Feeling Shiny and New

How did your experience go with finding the “new” in life?  Remember, yesterday I challenged each one of you to do 3 new things.  Here’s what I did:

Ymap21) To get to the YMCA after work, I usually head west on 4th, then go north on Prospect, then right on 10th.  Yesterday I went north on BUCKLIN, then west on SHOOTING PARK, then SOUTH on Prospect.

2) Usually I turn into the YMCA parking lot and then go inside to workout.  Yesterday I drove PAST the YMCA and did NOT go in to workout.

3) I headed to Kentucky Fried Chicken where I usually get a bucket of Original Recipe.  Yesterday I got EXTRA CRISPY.

I feel like a brand, new woman.

OK, technically #2 isn’t all that new.  I’ve been blowing off the Y so often lately it would be more new-ish if I actually went in, regardless of the direction traveled.

Skip #2 and substitute that I visited a new (to me) blog, The Lighter Side of Life, and checked out how Troy gave the Great Books treatment to his dog misbehaving.

Oh, and because I’m an overachiever, I also brushed my teeth with my left hand last night.  Which is probably why I’m still picking pieces of Not So Crispy chicken out of my teeth today.

Do you feel rejuvenated?

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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62 Responses to Feeling Shiny and New

  1. Appreciate the nod in my direction…did I mention I’m left handed? I’ll try flossing using my toes…maybe when my wife has left the house.


  2. I tried I really did but it didn’t work out so well. A few weeks back (March 31) I started a whole new routine with a whole bunch of aspects in my life. It is going very well but I ran out of new stuff to do. I also started having trouble with my right shoulder so I switched to using my left hand for computer work…again, I did the new thing to early. I have no new left.


  3. Carrie Rubin says:

    Oops. I failed…


  4. You know, I’m choosing to take a more philosophical view here, EVERYTHING we do is new because we have never done it at that moment on that day before. Aside from that, I don’t think I’ve ever discussed philosophy on your blog before, so that one is totally brand new. Yep, I’m right there with you on this doing new stuff thing.


  5. Yesterday I took a nap – that’s new – after my workout at the gym – that’s new – and before I watered my roses – okay that’s not new but I hadn’t done it in a week; does that count? 🙂


  6. Elyse says:

    You are an inspiration Peg. An extra-crispy one.

    I have been doing something new for weeks now, actually. I have so far made it through the Easter season without eating either Peeps or Jelly Beans (you were always welcome to the Reeses, Peg). This is quite honestly the first time in my life. So I think I really wanna get me some Extra Crispy for dinner tonight. Sadly, it will simply mean that I’ll burn dinner.


    • pegoleg says:

      You are making me look so, so bad. I went through a bag of jelly beans this week and now I have no Easter candy left for Easter. Better go buy some more.


      • Elyse says:

        Have some for me. Nobody gets Easter baskets this year because I cannot have any!


        • pegoleg says:

          “can’t” or “will not”? I “should not” but I “have been.” Don’t know why I am talking in “quotes.”


          • Elyse says:

            I have gained a bunch of weight this year — between being unable to move from my facial surgery (as in bend over or walk far enough to make my heart pump more than it does when you’re comatose — who knew?) and being depressed, I have been a very bad girl. So I am trying to be good. And not going to the pharmacy for peeps and jelly beans makes me feel saintly, too!


            • pegoleg says:

              Me too, Elyse. Almost all the challenge weight has snuck back on which, as you know, makes a vicious circle of depression, consolation eating, more depression, etc. I’m really proud of you for tackling this – no joking. Keep it up, you’re inspiring me.


              • Elyse says:

                I have an ulterior motive — I want to get a dog and don’t want my husband to have all the fun with it! So I am determined to get back in shape. Or get into better shape. We’ll see. I’m actually expecting that the dog will help get me in shape.


  7. Look at you, walkin’ the walk! Er, drivin’ the drive-thru! Whatever!


  8. List of X says:

    Well, it appears that New Things #2 and #3 I did was marking your old and new YMCA routes.


  9. Yay, you!!! Extra Crispy – YUM! You just gave me an idea, I must get KFC!!! Let’s see, I used a different wine glass, smiled at the post office clerk (usually I glare at his painfully slow self), started a triple decker cheeseburger jigsaw puzzle and actually went on a real walk around a track! Feeling good, baby!


  10. Just totally recharged. Walked the dog walk route in reverse. (dog was so confused she didn’t stop and sniff every blade of grass – so that was good) Trying to eat a good breakfast instead of nothing, with little at night ( few dishes to deal with when tired…and it’s suppose to keep you from gaining weight …but ice cream probably has no understanding of that) and gave up and put flowers in pots in the flower beds.(Molly is still rearranging plants or stepping on them…if I paint the pots green maybe husband won’t complain…I can just replant so many times before giving up)
    Actually now i’m just tired – wait! That’s new. Tired at night instead of morning! Winner, right?


  11. The Waiting says:

    I am about to go back to work and one of the “benefits” of my new job is free gym membership. Maybe I can convince them to give me KFC vouchers in lieu of this.


  12. notquiteold says:

    i parked in a different parking space this morning. It must have been twelve feet from where I usually park.


  13. I am inspired by you!

    I tried hard to do three new things.

    1) I was polite
    2) I didn’t curse before 8am
    3) I drank only 3 pots of coffee


  14. Jackie says:

    I wholeheartedly approve the challenge for newness. 😉 And I’d post the new things I’ve done but something about these threads just makes me feel like it would be inappropriate. So today I’m getting a gel manicure. I don’t know what it is but I’m getting it. My hands will be new. That is, until I tear into them again with my teeth.


    • pegoleg says:

      I have no idea what a gel manicure is, Jackie, so I look forward to hearing all about it on Lollipop Tuesday. I never get manicures because they don’t last more than 10 minutes after I leave.


  15. I’m a day late…this morning I collected the trash and wheeled the container to the road. Pat usually does that Friday mornings but he has today off and I had to work so that’s new. Looking into new job prospects – does that count? Have a fabulous day, Pegomysista!


  16. Ha! As if there’s enough time and energy in the day to lead another life. This one keeps me hopping, although I am in a big rut and this winter didn’t help matters. Time to gear up for something new. About had it with my district. So, onward and upward or something like that.


  17. You inspire me. Extra-crispy it is tonight for dinner!

    Okay, I did what you told me to do. I went in the opposite direction on my walk AND I managed not to swear when I nearly stepped in some doggie doo on the trail. Well, I didn’t swear as loudly as I normally would have. And I made sure to greet every other walker and say something really positive to them like, “Gorgeous day, isn’t it?” Or “Isn’t this the perfect day?” instead of asking them “Is that your dog’s crap back there on the path?!”


  18. I had a breakfast item today I’ve never had before – A pumpkin flower omelet. One thing new anyway.


  19. I got some exercise in the form of Laser Tag. My cheeks were so red I looked like I had a really bad sun burn. I need to get out more.


  20. Life is change. In some cases, it’s chump change, but change none the less! 😉


  21. jbw0123 says:

    The do new (or is it new do?) left me worn out, and fried brain wires, kind of like going to the dermatologist for a face peel. Are you sure this is supposed to renew me? I kind of like the old ruts.


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