Help Wanted: Bon Vivant


Wanted: Self-starter for the position of raconteur, bon vivant and all around Renaissance woman.

Job duties to include:

  • Exploring…life.
  • Writing…when the muse strikes.
  • Strolling… a beach, hiking a trail or striding down city streets.
  • Partying… hearty. An almost bacchanalian appreciation for good food and wine required.
  • Contemplating… the meaning of life and one’s belly button in equal measure. Best accomplished stretched out in a hammock.
  • Sleeping…late. Occasionally announcing your intention to rise and greet the dawn gives as many brownie points as actually doing it.
  • Singing & dancing…enthusiasm more important than ability.
  • Traveling…first class and all expenses paid to fun and exotic locations.
  • Reading… whenever and whatever you want.
  • Watching…chick flicks, Fellini art films, trashy TV, etc. Must be able to express opinions on a wide variety of cultural topics, from the sublime to the Real Housewives.
  • Hobnobbing…with fascinating people.

Ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:

  • Gently seasoned. Old enough to have been around some; young enough to be able to get around some.
  • Eager to learn new things.
  • Willing to set out at a moment’s notice for the next adventure. Said adventure is guaranteed NOT to involve roughing it at a level below three Michelin stars, activities that cause up-chuckery, or rats and bugs.
  • Able to speak several foreign languages.  Willingness to fake it by speaking English with a foreign accent is just as good.
  • Smart enough to realize you’re not that smart.
  • Able to laugh, long and hard, at yourself and those around you.

Salary: commiserate with whatever your little heart desires.

Perfect employee in search of ideal job.  Potential employers encouraged to send offers care of this blog.  

What’s your ideal job?



About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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69 Responses to Help Wanted: Bon Vivant

  1. k8edid says:

    Ah, mon cherie. I could do ziss job.


  2. Now I’m all worried that I’m going to get a pink slip, if this job is being advertised as open. My last job review did contain the phrases “inexcusable lethargy” and “complete wanker in meetings”.


  3. bigsheepcommunications says:

    Good luck, Peg! I hope this doesn’t mean you’re giving up on the lucrative field of blogging-when-and-if-you-feel-like-it. I need you to stay and keep me company!


  4. “Up-chuckery” usually sneaks under that umbrella of “other duties as assigned.” Good on you for being clear on that.


  5. My ideal job would be to form a collaborative blog with you and we could sit around all day long laughing our fool arses off and writing, writing, writing. Ahhhh….that’s the life, baby.


  6. Carrie Rubin says:

    I think I’ll try to get on the waiting list to interview for your ideal job. Sounds awfully good to me, especially the travel part. In fact, I may just have to fight you for the position. 😉


  7. mistyslaws says:

    Well damn. Way to get a girl’s hopes up. I thought you were hiring. I’d be PERFECT for this job. In fact, I was born for it. Maybe they will need 2 of us? I’ll be in my hammock waiting for your reply . . .


  8. Blogdramedy says:

    2016 is not that far away…


  9. Hey Peg, in 30 more days I will be entirely free this sounds like the perfect position. Where do I sign up?


  10. My ideal job would be – do what the mood takes me, with unlimited financial resources to do so. So pretty much like yours. If you need a reference I’d be happy to write one for you.


  11. *sigh* Timing couldn’t be worse. I would love to apply, but I’m currently nursing a broken foot (thank you, Cody, and very loud next-door neighbor!). Let me know if you still haven’t filled the position in, say, 6-8 weeks. Although meanwhile, I’m definitely your girl for the sleeping late, reading, and writing requirements.


  12. The Cutter says:

    I think my ideal would allow me to come and go at my leisure and benefit society in whatever way I deem appropriate.


  13. Roxie says:

    Ice Cream Taster! 8D


  14. Elyse says:

    Oooh, I want this job. Isn’t it called “retirement”?


  15. barbtaub says:

    I think the whole job thing is overrated. My days are all Saturdays now.


  16. Me, me, pick me!!! I am gently seasoned, able to speak a couple of foreign languages and can no longer see my belly button because the folds cover it up! What an ideal job! Peg, I hope you find it and when you do, make sure you tell them about me.


  17. amelie88 says:

    Traveling the world because I am already filthy rich and own my private Island in the Bahamas and writing about them/posting photos. However, I barely write a post once a month but then I do have a full time Monday through Friday job. Or getting paid to write book reviews. Or just getting paid to read books since I read like there’s no tomorrow.


    • pegoleg says:

      I like both of your ideas. Except I don’t know that I trust my own judgement on books. I get trapped in favorite book loops andread the same stuff, over and over again. None of it is very highbrow.


      • amelie88 says:

        I wasn’t thinking of reading anything written by Socrates or Plato! I read some very trashy books too, it hurst the brain to be too intellectual. I can amend that getting paid to read anything. That would include the Nutrition Facts on cereal boxes.


  18. Laura says:

    I could do that job — but I don’t want to have to compete with you for it, Peg. So I’ll have to go with Kitten Socializer.


  19. Al says:

    1. This job has already been filled. Remember, I’m retired.
    2. I’ve decided my navel is an “insie.”
    3. I’ve studied every language except Greek. Unfortunately, they are still Greek to me.
    4.I have passed the “seasoned” part and am now moving inexorably toward overripe.
    5. I can’t debauch myself like I used to, but I do have a bust of Dionysus on my mantle, so there’s that.


  20. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could post the job we wanted and wait for the offers? Hmmm…


  21. rachelocal says:

    When you get this job, you’ll probably need to hire an assistant. I’d like to apply.

    I could help out in in the food and wine area. I could be your muse. My enthusiasm for singing and dancing far exceeds my talent for it, so I would not outshine you – just enhance the experience. Also, I promise to speak with a French accent.


  22. ponymartini says:

    While your ideal job sounds like my ideal job, I don’t want to be a copycat. So, I’ll say my idea is living in the countryside, writing, while enjoying copious amounts of wine and time with my friends and family.


  23. csagohan says:

    I agree thoroughly with the comment on the last name letter A priority. I’m blessed my last name starts with an A and doesn’t begin with a name like Zamora


  24. I hob my nob all the time…

    Shit what were you talking about?


  25. jbw0123 says:

    Here are questions for your job interview:

    (Hey, maybe they will pay me for reposting!)


  26. The wine doesn’t work for me. Is that a deal breaker? If I could negotiate Scotch then I would be all over this position. Perhaps I could apply as a “Bon Vivant” in training.


  27. I really wish I could do foreign accents. I know some sign language. Does that cut it?


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