Tiptoe Through The Tulips

As I meander through the blogosphere this election season, the truly prodigious profile of Tiny Tim keeps popping into my mind.  His signature ditty, sung in that manly falsetto, warbles through my brain, “Tiptoe through the tulips…”

Why is Tiny Tim occupying valuable real estate in my brain?  Why?

I am oh-so-carefully tiptoeing through WordPress nowadays.  I pop into a blog, see the political bile spewing forth, and tiptoe out… vewy, vewy carefuwwy.  I’m paying extra attention to where every dainty toe lands.  Tiptoe through the minefield…

Be vewy, vewy quiet…

It seems that many bloggers missed my post from a few months ago, Dear Political Opponent, subtitled “Why can’t we all just get along?”  Maybe my message was too subtle.  That must be it, because it is getting nastier and nastier right down in here and I don’t mean maybe.

Nas. ty.

There’s more of an effort made to see the other guy’s point of view if he’s living in Gitmo, than if he’s a member of an opposing political party.

People!  People!  Your mommas taught you to behave better than this.  K-N-O-C-K    I-T    O-F-F!

I love y’all, but I’m afraid to come visit some folks.  The political pit bull tied up by your front door is snarling, lunging and trying to tear my throat out.   Can you toss him a Shih Tzu to gnaw on and put him in the doghouse for a little rest?  Then we can share a laugh or two, and maybe some punch and cookies.

Repeat after me:

ONE nation
Under God,
With liberty
And justice
For ALL.

And don’t give me any crap about the God part – you don’t have to hit your knees if you don’t want to.


About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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92 Responses to Tiptoe Through The Tulips

  1. Elyse says:

    Peg, I’m pretty sure that my name (among others) was running through your head when you wrote this plea.

    Just as we disagree (pretty strongly) about politics, we disagree about this. I started my blog thinking I would write about politics. It became less about politics, but not entirely NOT about politics. When I see something political that I feel the need to write about, I do. Given the fact that there are two months to go and a great deal is at stake, I expect to write about politics more and more. I do it sometimes with humor but sometimes with anger. That is how I react to some of the injustices I see in our country today.

    So sorry Peg, but I’m not going to play nice while the GOP tries to change Medicare to Vouchercare. I’m not going to play nice when I feel they are race baiting. I am not going to play nice when they lie.

    It’s my constitutional right under the First Amendment. If you want to take away one of my Amendments, though, help yourself to the Second. I won’t be wielding any guns. Only words.


    • Al says:

      Oops, sounds like someone else has a tingle going up their leg like Chris Matthews.


    • pegoleg says:

      I would NEVER want to take away your rights, Elyse. And I love that you are firmly, passionately committed to your point of view.

      I can totally understand the conviction that ones point of view is the one, true point of view. Frankly, that’s how I feel. My way is best. But I assume that the other guy ALSO sincerely thinks that his way is the best way.

      Obviously there are exceptions; there are those who are only in it for themselves. I don’t think I’m a dewy-eyes optimist when I say I believe these people are the exception, rather than the rule. Just because someone is WRONG doesn’t mean he is also BAD.

      Whether with humor or anger, I celebrate your right to say what you mean. I just want us to all keep the lines of communication open wide enough to continue to engage is this kind of vigorous debate.


      • Deborah the Closet Monster says:

        “Just because someone is WRONG doesn’t mean he is also BAD.” I’ve had precious little of political nature show up in the blogs I read (or is just that I’m hardly reading blogs at the moment?), for which I feel fortunate. My Facebook feed has not been quite so kindly. Most I have greeted with smiles and/or headshakes, but I did see one that actually questioned our President’s good intent, and that just got under my skin. The mere fact alone someone makes a different choice than you does not imply badness, evil or malice. It simply means they’re reaching different conclusions with the same facts.

        I did actually decide to “come out of the Democrat closet” in last night’s blog, but doing so in a way that I think is very complementary to what you talk about in general here:
        I continue to believe that kind hearts are the best hearts, and that kind hearts know no particular political affiliation.


        • pegoleg says:

          Love the kind hearts quote and I agree with you 100%. Congratulations on coming out of your closet. Even with cobwebs in your hair and last year’s winter coats around your shoulders, you always look great to me


        • Deborah the Closet Monster says:

          While it was likely your intent, you just managed to make me cry, sweet tears. Thank you, Peg. I am grateful for you, and think you, too, always look spectacular. ♥


  2. Al says:

    I agree. Let’s tone it down. I’m thinking a game of winner-take-all paint ball instead of elections. Everyone in the country plays, single elimination. The winner rules the country for 4 years while we make more paint to determine the next “ruler”. With any luck, a stoner will win and we all chill out for a while.




  4. Averyanne says:

    Thank you for this, Peg-o-Leg. I feel the same way as you do. I would so much rather hear what other people think is good and strong about their own candidate. When the bile spewing comes out about the opposing candidate, it is normally lame hearsay, misconceptions, things taken out of context, or a downright lie. In other words, most of what you read in the bile aisle is just a bunch of nonsense. Goes both ways. I do respect the first ammendment, but we need some truth in there somewhere. Thanks for your blog!


  5. mistyslaws says:

    I am not politacally minded at all. It gets pretty ugly with all the mud-slinging going on around this time of year. And people I previously thought were reasonable and intelligent Facebook friends, become punch drinking zealots for whatever side they feel is “right” and god help ya if you are on the “wrong” side, because they will surely let you know. It’s just tiresome. I can’t wait until November is over. Can’t we just sing Xmas carols already? Have some spiked Egg Nog? Hang up the miseltoe and make all the Repubs and Demos kiss and make up? No? Sigh.


    • pegoleg says:

      Many repubs and dems are attaching mistletoe to the ends of their coattails, so…yeah. Just leave the TV off for a couple of months, Misty. Focus on weirdos in short-shorts and cowboy boots instead.


  6. bigsheepcommunications says:

    The nastiness is definitely contagious. If you prefer a lighter form of diversion, may I suggest watching a Real Housewives’ slugfest instead?


  7. notquiteold says:

    I sort of come down on Elyse’s side with this. I don’t like to write political pieces (even though I have very strong feelings) – but it’s up to each writer. I do despair though, that the partisan nastiness is at an all-time high. Is it the talking heads on TV? When did ‘compromise’ become a dirty word -isn’t that the way something actually gets DONE?


    • pegoleg says:

      I’m not in favor of censorship – PLEASE understand. I’m just in favor of a little more civility. You are so right. Compromise is the ONLY word that is going to get anything done in Washington – the two parties have to work together.


      • So agree. Tired of all the outrage, sound and fury, the carefully planned emotionally charged wording, inflammatory language, name calling, and totally nastiness – it’s just like watching middle school kids.
        Civil discourse used to be prized.
        You can believe what you want, just respect and be polite to those who differ in opinion. Compromise means meeting in the middle – both giving some up equally – not yelling because it’s either “all my way or the highway(which makes you total idiot!)”
        Please. Peg’s right. Many of us are totally disgusted with BOTH sides’ behavior.
        Great post, thanks


        • pegoleg says:

          Thank YOU. The talking heads that are sent out to give the party line are the worst offenders – worse than the actual politicians, really. They set the tone that gets picked up by partisan journalists and trickles down to the avid amateur. Maybe if enough of us raise our voices to demand civility, they’ll get the message.

          And maybe Santa will finally bring me that Betsy Wetsy doll I’ve been asking for for the last 45 years.


  8. ldsrr91 says:

    I am oh-so-carefully tiptoeing through WordPress nowadays. I pop into a blog, see the political bile spewing forth, and tiptoe out… vewy, vewy carefuwwy.

    So very true, thanks.



  9. Margie says:

    David Moss of the Harvard Business Review said this about fixing what’s wrong with U.S. politics: “What’s needed is something basic but demanding: a renewed sense of commitment to the health of the democracy—above party, economic interest, and ideology. That’s critical because the competition between opposing views of government seems to prove most fruitful when it takes place in the context of such a shared commitment: Disagreements may be intense, but they are taken only so far—as in a family.”
    A challenge to all bloggers who write opinions about politics – can you go beyond just bitching, and give come up with solutions that both sides can work with?


    • pegoleg says:

      “Disagreements may be intense, but they are taken only so far – as in family.” LOVE this concept. When we argue with a family member, we employ internal filters that say when to apply the brakes. Except for your drunk sister-in-law who has NO freakin’ filter and ruins every get-together, the b*tch.


  10. Al says:

    OK, so my paint ball contest idea didn’t fly. Guess I’ll have to get serious. I agree with Peg.

    There is a reason why politics and religion are considered taboo subjects between friends and family. All you have to do is look in the past. Regarding religion, as we all know, it has been the cause for wars and killings throughout history. As for politics, ever since the election of 1800 (the first contested in the new United States) slander, innuendo and a multitude of vituperative has been the norm. Early on, these differences were settled with fistfights and even duels. Maybe political blog wars represent a more civilized approach, but don’t we have better things to write about?

    What I have done is to create another blog to discuss politics so that my regular blog readers can go there by choice or not. They are not subjected to my obtuse opinions unexpectedly. Consider it.


    • pegoleg says:

      Some people’s political opinions ARE their blog – that’s ok and I respect that.

      I must admit that I often struggle with being true to my blog’s voice. I mainly do humor pieces, because that’s what I’m “selling” here (note the use of quotation marks to denote irony here because, you know, there are no actual sales involved). When I deviate from that I wonder if readers think “jeez, get over yourself! Everyone thinks they’re a “writer”. I come here for some light fluff, not deep introspection of my belly-button”. I’d consider a second, more serious blog, but I don’t have the energy.


  11. Yeah, I get enough of the nasty debating within my own family. Why on earth would I want to get into it on blogs? I appreciate that others truly enjoy a healthy debate, but not me. I’ll just sip my coffee and let others duke it out. Sometimes it strikes me as we’re all just a bunch of kids on a playground, fighting over who goes first in hopscotch. Didn’t we learn in school to appreciate all sides and points of view? Didn’t we learn respect? Or simple acceptance of differences? Didn’t I learn not to eat paste? And not to stick crayons up my nose?


  12. As a conflict-averse person (is that an oxymoron), I don’t post about political matters. Although, from the looks it, I could really spike my hits (not in the face, but my in my stats) if I did. Just look that the traffic you’re getting, Peg!

    I will comment on political posts, but often soften my comments with humor–it’s my Middle Child, I-Want-Everyone-To-Love-Me disposition. About the only opinion I’ve been open about is that I am a dog person, not a cat person; but you won’t hear any cat vitriol from me. Just the thought of cat vitriol makes me squeamish and I really wish cats wouldn’t cough that stuff up.

    On the matter of political posts…
    I am pro: free speech, civility, facts, and recognizing the complexity of issues.
    I am anti: opinions phrased as facts, oversimplifying a person or an issue, statements meant to end discourse rather than open it up, and disgusting vitriol (especial of the cat variety).


  13. Audrey says:

    Preach it, Peg!!


  14. I try to make fun of all politicians equally. Lately, it seems like one party is a bit easier to kick – not because they’re down, just slightly more populated with buffoons at the moment. I promise to not choose sides in bloggery. In the big picture, I’m going for the laugh or to occasionally make a point, and my creative rights will not be infringed upon just because I don’t actually know anything about what a candidate stands for. The saving grace of politics is that we pretty much have a 50% chance of rooting for a winner, which is better than baseball, college football or a round-robin badminton tournament. In the end, we all lose though, because politicians are not the answer to most of our problems.


  15. Thanks, Ms. Audrey. But if I revealed my cool readers, people would know who I am.
    And, I am all about the incognito. As if that’s possible with Peg’s fame?
    Love, love, love, you both!
    T-Buns, humbly 🙂


    • pegoleg says:

      I DO love your reader glasses – they’re so “you”, Ms. Incognito.

      Did you hear Lib and I are going to Washington DC? Just decided, just booked, leaving on Saturday.


      • What??? No, this is the first I’ve heard of it. Does that mean I’m going to HAVE to join facebook to learn of these things? Having enough trouble with my newbie blog, which is languishing somewhere, probably Maine, sipping margaritas without me. Sigh…
        (Let me know about the trip. Have a great time! Wow!)


  16. Election season?!
    In my monarchy?!
    This will not stand, Peg! This simply will not stand!
    *daintily rings tiny bell*
    Bring me another another Mai-tai!


  17. Hi Peg, now I’m nervous to leave a comment on your blog! 🙂 I refrain from “discussing” politics in the blog-world as from my experience, it’s never an actual discussion. It’s more a barrage. Maybe this is what you’re seeing, and what’s making you feel unwelcome. I hope that my blog will be a happy refuge for you, though of course I’m on summer break right now. 😉 Don’t want you thinking I’m making promises I can’t keep. I’ll be back in a few weeks and I’ll have chocolate on the brain. Everybody can agree about chocolate, right?


    • pegoleg says:

      How nice to see your smiling face! I hope you’re having a great time being mommy this summer.

      I’m looking forward to the chocolate posts. I’ve been doing way too much personal research on that topic for the health and well-being of my hips.


  18. Go Jules Go says:

    Peg, this post makes me happy and reaffirms that I have the best bloggy buds a chipmunk enthusiast could ever ask for. (Er, Chipmunks-4-President?)

    I especially liked your point: “There’s more of an effort made to see the other guy’s point of view if he’s living in Gitmo, than if he’s a member of an opposing political party.”


  19. pattisj says:

    Wonder who Tiny Tim will vote for?


  20. grand-player says:

    Well said and thanks


  21. Angie Z. says:

    I love and remember that post. And I couldn’t agree more. But does it count as political harassment if I just posted on my Facebook wall that I sort of want to make out with Barack? It’s not political; I’m just a sucker for a good looking, brilliant man who should get everyone’s votes this November if they know what’s good for them. What?

    Tiny Tim. Now he would’ve made a great President…in my nightmares.


    • pegoleg says:

      It’s perfectly acceptable to fantasize about a candidate, as long as that fantasy does not involve boiling him in oil or some other such Medieval torture method.

      I think Tiny Tim was under appreciated as a great mind of his time.


  22. I love the way you think (and write) Sista’! I have reached that dangerous age in life when I quite frankly don’t care what other people’s politics or political opinions are (unless you are making decisions that directly effect me and my life). I don’t want to read your opinions on FaceBook or in a blog. I send in the trained scent dogs first, any whiff of political opinion coming from anyone other than the candidates themselves will be shut out and discarded as having no value. I can make my own decisions thank you, and they are reserved for the privacy of the voting poll. Others are entitled to expend as much energy as they like to whomever will listen. I choose peace in either a positive or at least neutral environment. The rest of you can strike me from the invite list of your stress filled parties in rooms filled with negative ions. I will have implanted hearing aids in my ears (despite having no hearing loss) just so I can turn those of you with a need to share your political opinions off.


    • Tar-Buns says:

      Amen! Sing it, sister! Well done!
      Did you know Peg’s on vacation? Lucky lady!
      Hope Peg and sister Lib are enjoying the eastern seaboard – (not Maine, sorry). 🙂


  23. Pingback: Tiptoe Through The Tulips - by Tiny Tim (on Laugh-In) | UkeView

  24. Dana says:

    This is one of the few and only times I can heartily thank the government of Canada for establishing “Canadian Content” rules for our television channels. Most of our TV is piped in directly from the States, but each channel has to adhere to a certain amount of locally produced (and usually crappy) Canadian TV, too. Because of these regulations, I can easily avoid anything US-Presidential-Race-related and tune in to the season premiere of “The Bachelor: Canada” instead. It’s win-win, really. 🙂


  25. Pingback: Tiptoe Through the Tulips - by Tiny Tim on The Tonight Show (1968) | UkeView

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