Don’t Let Tinkerbell Die!

This old song from The Kingston Trio really gets you thinking, doesn’t it?  Never mind that peace and war stuff, though.  What I want to know is this:

Where have all the readers gone?

My blog stats are in the:

There are tumbling tumbleweeds rolling through this blog.

I don’t think I’m alone in this.  I’ve heard the same complaint from other bloggers; talented people like Jules, Byronic and Angie.  That makes me feel a little better, but it doesn’t make it right.   We don’t deserve to be ignored like this.  After all…

You heard Donna. Except that we work hard for the NO money.   No dinero.  No greenbacks. No payola, smackola or Motorola.

I think I’ve pinpointed the problem: it’s summer time.  Everybody has abandoned his or her computer for summer fun.  Big mistake, and I’ll tell you why.  If you’re…

  • Frolicking on the beach:  Sharks will come within 2 feet of shore to get some tasty swimmer tartar.  Even in Minnesota.
  • Enjoying nature: I just did a post exposing the dangers lurking in nature.  You’d be better off flipping through old National Geographics so you won’t end up as dinner for a 12-foot Burmese python.
  • Soaking up some sun:  Everybody knows about the cancer angle, but that’s not the worst that can happen.  When you see what a lifetime of sun has done to the chest of a woman over 50, well, it isn’t pretty.   Pale looks good on you.
  • Going to the Olympics:  I’ve got one word for you: parking.  Do yourself a favor. Stay home and watch it on TV where you can get a soda for less than $10 and go to the bathroom anytime you want.
  • Traveling:  Broadening your horizons is great and all, but think about this; whenever you go somewhere else, they do things differently than at home.  You’ll be all, “Yuck – they expect me to eat black pudding for breakfast? I don’t even know what’s IN that.”  or “How come I can’t get Jersey Shore on the TV here? How will I find out if JWoww discovers the cure for cancer?”
  • Spending time with family:  Let’s face it; that’s not going to end well.  You know what I’m talking about.

Bloggers are like Tinkerbell.  (Like the original, animated Disney Tinkerbell, not the new animated one who’s more sex-kittenish, and not Julia Roberts in “Hook”.  I didn’t get her in that role at all.) If you don’t believe in us, we fade away. Our wings turn to dust and we end up lying on the floor of our tiny, golden WordPress cages, barely breathing.

I realize those of you who have stopped reading are, by definition, not reading this.  So yeah, I’m kind of preaching to the choir.

But if everyone within the sound of my voice will just stand up and clap their hands.  That’s right, stand up! Clap and yell, “I believe, Peg-o-Leg!  I believe in the power of blogging!”  then we’ll spring up, flutter our wings and sprinkle fairy dust all over your life!

*warning *
If you’re sitting in a coffee shop right now, better wait until you get home for the Tinkerbell affirmation. Those places are a little sensitive about this sort of thing because of all the nut cases that wander in off the streets, muttering to themselves and wanting to use their bathroom as an escape pod to their mother-ship.  Wouldn’t want you to get tossed out on the sidewalk just when we’re sharing a moment.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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139 Responses to Don’t Let Tinkerbell Die!

  1. Sara says:

    I believe!!


  2. I’m here! But if you haven’t seen Peter Pan recently, I’m thinking you have forgotten what a spoiled little bitch she is. Seriously. She almost lets Wendy die. Uncool. But the rest of this post is divine. And yeah. Quieter over at my place too. I’m only going to post once a week for the summer and develop material for the fall. I can’t bear the thought of writing about my son’s bar mitzvah and have no one read about it. It was soooooo awesome!


    • pegoleg says:

      You know, you’re right. Tink was like a 15-year-old girl at “that” time of the month.

      I’ve been wondering when we’d hear about the bar mitzvah – can’t wait to get the details! Are you recovered from all the hoopla?


    • Go Jules Go says:

      Aw crud, Renée, I have to WAIT for more bar mitzvah goodness?! (Your line about Tinkerbell killed me.)


  3. Elyse says:

    When I started my blog in late May last year, I looked around to find others to read and didn’t find any. Now I know why. June/July is the black hole of blogging. Does Tink do black holes or do I need to find Marvin the Martian for that?


    • pegoleg says:

      I know you’re right, intellectually, but the drop is scary. I keep thinking everybody got wise to me, picked up their balls and went home.


      • Elyse says:

        I don’t know about that. Sometimes when my inbox is flooded (like now) I just skip over posts. Then I don’t get the jokes in comments… It’s summer and nearly 4th of july. Everyone got sand in their laptops.


  4. misswhiplash says:

    I left my computer, stood up, clapped my hands and shouted ‘I believe’. My husband is now phoning for the men in white coats..
    Seriously though…I am still here ..I read you, sometimes I comment, sometimes I don’t, sometimes I just press the ‘like’ button to show that I have been around.

    I think that the readers you have , although maybe fewer, are of good quality rather than quantity. That is the way i look at falling stats….

    Keep the sparkle Tinkerbelle, and you’ll survive the storm ! Love P


    • pegoleg says:

      Oh, Miss P, I hope you can outrun the guys in the white coats. Thanks for the words of encouragement, and you’re right – I’ve got the quality right here and that’s for SURE!


  5. Al says:

    OK, Peg, your pathetic pleading for readers has touched my heart. I’m setting my computer so my hits will automatically go over to your blog. I hope these additional 3 hits per day will help.

    P.S. That was you dancing in the skirt and vest wasn’t it?


  6. bigsheepcommunications says:

    Well, Peg, I DO believe, but I decline to stand up and clap my hands because the last thing I want to be doing on a 100 degree day is vacuuming up fairy dust. Still, you rock.


    • pegoleg says:

      Ha ha! Ain’t that the truth. I have been so, so thankful for air-conditioning for the last couple of weeks. Of course I’m dreading the electric bill, but jeez oh criminy, thank you JESus for the a/c.


      • bigsheepcommunications says:

        Amen to that!


        • Tar-Buns says:

          Amen, amen, amen!
          BTW, Peg, how’s the screened porch coming? When do we see some in-progress pix? I’m dying to visualize it… Of course, it will need to be less than 110 outside before you can use it so no rush this week!


        • pegoleg says:

          They’re doing great! The roof, half-walls, etc are all in, and I just picked out the ceiling fan. He power-washed the front of the house today, so I’m excited to see what my house looks like without mold and spider webs all over. I was beginning to think we had chosen green fur siding, but it’s coming back to me that it’s supposed to be gray.


  7. If it makes you feel any better Peg, my stat graph is completely inverted.
    That’s right.
    NEGATIVE numbers.
    I’m not sure how that is even possible, really.
    Must be some kind of W.P. penalty, or something.


  8. We’re all talking stats at the moment! Sometimes having access to those stats us a curse isn’t it. Let’s spread the fairy dust wide…


  9. Go Jules Go says:

    Thank you for the shout-out, Peg! You have all my claps! Even if I am the choir!

    I’m wondering if people who are scaling back [with their blogs] for the summer have the right idea, because how many trees do we want to chop if no one’s here to hear them? (That sentence made my head hurt. I’m sorry.)

    And it’s official. I’m not leaving the house except to tan, because I’ll be the first to know if J-Woww finds the cure.


    • pegoleg says:

      ExACTly. Do you post the bloggy-equivalent of Pulitzer prize winning material if only 5 people are going to read it? Cuz I’ve got literally dozens of those kinds of posts just waiting in my draft folder. Yup. Yuppers. Right there waiting.

      You’re honest opinion, Jules. Do those wings make my thighs look big?


      • Go Jules Go says:

        Oh, yes, me too. Yup. Yup yup yup.

        I was actually just going to say you look like you could use a few extra peanut butter cups and a margarita chaser. Chop chop!


  10. Running from Hell with El says:

    Sending fairy dust and love your way!!
    Sorry I’ve been a little absent–working on books. But yeah. My FB Page and Blog are much slower now. I am blogging just once a week in part because of the summer slow-down.
    But I love your writing just as much as ever. So good on ya and keep blogging! xo


    • pegoleg says:

      El I’m in awe of y’all working on books. It’s like Pinnochio – you’re a REAL boy, not a wooden, WordPress puppet. Mixing Disney movies here, but that’s ok.

      Once per week is probably a good idea. Hmmm. Thinking this over.

      Right back at you with the writing love. We’ll get through this slow summer, right?


      • Running from Hell with El says:

        Yes, we’ll get through it!

        I copied the one week thing from Nina Badzin. Renee and I talked it over, and to be frank, I found that my quality was slipping. I was blogging 3-4 times a week, and out of those blogs, two would be really good, and then, well, the other one or two . . . not so great!

        You’re a great writer Peg!


  11. Tar-Buns says:

    OK Tinkerbell, I’m with you!
    Especially liked: “If you don’t believe in us, we fade away. Our wings turn to dust and we end up lying on the floor of our tiny, golden WordPress cages, barely breathing.”
    Hang in there! This too shall pass, right? Right? Should I get into this kind of torture?
    PS – Darlinski made it 2 weeks. Maybe she’s on to something???
    Love ya! Talk later!


    • pegoleg says:

      Hi Tar! It was nice to see Darla’s face about the place. The blog does become a love/hate soul-sucker at times. But in a really good way, of course! 😉


      • Tar-Buns says:

        Ha! Liar, liar, pants on fire! And in this heat, it’s almost literal.
        We are gonna COOK this week. Friday looks to be especially brutal with highs of 97…cooler TH, only 94, BIG cool down for Sat, only 89. Geesh!
        At least we will have AC rooms, two pools and the boat. But then there’s the issue of my blinding white flab body in a bathing drape, exposed in public, to enjoy said water. Yikes!!!
        It’ll be fun. Repeat after me.


  12. Janu says:

    I was going to write that this kind of reminded me of being in the pew’s at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church as a kid, and the priest giving a lecture….I mean sermon…. about all of the bad Catholics who did not attend Mass. As a kid, I thought he was preching to the wrong group, we were the Good Catholics that were there. I guess that’s not such a great analogy to what you are experiencing, so I have decided not to write that. I do think it is a seasonal thing, and your stats will rebound when the days start getting shorter and the leaves turn.


  13. Off the Wall says:

    Wel, I try to read any blog post written, but I don’t always comment. I have a lot of people I follow, so some days my email is a challenge, lol. I also have a lot of bloggers on my twitter, so some days it blows up with postings. But I love all the bloggers, so it’s all good! I’m on my laptop constantly because I don’t like the heat or sun ever since I got malignant melanoma (one more reason to say out of the sun my friends, not pretty!). And your right about the chest! I had a chemical peel done on my face and chest not too long ago, and it improved greatly!


    • pegoleg says:

      Oh, jeez, my husband got that on his arm. I hope you’ve been cancer free for a while.

      I’m intrigued by the chemical peel. Did it hurt a lot? How long did it take to recover from that?


  14. notquiteold says:

    And when you are watching the Olympics on TV, would it be so hard to read a blog or two during the commercial breaks? This is what your lap is for: YOUR LAPTOP.


  15. Stupid summer vacations…. It’s so much cooler (not just temperature wise) to be inside reading blogs.

    PS: How long do I clap for? My hands are getting raw.


  16. BillThePraiseAndWorshipGuy says:

    There ARE no excuses == everybody has a Kindle or some such device for staying blog-current at the beach… What takes the time is reading every single comment and your sparkling replies — easily triple the time drain! (See you in a few days – we’re coming Wednesday).


    • pegoleg says:

      Bill, you hit the nail on the head. IN this day and age, there’s just no excuse to be unplugged. OF course I won’t be anywhere near a computer starting Wednesday, but that’s different.
      (I thought of you when I posted this – yet ANOTHER blogging whine.)


  17. mistyslaws says:

    Ok, fine. Here I am. Happy now? Because I am NOT the choir. Truthfully, I might burst into flames if I even tried to walk into a church . . . or go outside at this point. Wait . . . I had a point. What was it?

    See, aren’t you so happy to have new commenters? 😉

    Oh, and I stood up, yelled and clapped. Now my boss wants to see me in his office. Do you think I’m getting a raise for my exuberance? Do ya?


  18. Yes! Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be! Pegoleg, we love you!!!

    Family? Psbbst. Who needs ’em? Kids? Psbbst. Who has the time to watch them? I can drag my little laptop out poolside. But as you can see, I’ve already opened up two cans of PBR so I might be too buzzed to blog.

    By the way, I have this horrible BBQ my in-laws are bugging me to attend on the fourth…but now I can stand up and proudly say “Screw you! I’m staying home to read Pegoleg’s blog!” So thank you much for that excuse, Pegoliciousness.

    By the way, how does B-man, Jules and Angie and you even notice your stats are in the toilet? Mine always are….And if I do get a few dozen hits (yes, not hundreds like SOME bloggers that shall remain nameless) it’s usually because they were searching for “Kenny Chesney’s ass” and found my blog by accident.


    • pegoleg says:

      Jeez, Darla, that kind of enthusiasm seems, I don’t know, like sarcasm. But THAT couldn’t be, right pal? Old buddy?

      The days of the hundreds of hits seem to have passed me by, hence the pitiful lament. And it just so happens that great capitalistic enterprise, ADVERTISING, has come to this blog as of today. Now I gotta drum up some more readers.

      You need to switch your avatar – paint in a PBR can over your coffee mug. It’s too hot for coffee, girl!


      • I am serious! We really do love you! I’m not being sarcastic when I say that, I swear.

        I was kidding about the PBR binge though… I hate beer.

        But I do love you, Miss Pegoleg. I missed you tons. It’s only been 2 weeks and it feels like an eternity without my clever barb-trading bloggy buddy. Sniff. sniff.

        You have ads? Go on wid your bad self! You’ve hit the big time, baby. I’ve no doubt once the holiday is over your hits will skyrocket again


      • by the way, this post and the scream McD’s one did not show up in my reader so I had to resubscribe again. I really do blame my lack of hits on that fact, most of my readers don’t even get notified of my posts anymore.


  19. Mary K. says:

    Love the blogs and videos and fantastic “art work”. I’m sure it’s just the summer busyness. Looking forward to seeing you all this week. I can’t go swimming-bummer. Get your butt to Goodwill and get a suit!


    • pegoleg says:

      I got my saggy butt to Marshalls during lunch today for just that reason. I am so depressed now I’m going to kill myself -death by chocolate – no, wait, that’s how the saggy butt got that way in the first place! But I’m not a quitter…I’m going out again tonight for more torture. Lord save me!

      Can’t wait to see everybody soon. Are you going Wednesday? How are you feeling?


    • pegoleg says:

      BTW, I did that Sons of the Pioneer video just for Bumpy.


  20. It’s not entirely due to the summer vacations. Though I follow you (loyally, I might add), this post did not show up on my reader. Nor did Darla’s latest effort. I’d threaten to go to a different blog site, but I’ve worked fairly hard to build any kind of following here. There’s real problems with WP’s “bugs”. I’m sure they’ll get them all ironed out, then have another big update and start the process all over again.


    • pegoleg says:

      You’re not the only one to say that about new posts not showing up in the Reader. I posted a question in the forums and hope they have an answer for me. I’m dying here!

      I was on a different site before I came here. It was just a couple of months and I had no idea what I was doing, so I’m not an expert, but WP was a lot easier to use. People I know who have left have kind of disappeared from the radar – that’s what I would be afraid of.


      • I know we’re not getting paid and that for the vast majority of us, writing will never be anything but a means of self expression, but connecting with people who “get” us, is priceless.

        I won’t go anywhere else, but I’m not happy either.

        It’s tough to explain to the website people of how frustrating it is to write a post and have 9 hits on it. I could get more exposure by reading aloud in the mall outside of the Gap.


        • Tar-Buns says:

          Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! Laughed out loud at that, 1point! 🙂
          Even as I contemplate starting my own blog…lots of concerns about WP’s attention and direction.


  21. Now, tell me you’ve gotta be feeling a little love right now, Peg. And don’t feel bad that you’ve stolen readers from other great bloggers–some you mentioned and others (achem) you didn’t. We’ll limp along with our flaccid stats and hope somewhere, someone, believes in us, too… 😐

    If you were wondering, I was raised Catholic and am part Jewish, so I know Guilt–how to feel it and how to dish it up, ice cold or red hot. 😉


    • pegoleg says:

      I only mentioned those great bloggers and not others because they all chimed in on a no-stats, whine-fest of a comment I posted on another blog. You know I love you and your guilt-inducing ways!


  22. robincoyle says:

    Same thing here! Over the weekend I thought “WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? Helllllllllllloooooooo out there.”


  23. Averyanne says:

    I believe! I read! And I grew up with Andy Williams AND the Kingston Trio, so I thank you for that wonderful bit of nostalgia. Keep writing.


    • pegoleg says:

      Me too! My hubby and I went to Branson, MO 10 years ago and had to sit through a sales pitch for a time-share to get a free weekend. They said the salesman, Don Williams, would be in to see us in a minute. In walks Andy Williams. Swear to God! Turns out it was his brother, Don, who looks just like him. Even sounds exactly like him. It was uncanny. He told us about the early days when they were starting out as a brother act, meeting this talented kid in Indiana who sang w/them on the radio – Doris Day, how he managed his brother’s business, etc. I remember Andy always had his brothers on his Christmas specials. So now we feel like we own a little bit of Andy.


  24. pattisj says:

    I’m still here! I believe–they will all be back. Most of them are out of electricity, making PBJs for the kids by flashlight. Hang in there, PegOLeg! Hmmm Are ye Irish?


  25. Angie Z. says:

    It took me an hour just to scroll down through your comments. There appears to be some love for you here, Tink. I’m learning that I need to stop counting post “likes” as if they’re money tossed into my guitar case. As it stands now, I’ll never get to San Fran with these peanuts.

    You have ads indeed! Well whaddya know! Cheers to selling out with me!


    • Tar-Buns says:

      What ads? Where? Are they in invisible ink? Curious…


      • pegoleg says:

        The last video at the end is a commercial. It just showed up yesterday, the first official day I sold my soul to “the man.” And it feels great.


    • pegoleg says:

      This pathetic need I have for validation is…pathetic.

      I Sooooo love the mental picture of you saving up your “likes” to hitch a ride to Haight Ashbury. Hope your magic VW van shows up any minute now.


  26. Emma says:

    Ha ha, this post cheered me up no end.


  27. Barb says:

    Oh, I’m glad your stats are down, too. I thought the drop in readership was just because I started posting again. Well, I’m clapping for you, Pegger-bell. One handed. I’ve got my coffee in the other hand looking for a pod to E.T. back to the ship.


    • Barb says:

      I’m confused about the ads. Maybe my computer is broken. Curse you, E.T. and your botched attempts to create a communicator out of my Dell. I watched Donna’s video but didn’t see any product, brand or feel an urge to go out and buy anything. Are the ads so covert, we don’t know they’re ads?


      • pegoleg says:

        Wouldn’t that be great? Nah, there’s a separate video right at the end of the post. They aren’t putting banner ads on my site for some reason, just the videos. I don’t know what it all means because this is my first attempt at ads. Probably going to earn a whopping penny from all the aggravation.


  28. Dana says:

    Phew! It relieves me to no end that the drop in readers and comments comes during the months when I’m too busy to even notice/care. Then I don’t feel guilty about not posting multiple times a week or commenting on hundreds of other people’s posts every week, either. Huzzah for the dog days of summer! 🙂 (But everybody would best be coming back in October, y’hear?)


    • pegoleg says:

      You’re right, Dana. I was unplugged for a good week and I kind of felt guilty, but it’s summer! I need to get over it. I’ll never abandon you – don’t worry!


  29. Cramps from scrolling through all your million commenters 🙂 It seems you are fighting back :-))


  30. Margie says:

    I’m so sorry to hear your stats have dwindled. Of course, your low stats are likely higher than my best stats day, but I know that really won’t make you feel any better!


  31. I believe PoL, I believe!! I’m sending you the clap…


  32. Shannon says:

    As the date of my comment will attest, I have but two problems: too many kids and not enough time. I ditched my blog reader all together. I just can’t keep up. So I read the snippets in my emailed version, and decide (based on how much coffee I have left in my cup) which ones to read. Yours won out this morning.

    Summer’s so much more work than the other 9 months of the year, so blog reads (and showers, and adult movies) take the back burner. See you more — and in a more timely fashion — come September.


    • pegoleg says:

      Ah yes, the dog days of kid-filled summer. I know everybody tells you to enjoy them, that they pass by too quickly, but I’ll repeat that advice. And also that I sympathize for how exhausting they can be.

      I’m sending an extra couple of days your way to take care of that time problem.


  33. Heya, chick. Whassup. What’s the dealio? what’s shaken bacon? I came over here all ready to read another fab post from you and all I see are endless comments. I need my Pegoleg fix!


  34. Angie Z. says:

    Tinkerbelle!? Are you there? We miss you!


  35. What the? Are we all posting at the same time again?

    So I hear there will be boozing?

    And now all these comments will appear out of order and Peg will read them tomorrow morning and think we really are smoking The Ganja.


    • Angie Z. says:

      You posted out of the thread?! That’s like no man’s land. People leave you for dead when you’re out of the thread. Thank goodness you sent that SOS so I could rescue you from your madness.


      • whew! thank God! You’re here! I’ve been down here waiting for so long for you to come and save me. I am tired of scrolling millions of miles upward to reach the damned reply button. It’s all too much. Did you bring me any chocolate? I am starving!


      • Hey, I have a brilliant idea. you and I should just do a blog post where we have a conversation with each other. A back and forth banter. The future Darla talks to the 10 seconds ago Angie! It’ll go viral!


        • Angie Z. says:

          I thought of this two minutes ago. So this is indeed a possibility though I might have to sue you first for mentioning it.

          In related news, I’m collaborating on a post project next Monday with Jesseeker, the Brit blogger. It’s going to be even cuter than pandas giving hugs.


        • What? Why…this is outrageous! I was going to do a blog collaboration with Peg about pandas giving hugs! How dare you! (I can’t wait to read your post)

          I am seriously considering vlogging. And in my vlog I will talk to my 10 minutes ago self. No one in the history of the universe has ever thought of this, I’m sure of it.


        • pegoleg says:

          Angie already stole our panda idea? Whaaa??? I’m having my attorney contact her attorney to serve 20-minutes-ago-Angie with a lawsuit.

          What should we all post about together?

          Thanks for all the comment love. But I got a migraine because of the out-of-thread thing. My universe tilted on its axis for a while. Still feeling a little nauseous.


  36. Val says:

    I still pop into your blog and read from time to time but I’ve become pretty bad at commenting over the past few months. Sorry. Love the clips! 🙂


  37. Really enjoyed reading this!


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