And Then There Were More


Me, looking grateful.

It has been 5 years almost to the day since I started a blog.   Given how ephemeral these electronic flashes of word and image can be, that makes me an elder statesman.  Practically a blogging Methuselah.

My first post was about dropping my youngest daughter off at college.  I hadn’t figured out how to upload pictures yet and it was rather wordy.  My daughter, my sister-in-law and an anonymous stranger were the only humans to read my efforts.

A couple of months later,  bolstered by the fact that I was now a genuine writer, courtesy of having this blog, I got up the courage to approach the local paper about doing a little ditty in one of their occasional magazines.  They took the bait.  I had to pay them in the form of advertising, but still – I was published!

A couple of months after that I learned about something called Freshly Pressed when, for the first time, strangers started reading my stuff.

I’ve written almost 500 blog posts in the last 5 years, been Freshly Pressed a couple more times, and this year started writing a monthly humor column for which I am getting paid.   I’m now trying to get it syndicated.

Some blogging efforts were a riot.

  • My plot to take over WordPress.  In 2012 they featured 19 blog posts at a time on their front page as their choice for Freshly Pressed. I cooked up an elaborate scheme and enlisted 18 other bloggers to help.  We all posted with the same title at the exact same time: Better Living Through Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  Our coup failed, as takeovers often do, but it was a scream.  I can’t tell you how much fun it was working with 18 of the best bloggers working at that time or since.
  •  The Jacket writing competition, which was won (strictly on the level, by the way) by my good blogging buddy, Darla at She’s a Maineiac.
  •  Freshly Pegged, my attempt to give an airing to bloggers’ favorite posts which had NOT been selected for Freshly Pressed.  That feature is enjoying a very long hibernation, by the way, but is not dead.

Mostly I do humor, but sometimes I’m serious, especially when writing about cancer.  My feisty sister, Lib, is battling it.  Both my close friend, Jane, and my dear, dear cousin Moe have  almost reached the end of their struggles.

I have made some absolutely amazing blogging friends over the years; people I’ve never met, but care about deeply.  Many have dropped off the radar.  A couple have died, but most slipped quietly away to focus on other things.  I miss many of them.  But change is the nature of the beast.  For every blogger who turns away, thousands – nay, millions – more take their place all the time on this constantly growing platform, and I’ve had the chance to make new friends as well.

By now most of you are asking, “What’s with this trip down memory lane? Are you retiring?  Dying?  Practicing an acceptance speech in case the Pulitzer people call?”

Today I hit 15,000 subscribers.

I know there are mega-blogs out there and I’m obviously not one of them.  But this is a milestone for me.  Growth in my readership has been organic and steady.  I haven’t had a post go viral (although one keeps getting spurts of readers and I STILL can’t figure out why.)   People have merely wandered in, a few at a time, pulled up a tuffet and decided to stay.

To all of my WordPress friends, to those who stop by to read my scribblings, to those who take the time to comment, I appreciate how you’ve found a place for me in your busy lives.

And I humbly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

p.s. Since I hit Publish 5 minutes ago, it seems that 3 readers dropped me from their roles, so I don’t have 15,000 subscribers any more. Which just goes to show…something.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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148 Responses to And Then There Were More

  1. garym6059 says:

    Well almost congratulations!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Relax says:

    Those 3 probably thought you, too, were about to sign off and simply didn’t want to see it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dmswriter says:

    I’ll get my mom and my grandma to subscribe, and we’ll have you back over 15,000 in no time, Peg! Seriously, though, your posts are ones I really look forward to. They brighten my day with wit and original writing, and I wish you all the best getting syndicated. That’s way cool.

    Liked by 2 people

    • pegoleg says:

      I don’t mean to imply I’m having any success with the syndication scheme. I can’t figure out how to move that forward.

      Thanks for joining this menagerie – I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. Oh, and thanks to your mum and grandmum.


  4. franhunne4u says:

    With 15.000 you are not cool anymore – you are mainstream – but forget those three hipsters.
    (HEY Hipsters, come over to my blog, written in German and not even having 150 readers, yet – that is cool.)
    I like reading your blog – because of its humour. Sometimes I might disagree with you on things, but then I am a [insert appropriate swearword here] commie – not really, but for American tastes, yes , since I am from Germany, the Land of Marx (born in Trier) and Engels (born in Wuppertal), a [insert another colourful swearword here] liberal and a godless [insert third swear word of choice here, this time a noun], and you are a [insert praisewords of choice in front of each noun] wife, mother and church-goer. So of course I disagree with you.
    But I still have some manners and I think some congratulation is due, today. Credit where credit is due! You make me laugh, Peg. That is something I really enjoy, I am a freak like that – I like those wrinkles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      Ha! You are definitely your own person, with opinions you are not afraid to share. I admire that about you. I think it’s great that, while we may have very different views on a wide array of topics, we can still connect.

      Liked by 1 person

      • franhunne4u says:

        It takes a little politeness on my side (which I find hard, I am German) and a little patience and “blindness” on yours (of which you have plenty, you are a mother and a wife – for both occupations you need those qualities).

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    You rock my socks. I suspect you’ll have found 3 more pairs of socks to rock off before D finished s his first day in a couple of hours. 🙂


  6. I’m still with ya, Peg! You’re awesome. Just remember us “little peeps” when you’re famous, okay? 😉


  7. Elyse says:

    That brass ring is always just out of reach! ain’t it.

    Congratulations on your milestone — which you will certainly hit today. Because you, my blogging buddy, are warm, funny and endearing in real life and on this page.


  8. Elyse says:

    Reblogged this on FiftyFourandAHalf and commented:
    You can follow Peg-O-Leg’s Ramblings, or you can turn the page.

    Peg, one of my very favorite blogger buddies, hit 15,000 followers. And then she lost a couple.

    We bloggers need to take care of each other.

    RUN– do not walk — to Peg’s site and click “follow.” Because, really, what else do you have to do but read the very best blog on Word Press?

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Lynn says:

    15,000 +/- matters not, keep writing & enjoying the blog family. Congratulations!


  10. notquiteold says:

    I always read your blog, Peg, because it is always good!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I found you through Elyse. You are awesome! I remember the first time a stranger read one of my posts. I did the snoopy dance (and it wasn’t pretty!). Congrats!


  12. Al says:

    You can expect three more followers shortly, just as soon as I sign up for WordPress three more times. Just so you know, their names will Moe, Larry and Curly

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Watch what I do here. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.

    If we take your metrics—blogging for five years, multiple FP’s, 15,000 subscribers—and weigh them against mine—blogging for 7+ years (4.5 of them lost in the Blogger swamp), one FP and +/- 1,500 subscribers—we not only have the measure of your success (congrats, by the way), we also have the benchmark by which I weigh my own crippling mediocrity.

    See what I did there? I took your pleasant news and made it about me. That’s my special talent. Thank you. Thank you. (He bows.)

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Carrie Rubin says:

    Five hundred posts and 15,000 subscribers–congratulations! It’s fun to see how far you’ve come, from a blogger to a newspaper columnist. That’s really fantastic. People come because your writing is a treat to read. I always enjoy stopping by!


  15. Lisa Millar says:

    14,997 out of 15,000 ain’t bad.

    Great blogging,Elyse. Keep it coming.

    Cheers from the North.


    xo -L


  16. lisaspiral says:

    It’s been fun reading you along the way. Congratulations on hitting another milestone.


  17. Janni Styles says:

    Found you through Elyse at Fifty four and a half. My follow brought you back to 15,000 so a big congrats to you 😊 much success wished your way and healing wishes to your struggling loved ones ❤️


  18. Michael says:

    Congratulations! Reading the comments I see that you did hit the 15K after all, so, I’m glad that ended nicely. 🙂


  19. Congrats! [throwing confetti] Yay!! [blowing noisemaker] Wahoooooo!!! [dancing a jig]
    Ugh! [throwing back out, falling to floor, writhing in pain]

    My 5th blahgaversary was July 21st! What are the odds? Well, I guess pretty good since millions of other people probably did too … but still … we met at Paul’s caption contest, I remember you wrote something hysterical about Star Wars and bam, we became good bloggy buds forever.

    Every honor you’ve received from WP is so well-deserved. Writing funny ain’t for the weak. It’s hard work and nearly impossible to pull off sometimes — but you always manage to do it. And damn! Syndicated? Hells yeah!

    “Don’t you forget about me
    Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t
    Don’t you forget about me
    Will you stand above me?
    Look my way, never love me
    Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling
    Down, down, down
    Will you recognize me?
    Call my name or walk on by
    Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling
    Down, down, down, down….”

    Remember me, Peg-o-mine. (sniff, sniff)

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Nurse Kelly says:

    Congratulations, Peg! I’ve been following you for a while now, and I think you are one of the best humor writers on WP. Wishing you continued success! Oh, and your picture is lovely 🙂


  21. Oh I’m sure by the time I hit publish your readership has hit 15500….or something! I love reading your work. Now reading this has inspired me to continue doing what I love. Thank you for sharing. 🙂


  22. I’m about a year and a half and 10,000 followers behind you, so you’re a superstar to me. Congrats!


  23. As your #1 Fan, I have so enjoyed all of your posts, whether witty and urbane, or seriously touching. I remember how excited I was when you were first FPd. I enjoyed the ride vicariously through you. Congrats and blessings, Pego. I love ya ! 🙂


  24. List of X says:

    Congratulations, and for next anniversary I’m wishing for you to have 15000 newspapers syndicating your column.

    Liked by 2 people

    • pegoleg says:

      Yeah, I’d really like to figure out how to get that accomplished, but I seem to be stuck at 1.

      Did you ever see the original Muppet Movie? Kermit, Miss Piggy and co. all go to Hollywood and the big producer meets them and says to his secretary, “Bring me the standard, rich and famous contract.” I kinda thought that’s how writing would be. It turns out there AREN’T talent scouts with rich and famous contracts waiting on every corner. Drag.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Frances Sullivan says:

    Well, is congrats in order or not? I’m going with yay, hooray, and well-done you cuz I really like writing hooray. Besides that, love your writing, humour, and dedication and think you deserve kudos. I’m kind of still a zygote at this having begun on my b-day April 3rd but can boast a blog everyday since then. Okay, confessing a few are vlogs, so not the same. Naughty me. But yeah, there’s that ghost of a chance something written by moi will turn a famous head and my life *fingersnap* is redefined. And then again, maybe just writing is good enough. 🙂 xx


  26. Whoo-hoo! Congrats on your blog-a-versary!
    Now that this blog has made you rich and famous, what will you do with your millions? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. peaceof8 says:

    You are so hilarious. I wish I could step into your brain! Mostly because I am jealous and just want to hang out inside a successful funny blogger brain. But also because (even more so) it’s awesome and inspiring to witness some cool success from someone deserving! Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Congrats are in order for making 5 years! That’s quite an accompliment, from what I’ve seen.
    And 15, 000?? I’m seriously in awe of you!


    • pegoleg says:

      The 5 years IS quite a milestone. I don’t know about you, but there are times – whole months, in fact – where I just want to hang it up. Then I remember how much I enjoy contact with all the great people on WordPress, present company included.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aw, thanks! No, I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I was just getting so overwhelmed with trying to keep up with every blog, I followed, and all the comments…. Hugh gave me permission to stop the insanity tho. So freeing!!


  29. 15,000 ?! You must be doing something right! Glad to have been along for the ride for the past few years. Looking forward to the next 15. Nice pic by the way, you’re all that and a bag of salt n vinegar chips.


    • pegoleg says:

      I debated putting up my real picture, seeing as how Barbie and I, who are the exact same age, seem to have aged very differently. Ah well, in the immortal words of Popeye, “I yam what I yam.”


  30. Hurrah hurrah! Love this little walk down memory lane. You’re so Pegtastic! And Pegsome! And…you know, pretty cool and funny and stuff! Hurrah! Congrats! 🙂


  31. Fantastic. I just saw your site and love your warm, engaging style. I’ll be sure to read more. Congratulations on your anniversary.


  32. Barb says:

    Who knows why people drop off the list? I have a newsletter that I just started and someone dropped off after a month. I hadn’t even sent a newsletter out YET….so it couldn’t be because I was bombing their inbox with too many newsletter emails…or saying something offensive. People are funny. Keep writing funny. You know they’ll come. Congratulations.


  33. Congratulations all the way around! Way to organically grow your readership. This past June marked my 5 year achievement as well. But I’ve only got about 500 subscribers and 75% of those want to help me with marketing or help improve my sex life or something along those lines. I remember when Darla won the plaid jacket. Must have been the first time I stumbled onto your doorstep. Glad to be dropping in regularly now. Write on!


  34. The Cutter says:

    Rest assured, I was not one of the ones who dropped you.


  35. Sandy Sue says:

    It couldn’t have almost-happened to a greater-than-average gal!. Part-of-my-hat off to you!
    (And what a cutie patootie you are in that picture!)


  36. Well you’re still on my reader board. Congrats on the stats. I heard that Bunny expired from a Daily Blague Reader post — it inspired me to do a little re-enaction. Play therapy/medication you might say. It started after the Global Financial Meltdown.


  37. mary says:

    Congrat’s Peg on your milestone! I have enjoyed our family antics through your eyes. You have a marvelous talent and I look forward to many more posts. Great picture of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Congrats on your milestone! Here’s to infinity and beyond!


  39. BunKaryudo says:

    I don’t know, with 15,000 subscribers, I’d be inclined to call you a mega-blog. At the very least, you’re a mini-mega-blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Nicole Roder says:

    Wow, so many exciting things going on for you! Congrats on your 15 K subscribers! That sounds HUGE to me!


  41. aFrankAngle says:

    Congratulations on the milestone. Couldn’t agree more that so much about blogging is our regulars. I know what mine means to me, and heck, you are a legend with more activity than my little corner of the world. A tip of the cap to those we have in common – Elyse, Vanessa, Kelly, X, Deborah, Lorna, & Carrie (well, those are the ones I caught on a quick pass) … and a few other acquaintances.


  42. I say 15,000 is a megablog…and it sounds as if you’ve had fun making it. That’s what matters…


  43. johnberk says:

    That is awesome – I wish you good luck with another 15k. I personally enjoy reading your blog, it is this kind of stuff you want to do when drinking your morning or afternoon coffee. I honestly think that it is more than enough already. Imagine all 15k people gathering together in the same place – it’s like a big music festival. Wow.


    • pegoleg says:

      That’s a great visual – let’s have a party! And while Vancouver might be a ways to go for a cup of coffee, the Argo Cafe looks like it might be worth the trip.


  44. susielindau says:

    Congratulations, Peg! Beeeeaaaauuutiful photo. Wow!
    15,000? Whoa. That is so impressive. I haven’t hit 6000 yet! I’m still the little bitty fish in the sea of bloggers.
    What’s really cool, that you failed to mention, is being a Recommended Blogger. I was passed over for that one, but I’m still paddling away with my little fins….


  45. betsysbeat says:

    I enjoyed reading your post! I am somewhat new to blogging. I started two years ago after I took early retirement, then dropped off after about a year. Now I’ve decided to refocus my blog on being Alive and Well in retirement and try to do this in earnest. Your blog is inspiring to me! I’ll keep reading for tips.


  46. maesprose says:

    Congratulations on reaching 15,000 followers, losing 3 and no doubt winning them back!


  47. Congrats on milestones and fabulous metrics. Look how far you have come.


  48. Jackie says:

    I know, I know: just like me to only drop in when you hit it big. 15,000 subscribers, Peg? SYNDICATION, PEG?!

    I’m so behind. WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING?!

    You’re an impressive human, Peg. Grats on the 100+ comments that accompany every post, and all the deserved movement and accolades. You’re killing it.


    • pegoleg says:

      Jackie, my dear, how the hell are you???? Hope you’ve been MIA only because real life is so utterly fantastic you haven’t had time for inconsequentials like this blogging nonsense.


      • Jackie says:

        You’re so kind to have paid me a visit when I peeped my head out. I’ve actually thought about how I’ve missed you. I wanted to be here, it was just hard to be. Of course it’s only a matter of time before you’re too big for the little people.

        Seriously though how do you keep up with all these friggin’ comments? I almost feel bad adding a task to your list. Do you do phone notifications and respond through the day or have you hired someone to do the tiny responsibilities of fame?


        • pegoleg says:

          C’mon Jackie, I still only have about 15 people who actually READ anything.

          I like to reply to comments…usually. It helps me feel connected and relevant, feelings that can be hard to come by in real life. Oops, did I say that out loud?

          You sound sad, my dear. I hope you are coming out of a dark time and see some light ahead. No pressure, but you’re such a gifted writer, it would be wonderful to see you blogging again. Only if you’re in the mood for it right now. I know that sometimes it can be just one, more damn thing on your to-do list, and you may not have the energy for it.


  49. Pingback: Cat-tledog Comics: Back to School

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