I Love Old People – All Of You

Whatever happened to sweet, baby Peg-o?

Whatever happened to sweet, baby Peg-o?

I’m a fake.

A couple of years ago, desperate to get my name in print, I convinced a local baby boomers magazine to let me do an occasional column.  I agreed to take out an expensive business ad in return, so I basically paid them.   I was so excited about getting my drivel published that I didn’t think this through properly.   That publication is for “people of a certain age,” and I’m not old.   I’m young.   I barely even qualify as a boomer – only in the most technical sense of the word.

If the baby boomer generation were a game of Crack the Whip, I would be the kid at the tail end of the line who gets whipped across the playground and ends up with their palms and knees bloodied.

The vast age difference between me and their readers was brought home a couple months ago. I did a column about the funky stuff going on in my body and a woman stopped me on the street to tell me how much she liked it. Naturally, I was flattered. Then she warbled, “I know exactly what you’re talking about, because I have the same problems. It’s nice to know we’re not alone” and she patted my hand.   I couldn’t help but recoil in horror – this woman was at least 112 years old!

I thought, “Whoa, there, Grandma Moses, we can’t be going through the same body issues – I’m w-a-a-a-a-y younger than you.  You look like the Crypt Keeper!” What with the surprise of the moment and all, I may have actually said that out loud.  Don’t worry; her feelings weren’t hurt. She wasn’t wearing her ear trumpet so she didn’t hear a word I said.

It’s not that I have anything against old people. I will be delighted to be one…someday.  In the far, far, distant future.  But for now, I’m not.

In fact, I’m the youngest member of our social set.  That’s merely a coincidence, of course.  I don’t deliberately choose friends who are older to make myself seem younger by comparison. That would make me one of those pathetic people who feels the need to blow out someone else’s candle to make hers look brighter.  Someone who is desperately clinging to Fleeting Youth though Cruel Age has her firmly in its relentless grasp.  It is laughable to even suggest such a thing – ha ha!

If that were the case, I wouldn’t hang out with these people at all because, when I really stop and think about it, it occurs to me that although they are a few years older, all of my friends are smarter, funnier and better looking than I am.

So…..that’s good. I’m happy about that. Really happy.

But, you know, it’s easy to get in a rut when you hang around with the same people all the time. Sometimes you need to change things up to grow as a person. Maybe it’s time for me to find some new friends.

If you’re interested in adding a sparkling, younger member to your social circle, let’s get together. And if everyone else in the group is stupid, ugly and dull, I’m sure we’ll be the best of friends in no time.



About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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73 Responses to I Love Old People – All Of You

  1. Danika Maia says:

    Haha I feel your pain but in the opposite way – sometimes for work I have to write things directed at preteens and I feel like such an old phoney! It’s ok 😀



  2. Al says:

    You can hang out with me, Peg. After you get to Virginia Beach, make a right and it’s the third assisted living facility on the left. It’s called “The Home For Soon To Be Withered Old Men.” Be sure you look carefully because the home for currently withered old men is right before it. You wouldn’t like it there.

    P.S. The rest of the guys are really looking forward to your visit!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Since I had a child in my late 30s, I’m generally a decade or so older than the other moms at most events. They’re talking about having the next child and I’m reworking my retirement portfolio. I’ve been fending off going completely white-haired (which is, I’m sure, my natural hair color now) until the kid gets out of elementary school.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Daddy Bear says:

    Eh? What? Just a sec — need to find my ear trumpet…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My definition of old: anyone 30 years older than me. We’re still still young chick-a-dees, Darlin’ even if we’re not a zippy as we used to be.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Linda Tharp says:

    The stupid, ugly and dull make the best friends, don’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. …went to high school, then college, then went back to high school teaching for about 30+ years…retired not that long ago which makes me about twenty something, right?


  8. Carrie Rubin says:

    Your posts always make me laugh out loud. I’ve always assumed you were 25 years old and merely wise beyond your age. Was I mistaken? After all, I’m only 26, so I might be. You know how green we young folks can be… 😉


  9. Go Jules Go says:

    I make a habit out of hanging out with bloggers way funnier and more talented than me, hoping it’ll rub off. Don’t know why I’m here.

    (Ah, ya missed me, didn’tcha?)

    Liked by 2 people

  10. franhunne4u says:

    Hey, hold on, I am an 18 year old – with 28 years of experience in that, I think we would deal famously.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Peg you are going to have to catch up with the rest of us, this just can’t continue. Are you sure there aren’t any drugs you can buy to help age faster?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dana says:

    Us Gen Xers are in our 40s already!


  13. dmswriter says:

    I think we may need to start hanging out together, Peg. I keep getting unwanted mail from AARP, and I certainly can’t be *that* old yet. Can I??? It stinks when I’m in the checkout, buying my booze, standing there secretly hoping the clerk cards me… 😉


  14. We have a great grocery store checker. She always cards. My husband is thrilled. (I haven’t the heart to tell him that carding gives the bagger time to catch up…)
    Your second paragraph is hysterical.


  15. elvagreen123 says:

    Do you know this song? “I’ve written a letter to Dadeeee”. No? Then you probably do not want to hang out with me. I must be older than you.


  16. For me, it’s the other way around at my office, unfortunately. We discovered that one of the young women I recently hired had not been born yet when the Berlin Wall came down.


  17. I don’t know when it happened, but one day I looked in the mirror and there he was; my grandfather. I was spooked, and have avoided mirrors ever since.


    • I say embrace it. The next time one of my kids is taking a turn spending time with me, I’m going to ask him/her to fetch me a cup of tea and my shawl because it’s a little drafty. Just planning all the old lady-isms is keeping me amused and distracted from mirrors.


    • pegoleg says:

      Funny – my grandmother said basically the same thing. “I look in the mirror and wonder where that old lady came from.” I used to smile and nod politely while thinking “no idea what you mean.” BOY do I get it now.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Earlier today, I read and replied to this from my phone during lunch. It looks like my comment didn’t go through (hmm…I wonder who’s behind that?!?). I’m sure I must have said something pithy and brilliantly amusing, but I don’t remember what it was. Because I’m old.


  19. Ha,ha,ha! I guess when you publish, you gotta take the good with the bad!

    I have to tell you, hanging out with my mother and step father (in their late 70’s) has been a blast. They are more fun than my friends! Their friends have been hilarious, adventurous and quite the dancers. I joined them at an “old people’s” friday night dance party, and I couldn’t believe their energy, spunk and sense of humor. I want to be old like that when I grow up. 🙂

    I’ll party with you anytime, Peg! Cheers!


  20. Oh, Peg. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane…..another classic movie.
    I remember watching that one night back at the 909 house, around midnight, when we had 3 channels to pick from. Scared me at the time. Wonderful spooky look at aging. Yeah…

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Cyinthia Robin says:

    Reblogged this on beewhateverland.


  22. Sandy Sue says:

    I was at a friend’s watching TV last night and Matthew Broderick flashed up on some Entertainment show. Ferris Bueller. A few years younger than us (I can’t find a current picture to add here, but believe me—pure silver). We stared at each other. “OhMyGodWe’reOld” seems to be our new refrain.


  23. Sorry Peg, can’t do it. I’m the youngest member of my group and I like it that way. Being 10 years younger than my husband is one of the few perks I have left. If I brought in a young whipper snapper like you I would have nothing!


  24. susielindau says:

    Nothing levels me quicker than a granny who says, “I’m just like you.” Wait what? I’m at least 50 years younger!
    The worst was going through the first two weeks of outpatient rehab with the silver set. They would be cranking on some machine while I groaned and tried to crush 5 lbs!


  25. Man, I could really use an ear trumpet. Then when I don’t want to hear what my kids or husband are whining about, I can just throw it at them.

    Will you still be friends with me once you find out I had to read this post using a high-powered telescope? And don’t be surprised if in our first phone convo I start listing off all my physical ailment, it’s what I do best now. My kids have taken to calling me Old Lady now and I kinda like it, give me free reign to be crotchety.


    • pegoleg says:

      “crotchety” is such a great word. I could say it over and over again – crotchety, crotchety, crotchety! That’s the great thing about getting old. You get to do whatever you damn well please because, dammit, I’m old!


  26. Karyn says:

    I’ve nominated you for Premio Dardos Award.


    • pegoleg says:

      Why, thank you! I’m much too lazy to do the stuff that’s usually required to get awards (although I plan to make an exception if the Pulitzer committee comes a’callin,) but I really appreciate the shout-out.


  27. Hilarious post as always pego! Last week I had a part in a student film, and when the student emailed me the script beforehand, my scene involved myself and three other, what the script described as “mature women”. There were lines in there like “At our age, we’re heading ever closer to those pearly gates”. I questioned the age thing with him, asking if I was definitely old enough for this scene when I’m only 44, and he assured me that yes, 44 was definitely old enough. It’s quite a blow really isn’t when you realise how the youth see us! When I mix with my kids, who are both teenagers, and their friends, I really do think I’m pretty much the same generation as them, maybe 5 or 6 years older, but that’s it.


    • pegoleg says:

      Wha???? You, heading toward the pearly gates at 44? If the production is for other students, they probably won’t see anything wrong. If the audience includes grownups, however, the clash between the lines spoken and the youth of the people saying them will make the scene ludicrous.

      That “kid” would have cast me as Methuselah at 55 – jeesh!


  28. thedailydish says:

    Peg, you are hysterical. I’m looking for some new blog friends and would be honored to join your circle. I might even let you borrow my false teeth. But only if you ask nicely.


  29. Blogdramedy says:

    I don’t know, Peg. I’m the young, sexy one in my group. If you join in, you and me combined? We could kill them all off.

    The police would be called.

    There’d be rumors and talk.

    We’d become the scourge of WordPress. People would flock to our blogs in droves. We’d become famous. And rich.

    I changed my mind. Come on over. Immediately.


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