Where Is The Love?

If you’ve been checking out this-here blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed one of my most frequent commenters (and biggest supporter) is a mysterious individual who goes by the name of Tar-buns.

Tar-buns is, in real life…my big sister, Terry.  She has been  drinking the WordPress Koo-laid for well over a year now (on this blog and all ova da place) and, I am sorry to report, it has affected her mind.

I have no other possible explanation for the fact that… starting today…wait for it… Tar-buns has a brand new groove.  I’m talking about her very own blog!

Whoo hoo!

Hop on over to her place, Here & ThereSa, read her virgin post, My Green Acres Life, and share some of the love the WordPress community has shown me so many times.

(BTW, her blog name comes from the fact that her full name is Theresa and she’s going to blog about all sorts of things, both here and there.  Get it?  Clever, right?  Her hubby thought it up, which just goes to show he’s more than just a pretty face and fantastic gardener.  And if there are those who would say that MY idea for a blog name, CommenTerri, was just a tiny skosh better, well, we won’t quibble about such details on this joyous occasion.)

I’m sure she’ll have all sorts of fun and interesting things to share about life, and I can’t wait for you to meet her.

Love you, Sis!


About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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41 Responses to Where Is The Love?

  1. HA HA HA HA. Nice compliment, then you zing me with that gosh-awful picture. Made me laugh, anyway 🙂
    Thanks, sista, for the plug. With your millions of minions, I may get a few hits. Then, I too, can start fretting about stats and all that bloggy-stuff!


  2. Just went over subscribed and left a comment. So cool to see a new blog starting up! Welcome to the WP madness, Tar! It’s about dang time. You are in for it now, you know that, don’t you?
    (by the way, I love both blog names equally and those pictures of you guys are priceless)


  3. Well darn it, as if I haven’t got enough blogs to read and follow as it is!…grumble…grumble… moan…moan…I suppose I’d better, or I’ll never hear the last of it. Honestly I do have a life you know…


  4. pattisj says:

    Thanks, will have to go visit. Will I get a warm welcome or cold shoulder if I mention you sent me?


  5. mary i says:

    I have your sis on my list. Thanks for the smile(s)….


  6. Roly says:

    LOL Both good blog names and just for being nice to your sis I’ll go over for a visit so that she feels obliged to you for the visitor. Then maybe I’ll visit her blog more than yours, just to keep the home fires burning. 🙂


  7. Shannon says:

    Awesome. No doubt, being related, she’s got your wicked sense of humor.


  8. bigsheepcommunications says:

    You guys are so mature, allowing each other to co-exist in the blogosphere. If it were my sister, I’d be running a line of masking tape through the center of the blogosphere and making it clear that SHE needed to stay off MY side. (Okay, yeah, me and the sister shared a room growing up and it wasn’t pretty.)


  9. Nice promo for your sister. I’ll hop over.


  10. Mary K. says:

    Nice plug for TAR and I love that beautiful picture. Thanks for cropping it. Thanks for having me last weekend. I told TAR I had a hand in her start up because I shut-up while you 2 worked on the blogging. Are all the family secrets going to be coming out? I’m a little nervous!


    • pegoleg says:

      You bet your sweet bippy you owe me for cropping YOU out of it. Ah, those childhood pictures – priceless memories and lucrative blackmail fodder!

      Great to see you both last weekend, but you didn’t stay long enough!


  11. robincoyle says:

    I’ll pop over there right now!


  12. Angie Z. says:

    I got a little too comfy over there listening to Nancy Sinatra and her boots. Welcome to the blogosphere, Tar!

    Sisterly love stuff makes me rather sad and envious that I got robbed of having a sister. Instead of dating advice and second-hand bras, I got bruises and noogies.


  13. mj monaghan says:

    I will definitely be checking out http://hereandtheresa.wordpress.com/. Looking forward to reading it.

    *sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters …*


  14. k8edid says:

    Oh, great – I am on my way over there – moving gingerly, of course, but can’t wait to read TarBuns! Way to slide your sister into action while I’m laid up…I would have been there with drink in hand…


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