Riders On the Corn


Shadow truck  speeding down the late afternoon, early fall corridors of Any Farm Road, Illinois.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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58 Responses to Riders On the Corn

  1. Love the picture and the caption. Cool beans, or, er, a, corn? 🙂


  2. Marcia says:

    I love the picture! I grew up in Iowa and always enjoyed watching the car’s shadow in the fields. Now my husband is a pilot and I get to see the shadow of the plane on the crops.


  3. Elyse says:

    Wonderful picture!


  4. Love this photo, Peg. Hope you’re doing well. I was just thinking about you today. I’ve got an apple pie baking in the oven as I type this and I plan on eating most of it for dinner, because I love fall.


  5. Al says:

    Good picture. Looks like a scene out of “Signs.”


  6. BellaBell says:

    Awesome Picture!


  7. Jackie says:

    Absolute favorite time of year.


    • pegoleg says:

      Me too, except the days are getting shorter. And fall means that winter is just around the corner. And another year has almost passed and I’m that much older and nearer to death. But I absolutely love fall!


  8. Were there any Children of the Corn? 🙂


  9. susielindau says:

    Wow! It really looks like fall! Gorgeous!


  10. The Waiting says:

    This makes me feel all warm just looking at it. Fall is on its way!


  11. haha…just drove in from being in the country all day!


  12. pattisj says:

    Nice shot, Peg. It is beginning to look like fall.


  13. Ooh, lovely photo! Fall makes me happy. Winter…not so much (snow & slushy roads & darkness by 4 pm & mud = 😦 ). But for a few blissful weeks it is fall; apple pies, cable knit sweaters and beautiful frosty October mornings.


  14. This is a very cool picture, reminding us Autum is upon us (except here in Texas). Very nice.


  15. Now I’ve got Jim Morrison stuck in my mind. Thanks, Peg! 🙂


  16. dorannrule says:

    I love the shadow truck! Great shot. 🙂


    • pegoleg says:

      I’ve got a bunch of them, but this was the best. As the road dipped our shadow would be on the grass, then the corn, then a farmhouse, then back to corn. Made me dizzy!


  17. Go Jules Go says:

    Arg, WordPress is being a WordTurd and not letting me ‘like’ this, but rest assured – I do! Please accept this comment as a thousand likes. (SO THERE, WORDPRESS.)


  18. Wonderful shot! I love it. It definitely has a Fall feel about it.


  19. That is a cool pic! Like Jules, WordPress is being a tool for me as well.


  20. Could have been found where I grew-up too, Peg…
    I love it!


  21. Roxie says:

    Army Trail Road? Is that near Carol Stream?


  22. If you drive through, they will ‘ear you… Oh, stop groaning. A bad pun is still a pun!


  23. Sandy Sue says:

    Yaay! WordPress finally fixed whatever was keeping me from getting new post notifications. So, I come back to find you deep into photography. So-Very-Cool, Peg.


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