11 Warning Signs Your Fashion Addiction May Require An Intervention

No problem here.

A lot of people use fashion as a way to express their unique sense of style.   I can’t say I’m up on all the latest trends, but I try to look like I live some time in the 21st century.   It’s fun to experiment with new clothes and accessories, putting things together in fresh, new ways.  It can make your day when you find just the right piece to complete a look.

It is possible, however, for a fashionista to have too much of a good thing.

Be on the lookout for the following warning signs.  If you exhibit any of them, it may mean your passion for fashion has gone a bit too far:

  1. When you talk about “investments” you’re referring to your Yves Saint Laurent handbags, not your 401K.
  2. You own more than 4 pairs of jeans.
  3. Your feet are so messed up you’ve got your podiatrist on speed-dial, yet that is not enough of an incentive to abandon your vast collection of Manolo Blahniks with the six-inch heels.
  4. You live alone mainly because a roommate would expect to share some of the closet space.
  5. Navy with black is on trend this season.  You figure you’ll need a whole, new wardrobe since all your stuff is from last season when the style was black with navy.
  6. You scrape your knuckles trying to extract anything from your jam-packed closet, yet each morning you stand in front of it and wail, “I don’t have a thing to wear!”  And you mean it.
  7. You’re like a movie star on the red carpet, not because you have any acting ability, but because you’ve got so much money tied up in the jewelry adorning various parts of your body, you shouldn’t leave the house without an armed guard.

    Duplicate dresses photo from…from…random internet stock photo. Yeah, that’s it. Totally not from anybody you would know.

  8. It seems perfectly reasonable to have 8 pairs of black boots.  After all, the heels and trim are slightly different.
  9. You consider eyeglasses as yet another fashion accessory – prescription, not just cheaters- and have an entire wardrobe of different styles for different occasions.
  10. You’ve got hats, handbags and shoes to match every outfit, and you are not the Queen of England.
  11. You buy a great little dress that looks so familiar, you’re sure you must have seen it in the pages of a fashion magazine.  When you get home, you discover it looks familiar because you have the exact, same dress hanging in the back of your closet.

Do any of these symptoms sound like you?  If so, it may be time for an intervention.  Things have reached a serious stage, but don’t despair – help is available.  I’ve discovered a wonderful support group that welcomes fashionistas warmly in a safe, non-judgmental environment.  Won’t you join us?  We meet every Tuesday morning at Bloomingdale’s.

In the shoe department.


About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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64 Responses to 11 Warning Signs Your Fashion Addiction May Require An Intervention

  1. Shannon says:

    Haha! Who has 4 pairs of jeans? I think I may be the exact opposite of a fashionista. What would that be? A Disastonista?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. lorriedeck says:

    You must have really, really liked that dress to pick it out twice. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I may need one of those interventions for jewelry…I have pendants, chains, earrings, bracelets, anklets, etc. all over the house…I could probably wear a new piece every day for 2 months and not duplicate.
    But I make all of ’em…so not so much fashionista, more like craft-head. Chainmaille is a drug, my friends…and a potent one 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. amelie88 says:

    I totally own more than 4 pairs of jeans! What other pants am I expected to wear? I don’t have a job that requires slacks/fancy work pants and I bought my first pair of chinos only to realize they are more spring/summer pants? I’m totally open to branching out, I just don’t know what pants I should migrate to.

    I do have a ridiculous amount of clothes though and I go through a purge every season when I switch out fall/winter for spring/summer and donate all of the stuff I don’t want to Goodwill. This frees up room in my closet to… buy more clothes!

    Liked by 2 people

    • pegoleg says:

      OK, you may not need intensive intervention on the jeans. But on the Goodwill thing I am so with you. I dragged my big laundry basket of donation items into the car this very morning so I can stop on the way home. I bask in the glow of righteous satisfaction that I’m a good friend to the poor, but in my heart-of-hearts know that my main motivation is closet-freeing-up.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m not particularly fashionable, but I do have a ton of jeans. I have one of every shade of black to blue.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Carrie Rubin says:

    Passion for Fashion is one list I’ll never be on, I’m afraid. In fact, for that reason alone I probably SHOULD meet you in the shoe department. My ugly man shoes could use an upgrade.


  7. Al says:

    Hilarious, Peg. I’m wondering how many households are like us. My wife has both of the large closets in the master bedroom, strictly for clothes. I have one averaged-size closet across the hall in my office. It’s make up is thus: 1/3 all my clothes, 1/3 golf clubs and 1/3 electronic stuff. Still plenty of room in it if you’d like to rent out some space……


    • pegoleg says:

      You may have hit on a fabulous money-maker: renting out your unused closet space. I’d need a permission slip signed by Patty before I took you up on this, though. I have a feeling the deal would break down right about then.


      • Al says:

        Maybe not, she’s always saying I should have some kind of money-making scheme for retirement instead of just blogging, playing pickleball and walking the dogs..


  8. Haha, those really call for an intervention. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Elyse says:

    I have loads of clothes. I’m sure I’ll get back into them one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The Lawn-Cutting Crew says:

    I think my girlfriend fits this definition exactly. She’ll ask me if she looks better in her black jeans or her navy jeans.
    In all honesty, I can’t tell the difference. They look like the exact same pair. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  11. PiedType says:

    My closet is crammed, but it’s not fashion. It’s four different sizes of everything because you never know when you’ll need them again.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. List of X says:

    I’m pretty sure I’m passing all these questions with flying colors, because I never got into the idea that fashion helps you express your unique style: how do you make yourself unique if you wear the same clothes everyone else wears?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I have a fairly dim view of the fashion industry. It preys on the vanity and insecurity of (mainly) women, making them feel less for not looking a certain way or wearing a certain thing. It promotes a crass consumerism and the idea that happiness/fulfillment can be achieved through shopping. It’s NOT TRUE! Don’t ask me how I know. Just take my word for it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      I agree with you. In theory. Although stuff can’t buy happiness, it can give you a bit of a boost. I’m rather thrifty, so when I go shopping I get the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of a big deal score. Makes me appreciate the attraction of big game hunting.


      • Oh…that’s a good point. What’s better than that jolt of holding the object you just bought. I discounted that simple thrill and I shouldn’t have. Okay. So there’s that to consider.


        • pegoleg says:

          Yes, but it’s a pretty shallow victory when stacked up against the satisfaction of deworming orphans in Somalia or finding the cure for cancer. So there’s that to consider.


  14. Love the picture of the two same dresses, you know, the one you found online. Wink.
    It would be easier to clear out the closet if I stayed one size. Have a great Friday, Peg!

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      I need to wear one or more of those dresses one of these days, or it will be even MORE pathetic to have them hanging around.

      The one size comment is so true. I’ve got fat clothes, normal clothes and I kept my skinny clothes around for motivation. By the time I fit back into them, I sure hope disco dresses and platform shoes are back in style!

      Happy Friday to you, Sis.

      Liked by 2 people

  15. lexiemom says:

    Four pairs of jeans?!?!?! Are you insane! I have to have my skinny jeans, my dark skinneys, my black “dressy” jeans, by bootcut hipsters, my loose fit, my flair cuts, my capri cuts (dark & regular), my bleach washed, my yard-work Levis, my movie night Levis, and those 12 other pair I’m going to get back into as soon as I lose 10-15 pounds…hopefully next year.

    Liked by 2 people

    • pegoleg says:

      Mr. Exile on Pain St above would say you’ve been sold a bill of goods by the fashion industry. But when you put it so eloquently, it seems perfectly reasonable. I withdraw my objection to >4 jeans.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I’m glad I’m not the only one here with a mad plethora of jeans. As a woman with proportionally short legs, jeans are my best bet for finding pants whose hems won’t trail behind me like a mermaid’s tail without resorting to extreme tailoring or platform heels.

    Although I will say I did have a slightly unhealthy love of my all-time favorite pair (which I bought in high school back when my waist was smaller than the current circumference of my thigh…eep) resulting in me keeping them for years longer than I should have, “just in case”, even after it became clear that there was no chance I was ever fitting into them again. I may or may not have shed a tear or two the day I finally let them go.

    Liked by 2 people

    • pegoleg says:

      You’re not alone. I remember when Oprah dieted down to her all-time-adult-low, she appeared on her then-TV show in jeans she’d worn in high school.

      I have a dress in the back of my closet that I will NEVER get into, I know. After 2 kids and more than 30 years, my waist is never again going to the same as college me. Yet I still hold onto it.


  17. I could basically live in my jeans, sneaks, and Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt. But when I wanna dress up I squeeze into this bright-green plaid jacket one of my super cool bloggy friends gave me way back when I weighed 20 pounds less.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      Isn’t it great to know you have that one, special go-to outfit for any occasion hanging in your closet? How’s it hanging Miss Darla?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Well….let’s just say pretty much everything is hanging at this point. (ba-dum-dum) Getting old blows.
        I just tried on that jacket and can’t even fit one arm in the sleeve now. If you ever come back to Maine, I’ll cram myself into it just for you and we’ll dine on lobstah.


  18. I’m a fashion addict! Barneys and Bergdorf are my homes. I worship it!!
    You should check out this link to my blog:
    It is so chic!


  19. I have a co-worker who is #3. She injured her ankle in an accident and refused to stop wearing her stiletto heels. She even wore them to her physical therapy appointments. That’s dedication, I think.

    PS — Your jewelry is great! So creative. How do you get your ideas?

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      I’m not in the mile-high shoe club, but I like cute shoes. I saw a podiatrist last week for the first time, and he suggested orthotic inserts and lace-up granny shoes. I’m so depressed.

      Thanks for the kind words. I love vintage jewelry so I’ve started making things out of the broken bits and pieces. I do picture frames and jewelry boxes too – there’s a link to my Etsy site on the side there.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Had to laugh so hard at the first one. I hink some of the just out of college and first job gals really con themselves into that line of thought as they collect those expensive bags. (And later they seem to discover the websites that buy your designer bags?)
    Love the jewelry!


    • pegoleg says:

      I don’t get it about the bags, frankly. I buy one at the Goodwill and use it until the lining rips. But vintage jewelry, now, that’s a whole, other kettle of addiction. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. My mother is always fussing about my closet. She keeps wanting me to get rid of some clothes. But she has alot of clothes too.


  22. I’m the fashion police in my family and in my neighborhood. My eye shadow matches my shirt. I now wear pearls and gems believing that I am royalty.


  23. mandyarraiz says:

    im on the same page haha. look forward to your next article!


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