Biggest Loser: Family Edition. To the Victor Goes The Spoils

From Rubens to Picasso in 5 months

Victory is sweet.  In fact, I happen to know that it tastes a lot like pumpkin pancakes.

For those who have been following my blog, you know this was the summer (and then some) of the family weight-loss challenge.  Talk amongst yourselves while I bring the latecomers up to speed.

My sister Terry, like many teachers, started the summer looking for a project.  She decided it was time to get in shape.  Pictures from a family wedding in June no doubt added fuel to the fire.  Most of the women in our family need to lose weight, so Terry issued a challenge to all: let’s see who can lose the most over the summer.  She put up $250 as a prize and the game was afoot.

Check under the Biggest Loser: Family Edition category in the right-hand column of this blog for posts detailing our months of struggle.

The contest end was set for Sisters Weekend.  This was something of a moving target because it’s an undetermined fall weekend when my sisters, my mom and any sisters-in-law who are able, get together.  We always have a lot of fun.  There’s a big “No boys/kids allowed” sign hanging over the whole weekend.

We just had Sisters Weekend in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I am pleased to report that yours truly won the top prize.  5 months = 50 pounds lost.

My sister Judy took second place with a loss of 23 pounds.  She won $100 put up by our brother Bill.  Our sister-in-law Becky also awarded $50 to the winner (that would be me – did I mention that?), and our dentist brother Jim has promised a trip down to his domicile in Charleston, SC for a couple of days of fun and Zoom teeth whitening.

The award ceremony took place over Sunday brunch at Angelo’s in Ann Arbor.  Rather ironic that my hand accepted a nice, fat check from Terry while my taste buds were still doing the happy dance from experiencing true yumminess and sweetness for practically the first time in 5 months, in the form of Angelo’s pumpkin pancakes.

I know what you’re thinking.  “She hits the big goal and rewards herself with food?  That’s how she got into this trouble in the first place.  It’s going to be like every other time she’s lost weight – like jumping on a mini-trampoline in 8th grade cheerleading, hitting the gym floor and bouncing right back up!”

I say, “You don’t know me.  Don’t judge.” 

This time is different.  As I’m typing this, I am eating lunch consisting of cottage cheese, a little fresh pineapple and tabouleh made with quinoa.  Yes, you read me right.  Quinoa.  It’s a real food, not just something that uber-hip healthy types like to say because they want to show off the fact that THEY know this super-grain is pronounced “keen-wah”, and YOU have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. 

Some family members were discouraged that they didn’t hit big numbers, but the great thing is that everyone lost something.  We ended up with a combined weight loss of 130 pounds.  That’s enough for a whole ‘nother sister!  (Our new sister, Faticia McFatty, can plan next year’s weekend.)

I’m determined to keep up a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising.  My husband has joined in the quest, and I couldn’t be happier about his decision. 

To my dear family: please don’t give up.  Take heart from the wonderful progress you’ve made, and keep on going.  I want all of you to be healthier so you are around for many, many more years.  You are all precious to me.

To my readers: thank you for your support – it really helped.  I still have a little ways to go, but I am resolved.  A little less food, a little more moving.  If I can do it, so can you. 

This is such an emotional moment of self-actualization and affirmation that I feel a little prayer is in order.  Here is my new serenity prayer:

Lord grant me…
   …the courage to keep the weight off in the face of daily temptation,
   …the serenity to accept my droopy bottom,
   …and the wisdom to not become that annoying ex-fatty who lectures everyone on the importance of adding flaxseed to their diets.

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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104 Responses to Biggest Loser: Family Edition. To the Victor Goes The Spoils

  1. joehoover says:

    Congratulations, that is a great achievement!


  2. Jackie says:

    Peg!! You look fantastic! 50 pounds is out of control. That’s a little person. You dropped the weight of an entire little person. I’m in shock because your tales of woe and heartache about the attempt led me to believe you were having a much more difficult time than that.

    How incredibly inspiring. Grats!!


  3. misswhiplash says:

    WOW! That is super..that is nearly 4 stone You really do deserve a pat on the back! and you look fantastic!

    Does flaxseed oil really work?


  4. Congratulations! I’ve only managed to lose 18 pounds this summer. My family was very instrumental in my weight loss. I was always hearing encouraging comments like: “Is that all you are going to eat!” “Let’s go get a burger!” and “I bought these chili and cheese chips just for you!”


    • pegoleg says:

      Isn’t that funny? In a not-funny way. There are people who will saboutage you, unconsciously, for a whole host of weird reasons.

      18 pounds is great – don’t add “only” to it. Good for you!


  5. Tar-Buns says:

    Congrats to Peg for a well earned win! You should have seen her last weekend. How come you didn’t post the after picture in your slinky new duds?
    Anyway you look at it, you done good, sista! I’m very proud of you and hope to do the same!!! We can always hope, right? 🙂


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks for getting this going, Tar. You CAN do the same – keep up your great start!

      I didn’t have any pictures from this weekend, cuz my phone camera isn’t working right. If I waited for MK to get her pictures developed (yes, I said developed, as in technology from 200 years ago) I’d have gained it all back by the time I post. I had a co-worker take a picture of me this morning in my Johnny Cash ensemble.


  6. winsomebella says:

    Huge congratulations. And thank you for posting the before and after pics—inspiring!


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks so much. I was really nervous about posting those pictures. For one thing, it was a huge shock when I saw how horrible I looked in the before picture. I don’t know if others have this problem, but I have a hard time seeing myself as I really look. So the after shot wasn’t as great as I thought, either. Jeesh…


  7. Tar-Buns says:

    OK, tell me again about the flaxseed…


  8. Congrats! You look great!


  9. lexy3587 says:

    congrats 🙂 Happy to hear you aren’t dropping entirely off the bandwagon now that you’ve won the prize!


  10. Tori Nelson says:

    Such a hottie! Great job, and enjoy those pumpkin pancakes. You worked hard for ’em!


  11. Wazeau says:

    Way to go! And way to keep going. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet rather then the buttered biscuit, huh. Although I hate them, I much prefer my underarm skin flaps and the droopy buttocks then the tonnage of fat that used to fill them.


  12. bigsheepcommunications says:

    Peg, wow! I hope you’re taking your prize money and buying some new clothes for your skinny little self! Congratulations!


  13. Jacquie says:

    Well done. Inspiration for me to keep going 🙂


  14. You are awesome! Congrats! (what the hell is qui-no-ah again?)


  15. gojulesgo says:

    Wow, Peg! Congratulations!! You look FABULOUS! A well deserved win/chunk -o- change. I also really liked your prayer, LOL

    My sister and I have been trying to lose weight too. I’m about halfway to my goal (down 43 lbs.), but taking it VERY slowly and for the first time accepting it as a lifestyle change versus a temporary diet. My weight loss secrets include swapping cranberry juice for grapefruit juice with my vodka. 😉


    • pegoleg says:

      Wow right back at you! Congrats on your loss! Thanks for the practical, real-life weight loss tip. Notifying my drinks distributor to go to light juices with his next delivery.


  16. Big Al says:

    YEA!! Absolutely fantastic. You look terrific. We commentators are proud of you.

    (Warning: I apologize in advance for my latest blog. Based on the ending, it really shows how we think alike. Scary, huh?)


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks so much, Al. Heading over to see the results of your latest brain surge.


    • pegoleg says:

      We both wrote about food, and ended with a serenity prayer with the giggles. On the same day. OK, that really is scary.


      • Spectra says:

        Do you notice that synchronicity happens a lot between us bloggers? I see comments often to that affect.

        Serious congratulations are due to you! Sheesh – 50 lbs! I gained 25 or so since this time last year. I’ve taken it off before, but it coincides with going off low-thyroid medication. Just got my new prescription for a natural thyroid hormone, so…

        Heh heh…I do have flaxseed. And Quinoa (and know how to pronounce it). Some good it’s doing me sitting on the shelf. I am hoping this post of yours inspires me to get off my ass and get back to work. What an amazing transformation for you! Very proud of you (if that means anything) Hoo-RAH!


        • pegoleg says:

          It DOES mean something. Thank you so much! I know what you mean about the rapid weight gain, though. Been there, lived that. It’s very discouraging that the pounds go on so quickly, then come off so, soooo slowly. Hope the new meds work for you.


  17. Congratulations! You can be so very proud of this and the pictures. I love your serenity prayer and love your take on quinoa.


  18. Becky O says:

    Congrats Peg! What an achievement. You look fabulous!
    And kudos to TarBuns, sisters and family.


  19. Wow Peg, congratulations on all of your hard work! Time for a new HOT profile picture…You have created a new you defined by a new mindset. I will, however, miss the “Biggest Loser: Family Edition blogs” ~ they were the best!!!


  20. Amy says:

    Yay!!! Congratulations! And good for you for making a positive life choice. I love quinoa. It’s good stuff.


  21. k8edid says:

    Wow. Kudos. I am oozing jealousy (or maybe I just need to shower). You look fabulous. I so wish I could get my “buttons” to work over here on your blog. I would use “SIZZLING” “VaVaVoom” and “Are You Going to Eat That?” Dang, girl, you ROCK you big loser, you.


    • pegoleg says:

      If you figure out how to use your great buttons outside your own blog, you could sell them to the rest of us looking to spice up our blogs. Thanks for the kind words!


  22. Sandy Sue says:

    Horray!!! You look amazing—so young, so vivacious, so svelte.
    Keep tipping Faticia McFatty—maybe your family can conjure her twin, Blubba.


  23. notquiteold says:

    FABULOUS! Both you and the post!


  24. Libertarian says:

    Peg, can’t believe you lost so much in so little time!! You’re looking great… but you look great to me at ANY weight! 🙂


  25. Peg! BRAVA! Good for you, in every possible way! What a fantastic accomplishment. You must feel great on so many levels. Here’s to your health and your happiness!


  26. Yay! What a wonderful accomplishment, and you get money too! I say the money goes in the wardrobe fund. A new wardrobe is bound to help you stay on track. Looking good is feeling good.


  27. Paula says:

    Woohoo! Congrats, Peg — you look fab and your story is an inspiration — enjoy!


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks so much, Paula. Now I’m the “Little Engine That Could, Then Came Down the OTher Side of THe Mountain, And Now Has TO Avoid Taking On Too Much Coal IN The Flatlands.” Catchy title, doncha think?


  28. Barb says:

    Dang it all!!! Now I have competition at the biker bars. You look fabulous. How’s about we divide the continent down the middle and you take the eastern biker bars and I’ll take the west? We could meet every now and then and have an O’Douls.


  29. judethebude says:

    Pegolina! Hooray! Me like picture … Of course, you really should stop shopping at Johnny Cash’s garage sales. Am very proud of you and hope you are, too. We miss you and hope to see you soon, yes?


    • pegoleg says:

      Miss JudeBude – congrats on your amazing weight loss and prize as well! So sorry you couldn’t make it last weekend; we really missed you. Let’s keep it up for the sake of our hearts, ok?


  30. Snoring Dog Studio says:

    Peg! You’re my hero! What a stupendous achievement. And you look marvelous. With few exceptions, people can lose weight. It takes determination, yes, but it can be done.

    I’m hankering for some pumpkin pancakes right now.


  31. Janu says:

    Peg, I am so proud and happy for you! You look fantastic! From one yo-yo dieter to another, don’t ever forget that for both of us, it is always the sugar that does us in. One cookie is never enough. One scoop of ice cream gives us a rush that makes us crave more, more, more. Quinoa and fresh pineapple are our friends!


    • pegoleg says:

      Jane, that’s a hard, hard reality to swallow. I had a breakthrough of sorts the other day when I was talking to your sister, Barb, when it occurred to me that I will NEVER be able to eat like a “normal” person. I’m an addict and Ho-ho’s are the fix of choice. I’ll never be able to get “done” with a diet and then go back to eating as usual. Very depressing. But maybe really knowing that means this time I’ll be on my guard.

      Thanks for the support!


  32. jim richart says:

    Great job Peg!!! I can now plan the list of culinary temptations for your arrival in the Holy City of Charleston…….
    P. S. flaxseed actually HELPS you lose weight….its so disgusting, you’d rather actually starve than eat it…



    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks, Jimbobwe! I thought I’d come and see y’all after the first of the year when the holiday madness dies down and the days are long, cold and dreary up here. Love to all down south!


  33. Lenore Diane says:

    Oh my goodness, Peg! Congratulations to you and your sisters! How awesome for all of you to come together in an effort to lose weight and improve health. What a wonderful and inspiring story. Again … congratulations!


  34. I think I lost a pound just scrolling down to get to the bottom of all these comments! Bravo, you smoking hot sister!


  35. Wow, good for you — you look great! I know how you like to win the caption contest at Good Greatsby, but I think, perhaps (dare I say?), this is a greater achievement.


  36. Mary Kay says:

    We are so proud of you and you really are an inspiration to your/our family and blog friends. Thank you for sharing your spoils by treating us to the symphony. I’m planning on keeping the weight loss up. I really like flaxseed on my oatmeal in the am-funny comment. I like the Johnny Cash look but that before picture…, you never looked like that. Who is that ringer!!!! Love ya and really enjoyed sharing the pumpkin pancakes last weekend-heaven!


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks, MK. I have a funny feeling you lost more than you let on, you little tiny thing, you. Congrats on your great weight loss! I’m glad your doctor isn’t yelling at you anymore. Good for us for splitting the yummy pancakes – maybe that will be the secret to keeping it off – sharing the treats?


    • Libertarian says:

      Yeah, I gotta agree with MK, I don’t think you ever looked like the before picture. But you DO rock for your amazing weight loss, Peg-O-Leg! Way to go!


  37. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    Hot damn! Fifty pounds is a helluva lot to be proud of! I’ve lost eight in the last month, and it feels great to be moving closer to a place where I’m comfortable running again. I really would love to taste the satisfaction of crossing a marathon finish line once more. 😉

    But I digress from the point, which is that you are awesome! ROCK ON!


    • pegoleg says:

      I don’t care how thin I get, I’ll never be able to run. I’m missing that gene. So I’ll be on the sidelines (metaphorically speaking) when you cross the finish line. You can do it!


  38. sukanya says:

    woot woot Peg!!!!


  39. That’s amazing – very, very impressive indeed!!! Congratulations on some amazing success!!!
    (It’s so impressive I’ve elected to use six exclamation points and I’m tempted to throw in another for good measure! Yeah. There it is.)
    Now… if you don’t mind…
    I’d like to take a few moments to tell you about a very exciting investment opportunity…


  40. pattisj says:

    Congratulations! I use 1 T. ground flaxseed in a smoothie. And it should be kept in the freezer so it doesn’t get rancid. 🙂 So glad your whole family is aiming for better health.


  41. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!


  42. Mary Mahar says:

    Congratulations and no doubt you’re feeling as good as you look Peg! Regardless of size, all your best parts shine through…sense of humor, common sense and love of family and friends. Good luck with continued health and happiness. You’re an inspiration and a great example for others. Thanks!!


  43. Congratulations! You lost 50 lbs. in 5 months? Holy moly. What a feat! You should be very proud. That’s not easy (okay, honestly, it sounds impossible!) to do. It must have been so hard! But what a great finish — you won. 🙂 And the “Sisters Weekend” sounds fabulous. What a way to celebrate and share, every year.


    • pegoleg says:

      It really is a wonderful tradition, started when my oldest sister was pregnant with her first child. He got married this summer. We have to make time for family, or the years just pass us by, right?


      • Tar-Buns says:

        And it all started in Chicago, at my wonderful condo on Pine Grove Avenue. I still have that photo displayed in my house of us three girls, MK all happy and pregnant. Must have been 1985 since Chris was born Feb 1986. We’ve been to lots of interesting places and had great times, the R. girls. Here’s to many more! 🙂


  44. Tar-Buns says:

    I’m on my way, sister. BTW, I am curious how you are using your winnings, besides treating us gals to the symphony. That was nice of you. I truly hope you will use the balance for something that Peg wants, maybe doesn’t need, but may splurge on. That is your reward. Very proud of you. Love you more, T


  45. Laura says:

    Wow, you look great! Congratulations!


  46. egills says:

    Oh congratulations! That’s fantastic – AND you look amazing!

    ( Never heard of flaxseed but having googled it did you know it contains cyanide? Give me salmon instead any day ) I might have to try the quinoa possibly? I’m always trying to find alternatives to rice / couscous / lentils. )


  47. Pingback: Love/Hate Relationship: One Woman’s Search For A Dress | Peg-o-Leg's Ramblings

  48. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts | Peg-o-Leg's Ramblings

  49. Pingback: Fear & Loathing In The ½ Price Easter Candy Aisle | Peg-o-Leg's Ramblings

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