany and I get most of my information not by press (as for example the NYT has a pay-wall) – but by internet. I would call Breitbart a far right-wing medium.


  4. Al says:

    Hurray for, Peg. Thank you for posting this. If I could, I would have posted one very similar to it. Unfortunately I live in a split household and my sweet wife reads my blog. I don’t need another reason for a political confrontation. You said perfectly and since dueling is still not legal, thank God for the Electoral College!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Al says:

    Meant to say, this is brave of you and you will get negative comments, but we’ve got your back!


    • pegoleg says:

      Yeah, I know that, Al. Or no comments at all because so many people are so upset and angry about the election, they don’t want to even entertain the possibility that the world will not end.


  6. I’ll admit – I’m more curious than terrified over a Trump Presidency…mostly because there isn’t Jack I can do about it, and I’d rather be curious than terrified.
    (better for the nerves…)


  7. While I do appreciate reading your take on The Donald, I’m still pretty ticked my ol’ standby write-in candidate didn’t win: Danny Bonaduce. I think you can agree he speaks for all of America: the tired, the poor, the talent-less.

    Personally, I’ve always believed we should do away with all political parties and the Electoral College and just have a limbo contest.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Elyse says:

    You will be surprised to know, Peg, that I agree with a whole lot of what you said. In fact, I’ve been trying to figure out who in the Clinton Campaign I should talk to about it. I’m a veteran phone banker — I make those obnoxious calls. And in years past, we were calling folks and talking to them about their concerns and how our candidate could meet them better than the other side. This time, we called other democrats pretty much exclusively. That is not the way to win hearts and minds in any part of the country!

    I could go on, but I won’t. Or I will in my own space, is more like it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. List of X says:

    I think the Middle America you’re describing is basically the middle class, or what’s left of it. And I do agree that someone like Trump who promises to blow up the system and isn’t a polished talking points spinner like Clinton has genuine appeal to the middle class – a frigging 150-200 million people in this very country who somehow evoke much less passion and sympathy than the critically important question who can use which bathroom in North Carolina.
    Problem is, while Trump may indeed blow up the corrupt system, at the same he looks like the very embodiment of that corrupt system – he’s a filthy rich con man living the top of the list elite Northeastern lifestyle, he’s hired illegal immigrants, he’s stiffed small businesses, got the taxpayers to sponsor his developments, made his merchandise in China, made payments that look suspiciously like bribes – if not for this election, he’d be the very representation of what is wrong with this country when looking from the Middle America.
    But then, going against Clinton who is probably herself the best known member of the political establishment promising to keep the business as usual with a few minor tweaks, anyone claiming the mantle of a reformer could be a strong contender (See Sanders, Bernie, a guy from nowhere that came close to beating her in her own party). But since I essentially see Trump as a conman, I seriously doubt he’ll be able to deliver the change he promised, or even want to.
    We’ll see. Worst comes to worst, there’ll be other election in 2020.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. dmswriter says:

    Congrats, Peg. You hit the nail on the head. I was soooo tired of all the manipulations of this election. And I agree – I don’t have my Donald pom-poms out, either, but I’m ready to give him a chance and hope that a change will do us all good.


  11. Mama bird says:

    This is lovely! Stated so well. The level of condescension expressed for anyone who doesn’t espouse the mainstream media mentality is shocking. I appreciate your analysis.


  12. Roy says:

    Well said Peg. You and I agree that it is troubling that much of the left just doesn’t get it that there dismissive attitude toward “middle America” (a.k.a. fly-over America) and middle-America values just doesn’t go down well (with me — a capital “L” liberal). With that said, my fears of who The Donald really is (see List of X’s comment above), and what he might do are much greater than my concern about Hillary and the dysfunctional status quo she represents. But I get it – nearly a plurality of voters think Trump is worth taking a chance on.

    Time will tell. I just hope that it does not work out as badly for all of us as I fear it will.


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks for reading and for the thoughtful comment, Roy. I agree with you to some extent, and I have similar fears. Looks like “fingers crossed” is our new plan for the future.


  13. Satu YCbell says:

    I just don’t get it. I do understand people’s frustration and the need for change, but what is really so “refreshing” about insulting and threatening people? Does “straight talk” really justify a lack of decorum, dignity and manners?? What kind of a message does that send to children? In fact, how many of Trump’s supporters would let their own children behave in such an awful way?

    The only truly admirable candidate was Bernie Sanders. The Democrats really screwed it up when they kicked him to the curb! A white-haired, 75-year-old man who really inspired young people and ignited their interest in politics, isn’t that remarkable? HE is the one who could’ve made America greater, he has a solid track record of fighting to improve people’s lives. A great example to anyone.
    I haven’t found anything in Trump’s track record to suggest he’s ever done anything at all for the “common man”, and why would he have? He has no more clue than any other member of the rich establishment elite of what people’s lives are really like. He was born into a life of incredible luxury and he’s a very good manipulator who’s always found a way to make sure he’s not the one who takes the fall, or responsibility.
    The key question now is whether, at 70, he’s able to change and think not only of himself, but the common good.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      No, I don’t think straight talk beats dignity and decorum and I wouldn’t suggest it as a way for my children to behave. But apparently straight talk beats the APPEARANCE of dignity and decorum achieved by knowing how the game is played from a lifetime in politics. I think it beats dignity and decorum put on like a costume before going onstage in a play where your part is “political candidate.”

      I also have respect for Bernie Sanders. He seems like a decent person. I think his policies are bad for America, but one thing I like about him is what I like about Trump: he says what he thinks. That way we the people can choose what we want, not just what the candidate wants us to see.

      Thanks for your comment.


  14. Well, that, as everyone above has already said, was excellent. You should’ve seen all the moaning and groaning here in New York the day after the election. The couldn’t possibly understand how ANYONE could vote for Trump. They live in a vacuum out here. Drunk on their own intellectual superiority. I didn’t vote for Trump but a tiny piece of me derived some enjoyment out of seeing some folks have to eat humble pie.


    • pegoleg says:

      You nailed it, E-O-P. The Donald was not “my candidate”, but I have to admit to enjoying the consternation ensuing. It’s a character flaw I’m trying to work on.


      • The Democrats focused on diversity and gender rights. Bathroom rights, for God’s sake. Those things are important but they don’t mean a damn to someone who can’t find work or hasn’t had a raise in 10 years. And there are a LOT of those. They use “flyover” in a demeaning way. Well, look where that got them.


        • Kate says:

          And you think the middle class will see pay raises under the rule of the billionaire boys club? I think not. The upper 1 to 2% will continue to feather their gold plated nests on our backs. Don’t fool yourself, Trump does not have your best interests in his mind or heart…..


          • Trump and his ilk aren’t going to do JACK ALL for the middle class and I never said they would. But unless the Dems can refocus their efforts and convince middle America they have solid economic answers (instead of–sorry–dicking around with transgender rights), they’re going to remain in the wilderness. Getting rid of Nancy Pelosi would’ve been a step in the right direction. If you judge her by her ability to sell a progressive agenda to the masses she’s a catastrophic failure. And there she is, still the minority leader. The Dems haven’t learned ANYTHING.


            • pegoleg says:

              Frankly, I don’t think either the Reps or the Dems will do jack all for the middle class, but I don’t expect them to. All I want our federal govt to do is provide for the common defense, common roads, etc. and get the HELL off our backs. The states can do whatever else they want to do about everything else.

              Liked by 1 person

  15. thursdaynext says:

    I’m german (the explanation for my awful english, sorry) and we looked shocked at the election result on tv, radio and in the newspapers.. It was interesting to read your thoughts about this votes. We’re middle – class too, next year we have to vote in germany and we don’t know whom. We’ve got similar thoughts and problems about the coming election, but we don’t understand why the american people vote a man who talks so respectless about women and a lot of other groups of people and who is a liar, didn’t pay taxes in his country and speak with so many bad words. Our political class is the same lobbyism bagage. Maybe, the first time in my life since 32 years I won’t vote the next parliament. I hope the people, the political class in europe will learn something from this painful election, but I fear they won’t…

    I wish all american people all the best. Good luck


    • pegoleg says:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I’m not surprised that you would wonder because all you can hear is what is repeated, over and over, by our very liberal media. A lot of people didn’t believe all the stuff told about Trump

      Let me give an example of that bias with the charge that he didn’t pay taxes. It turns out that nobody said he cheated and committed fraud. What he did was follow the tax law and take every allowable deduction so his taxes were lower. What is wrong with that? It’s not illegal and it’s not immoral.

      In America, we are allowed to deduct the interest we pay on the mortgage on our homes when coming up with taxable income. Every homeowner does this. It’s a legitimate deduction and you’d be stupid not to take it. But if we use the same logic applied to Trump, that means we are all un-American, selfish fat-cats who don’t want children to have schools and who don’t want roads to be fixed just because we want to lawfully reduce our taxes. This wasn’t said, though. Clinton and the news just kept repeating that Trump didn’t pay his taxes, and that’s all people hear.

      I’m not going to defend his comments about women. They are distasteful, to say the least. But there is no such thing as a perfect person, let alone a perfect candidate. I think we need to look at someone’s policies first, then decide if we can live with the person who comes along with them.

      I think it came down to the middle class being sick and tired of the “smart people” in both parties saying they know best, and if you disagree you’re stupid.

      Good luck in your election!

      Liked by 2 people

  16. lexiemom says:

    Wish I could do more than “like” this post!


  17. Pingback: Added commentary to the posting A Progressive Call to Arms | Stepping Toes

  18. Thanks for your post Peg! Like many people, I’ve been trying to make sense of Trump’s election. The typical knee jerk reaction which some Democrats I spoke with had was “How could there be enough stupid people to elect Trump?!” Knee jerk reactions seldom involve much thought and I knew there had to be more. Gross generalizations don’t do anyone any good and hurt the process of improvement.

    What I’ve found is that while many Democrats aren’t ready to embrace anything whatsoever about the Donald, they are having no such trepidation in finding fault with Hillary, after the fact. For the record, I’m a Democrat, and voted for Hillary for one reason and one reason only, which was that she was not Donald Trump. I was willing to accept her many flaws, which I felt were slightly less flagrant than those of Trump. There were certainly flaws in Clinton’s campaign strategy as well as in her background.

    Irrespective of how people voted, it seems the majority of Americans agree with the concept that we deserved far better candidates on both sides of the aisle in 2016. Hopefully the fly-over states won’t regret being discovered as strategic gems when the next crop of contenders start campaigning in a few months.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. You’re pretty spot on. Didn’t vote for Trump myself (Clinton neither) but I definitely understand the appeal. It’s going to be an interesting four years. I’m really curious to see what effect Trump has on the government. It could go very badly, but there could also be a few good things that come out of it.


  20. Margie says:

    It seemed like many people wanted to believe all the negative press about Trump was the truth and the fewer negative things about Clinton were lies. Maybe negative press isn’t all that bad after all!


    • pegoleg says:

      I think most people knew that all the negative stuff flowing both directions was greatly exaggerated. Except those stupid, thuggish mob-types who believe little sound bites and look for any excuse for violence.


  21. marymtf says:

    Glad you tacked that on that bit about the Easter Bunny, Peg. Because I was going to say that even from Down Under it’s obvious to some of us that the (as I like to put it) progressively more stupid progressives are planning to I’d like to fight down and dirty till the next election. (We have our own exclusionist mob here.)

    Given all the gnashing of teeth before, during and after the election, I’d say that whatever side of the political fence they belong to, that dentists are having the best time.


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