It Is A Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Indeed!

The Irish Sea- she's a hoary bitch

The Irish Sea- she’s a hoary bitch

Five years ago today, my sister Lib had to cancel her annual St. Patrick’s Day party.  Our hometown always has a big parade, and her apartment is right on the parade route, the perfect location for viewing and celebrating.  She couldn’t have the party that year, because she and I were on our way to Ireland.

We got a great deal by traveling on St. Patrick’s day, and we arrived in Dublin in time for the national hangover.  I started blogging as a travelogue of our adventures for our family.  If you’d like to read all about it, start here. **Warning**  The posts are longer than the actual trip, at least according to my loving family.

Three years ago today, we had to cancel the annual St. Patrick’s Day party.    We gathered around Lib’s hospital bed, instead.

Lib was out of town and I came home to help host the party at her apartment.  My sisters and I were at the grocery store the night before the party, when we got a call.  Lib had suffered a seizure and friends rushed her to the hospital.  CAT scans revealed a shadow on her brain.  My sisters and I made arrangements, packed bags and all hit the road, arriving at the hospital late at night.

It would take weeks of testing before the doctors were sure of their diagnosis; she had a brain tumor, a nasty piece of work called an oligodendroglioma.  The same type of tumor that killed our brother, Pat.

Today, Lib is recovering…from too much celebrating at her annual St. Patrick’s Day party.   I wasn’t able to make it home this year, but I’m sure it was fab.

Lib has been living with cancer for the past three years.    Surgery isn’t a good option for her, so she first did an extended chemo treatment.  She completed a course of radiation less than 2 months ago.   I’m thrilled to report the tumor responded well to the radiation, showing significant shrinkage.  Yeah!

She’s a little worn down by the treatment, but she’s back to work and, most importantly, able to host great parties.  She has her ups and downs, but she’s playing the hand she was dealt with grace and humor.

Next year, I’m sure the annual St. Patrick’s Day  party will once again take place.  I’m volunteering right now to make the beer run.   I like my Guinness fresh, so it’s best to get it straight from the source.   Who’s up for a beer run to Dublin?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – sláinte!


About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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70 Responses to It Is A Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Indeed!

  1. societycommentator says:

    Good for her!! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. God must have more party hosting plans for her.


  2. I’m so glad she’s beating this; cancer sucks big time! And there are new treatments in the works that are so exciting! Radiation and chemo can be exhausting, so I hope she’s taking it easy as much as she can. 🙂


  3. Janu says:

    So good to hear Lib is doing so well!


  4. Cheers – definitely cheers!


  5. Carrie Rubin says:

    So sorry your sister, mother, and family had to go through that. Glad the tumor responded to radiation. I wish her all the best in the future.


  6. susielindau says:

    That is the right kind of shrinkage! So glad your sister is recovering. Cancer is a nasty bitch. I hope she dances an Irish jig on its grave! That is so cool that you traveled to Ireland with her! We took my parents. Best trip ever!
    Happy St. Patty’s to ya!


  7. Elyse says:

    It is a tough hand for Lib, especially since the same plague took your brother. But there are lots of developments happening in this area, as Ruth mentioned. But you know what they say about we Irish: “If it weren’t for bad luck, we’d have no luck a’ tall.”

    But keep her laughing, as I told you on another post. That makes whatever one is facing easier to, well, face.

    My hopes are with you and your family!


  8. We going to Dublin? I call shotgun! Get Lib and let’s get moving.


  9. Oh! Count me in on that beer run. I can’t believe you really got to be in Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day. I will have to work my way through those older posts.
    I will raise a glass to toast your amazing sister in her recovery and for her grace and humour. It really is a HAPPY St. Patrick’s Day.


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks for the good thoughts. If you go back in the stacks for those old Ireland posts, you may not be heard from for a while. Better bring a sandwich and leave a trail of breadcrumbs.


  10. momshieb says:

    Slainte! I’m in on that Guinness run, too. Power to Lib for her courage and strength, and power to you for being there for her.


  11. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!


  12. Libertarian says:

    Thanks, Peg. Couldn’t have done it all without my wonderful family and friends, and – most importantly – my craic-producting sis, Peg! Happy St. Paddy’s day from one Irish lass to another.


    • pegoleg says:

      “craic” looks an awful lot lot “crap” to those who aren’t familiar with the Irish term for fun, Missy. Looking forward to lots more fun trips with you.


  13. Hooray for shrinkage! May the faces of all good news and the backs of all bad news be towards you!


  14. amelie88 says:

    Oh wow! I hope your sister stays strong and continues to recover and gets to enjoy many more St. Patrick’s Days. It seems it is possible to recover from this kind of brain cancer? I am only familiar with oligodendroglioma because this young couple on Youtube that I like to watch who vlogs every day (as in they post a video every day, they broke the Guinness Book of World Records for most consecutively uploaded daily videos on the Internet for the past 5 years) has been dealing with this very same issue (channel is CTFXC if you’re interested). The husband is the one with the cancer and it’s been really eye opening to watch them deal with this, especially so early on in their marriage (Charles is only in his late twenties). So I sort of have an idea of what your sister is going through and she is definitely a trooper! I hope her tumor keeps on shrinking.


  15. I just cannot believe how much more often I am hearing things like this – – what is happening to our world/environment? Don’t answer that! I’m very glad to hear things are going in the right direction — will her in thoughts and prayers.


  16. joehoover says:

    Good to hear the tumour is surrendering! I loved your line, ‘you got there in time for the national hangover’. So true. Even in London today the streets are lined with discarded shamrock decorations, it’s like a leprechaun vomited in the gutter. 🙂


  17. Yeah!! I’m so happy there was “significant shrinkage”!


  18. Go Jules Go says:

    I’m late to the party, but believe me I’ll be toasting to that awesome news! I’m sure I can still find some green beer somewhere… Wait. Champagne comes in a green bottle… Hmm.


  19. Al says:

    That’s great news for your sis (and you). I will hoist a belated Guinness stout on that news!


  20. May the wind always be at your back, Peg and Lib! And may you celebrate many more St. Patty’s Days together!


  21. If you’re willing — I’d love to see this linked up to today. Please consider doing so!


  22. daisy says:

    What a great timeline within your post. Thank you for sharing your family’s journey these past five years over this holiday. So many emotions and memories packed into one little day. I am so glad to hear that your sister is ready to keep celebrating — and I wish you and her all the best!


  23. so glad lib is doing well. and happy st. patty’s day!


  24. tara pohlkotte says:

    wow. so glad to see the redemptive quality st. patty’s has for your family! so glad she’s doing well.


  25. Stacie says:

    I’m a cancer survivor. Cancer sucks. I hope Lib beats the crap out of it!


    • pegoleg says:

      Good for you!

      Our brother, Bill, was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue 2 months ago, so he is in the trenches with radiation and chemo beating the crap out of him right now. Cancer sucks big time.

      Thanks for stopping by, and for the kind words.


  26. Sounds like she’s a fighter! What nice memories you must have and will still make. Here’s a toast to you and your family! Cheers!


  27. All the light, shinning down on you and your family Peg. So happy your sister is recovering and responding to treatment.


  28. Had to take to the dictionary to look up “hoary”. No, nothing hoary here. Life is good. Although you’re standing by that hoary ocean, in the photo I see you choosing the breeze, wind and sky!


    • pegoleg says:

      That’s my sister, Lib. She was doing her “Old Man & The Sea” imitation of a grizzled sailor looking to the horizon and gruffly said, “The sea, she’s a whorey bitch.” She meant like a “whore,” – the sailor’s mistress, but I thought she meant “hoar” as in hoar frost – white capped. It’s been an inside joke ever since.


  29. jennbird77 says:

    “Today, Lib is recovering…from too much celebrating at her annual St. Patrick’s Day party. ” This was such a great way to reveal the good news. I love how you organized this post.


  30. Natalie DeYoung says:

    It’s an amazing thing, the difference a year makes. So glad she could enjoy her Guinness. 🙂
    Stopping by from yeah write.


  31. Mike says:

    Beannachtí lá Feile Pádraig to Lib.


  32. PinotNinja says:

    Yay Lib! And I think, now that she’s get her party shoes firmly tied back on, it’s time to start planning your return to Dublin


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