World Famous Comedian Visits Peg-o-Leg’s Blog!

I don’t want to brag, but I’m so excited I couldn’t keep this to myself.  Although we bloggers toil in the WordPress vineyards primarily for personal satisfaction, a little recognition never comes amiss.  In fact, the prayer we dare not utter is our secret, fervent wish that we will get noticed by the “right” people, and that this will lead to fame and fortune.

Of course, I’ve had my brushes with fame before.

When I first started this blog it was with the intention of getting noticed by Oprah.  I wanted her to hire me as a writer.  That never actually happened, so maybe I can’t count it as a “brush” with fame.  Maybe more like shooting an arrow at the elusive fame target, only to have it crash impotently to the ground; total fail.

There was that time I wrote about how I was the secret love child of Dave Barry and Erma Bombeck.   I sent an email link to Dave, one of my favorite humor writers, and he actually responded.  No kidding!  What a great guy.  I wish I had half of his talent.

But just the other day I had a real brush (more of a head-on collision) with fame.  One of my very favorite comedians stopped by this blog.  I’m not sure how he heard of me, but he read my stuff and really liked it.  He was kind enough to leave a comment.  I’m so stoked!

He used an alias, but I recognized his “voice” and I know you will too.  Here’s what he said.

“Hello all, here every one is sharing these knowledge, so it’s pleasant to read this blog, and I used to pay a quick visit this webpage all the time.”

It said the comment came from someone named Come Play With My Dirty Pillows.  What an alias – ha ha! But that comment is obviously the work of one of the Czech Brothers.

Only thing is, I wonder how Steve’s comment ended up in my spam folder?

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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77 Responses to World Famous Comedian Visits Peg-o-Leg’s Blog!

  1. Very funny. I hate to take the wind out of your sails, but I think he visited my blog, too and I’m not half as funny as you!


  2. bigsheepcommunications says:

    Who needs Oprah when you’ve got Steve!


  3. SocietyRed says:

    That was classic! Well done!


  4. “Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!” You get all the luck.


  5. susielindau says:

    Hilarious! I think that wild and crazy guy may have slipped into my folder too!


  6. MG says:

    Dammit! I feel so betrayed! 😉


  7. Margie says:

    If that comment got put in your Spam Folder, just imagine how many other famous people have left comments on your blog but you didn’t get to see them because the Spam Filter sent them packing before you even saw them!


  8. Steeeeeeeve! You are a superstar! Who needs to be Freshly Pressed?!


  9. Go Jules Go says:

    I’m not surprised in the slightest. You’re a Recommended Humor Blogger! You have the dazzling badge to prove it. Steve’s no slouch. Do you need someone to watch your peep store while you’re at the 2013 Bloggy’s?


    • pegoleg says:

      That IS a very handsome Recommended Humor Blogger badge. Someone with mad, mad computering skillz must have designed it.

      Except now that I’ve put it up I’m paranoid that I’m not on the list anymore. I keep obsessively checking and most of the time I don’t see me. 😦 Then I go back the next day and there I am and all is right with the world.


  10. The C-Sweet says:

    Bravo!!!!! I was really so excited for you when I read the first two lines and looked at the photo….Nice way to make lemonade out of lemons (spam) LOL. Watching the video clip took me back – hilarious!!!!! Oprah really should be reading you!!


  11. Al says:

    It was only a matter of time before a wild and crazy gal like you was “discovered”.


  12. OMG! No Way! I’m well-jel!


  13. mistyslaws says:

    Damn. And here I am merely getting letters from the FBI. And you have a bonafide SNL alum hanging out and eating spam with you!! Can I have YOUR autograph, Peg?


  14. Those wild and crazy guys! Such moves. Such great outfits .
    You have all the fun!


    • pegoleg says:

      And what great bulges for swinging successfully!

      At my English As A Second Language class yesterday, “bulges” was one of the vocabulary words. I kept having to stifle giggles – I figured those skits might not translate too well.


  15. Tar-Buns says:

    How fun, Peg! A visit from Steve Martin himself! Wow-za. 🙂


  16. You hang in the most awesome circles, Peg! You wild and crazy, Gal! Even your Spam in not ready for prime time… 🙂


  17. Two wild and crazy guys!!!!


  18. Look at you, you swinging girl, having a good time here and now. I am not surprised that he put the moves on your big American blog.


  19. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Dan Akroyd shows up to peddle the Bass-O-Matic in your Etsy shop!


  20. Off to check my spam folder! 🙂


  21. Angie Z. says:

    Peg, you are so lucky! I love the Wild and Crazy guys! That’s what my best friend and I called them in 5th grade because we could never remember their names. Steve, if you’re reading, I can still recite The Jerk from start to finish. Thank you for that party trick.

    Dave Barry wrote you back?!


  22. amelie88 says:

    I’m having a hard time figuring out whether your favorite comedian actually did send you an email or not? Well if he did, congratulations! It must feel amazing to be recognized by one of your idols. 😀


    • pegoleg says:

      Dave Barry (one of my favorite humor writers) really did send me an email after I wrote a post about him. As to Steve Martin commenting, well, it COULD have been him…right?


  23. Laura says:

    Another clue that the comment is from Steve: the alias is clearly a reference to this:


  24. Sandy Sue says:

    What a scream. But wait…isn’t that Billy Crystal in your Spam, too? Hiding behind his Princess Bride wizard voice? Ooo! And Seth Rogan is mumbling around in there, too! My gawd, girl! It’s a veritable Comic Relief Masquerade!


  25. My husband will be so jealous when I tell him SM dropped in on your blog. He follows him on Twitter along with a gazillion others. ya never know who or what will show up in your spam.


  26. To many brushes with fame and you will not be able to bath any more. Careful.


    • pegoleg says:

      You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many brushes with fame. That’s what my old granny always said.
      No…wait. That’s what I always said. She always said “that child needs the board of education applied to her seat of learning.”


  27. You’re my hero! (I’m only commenting so Steve will see the comment and then visit my blog. Fingers crossed!)


  28. I’ve been on this huge re-discovering Steve Martin’s catalogue kick (he’s one of my absolute all-time favorite entertainers), and seeing your post in the reader, my immediate thought was, “I’m done. If Steve Martin visited someone’s blog that isn’t me, I quit.”

    It was not a mature moment.


    • pegoleg says:

      Come on in off that ledge, B-man. It is possible that my brush with Excuuuuuse Me, banjo-playing hilarity was all in my mind.

      But if we’re talking Steve Martin love, check out the “about me” line on my avatar. Somebody recognized that obscure reference just this week for the first time ever.

      If SM DOES show up on YOUR blog and not mine, let me know so I can turn the oven on…need to warm it up before I stick my head in it.


  29. I should have worn my tight slacks today!
    How now I can cruise comments successfully?!


  30. List of X says:

    Apparently, after you posted a spam comment on your blog, my WP reader immediately sent your entire blog to my spam folder. That was the only explanation I could think of for why your blog stopped showing up in my reader. Congratulations on getting noticed by Steve. I’ve heard he’s been leaving a lot of comments all over WordPress. Do you think he’s promoting his new movie?


  31. “World Famous Comedian Visits Peg-o-Leg’s Blog!

    | Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings” ended up being extremely enjoyable and instructive! In modern society that’s tough to do. Thank you, Velma


  32. pattisj says:

    He and a few of his friends have been dropping by regularly. I’m sure they found me through your blog.


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