The Dark Side of Freshly Pressed: Handling the Highs and Lows

You may not know that I’ve had the honor of being Freshly Pressed a couple of times. You probably didn’t notice the pop-up box containing a list of Freshly Pressed posts that appears every 3 seconds on my blog, the fact that I use “Freshly Pressed” as a tag on 97% of my posts, and I bet you totally missed the 8-foot tall, flashing, neon sign that says “HEY, SUCKAS, I’VE BEEN FRESHLY PRESSED!!!” that lights up when you first arrive here.

You know I don’t like to brag – tooting your own horn is so tacky – but I am being forced to lay aside my natural modesty and reticence about this accomplishment because WordPress is covering the topic today on The Daily Post. Cheri Lucas Rowland’s article is a fascinating look at the Freshly Pressed process from the standpoint of both editors (yes, real people choose the posts) and bloggers. Yours-Truly is one of the bloggers who was interviewed for the article. Please go check it out.

Incidentally, I learned that, while they don’t really keep track of such stats, I do NOT hold the title for most Freshly Pressed posts. That honor apparently goes to some dude who has been FPd something like 16 times just because he takes pictures that are so beautiful they make people weep.


The Daily Post

A roundtable of bloggers and editors:

Paula Reed NancarrowPaula Reed Nancarrow
Peg Schulte, Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings
Stephanie Summar, Listful Thinking
Krista Stevens, editor
Michelle Weber, editor
Cheri Lucas Rowlands, editor

The editorial team behind The Daily Post works on other projects such as Longreads and Freshly Pressed. On Freshly Pressed, which you’ll find in your Reader, we share top picks, community recommendations, and our favorite reads. Freshly Pressed has evolved over the years: it began as a developer’s Hack Day project to showcase user-made content on the homepage, and has become a favorite space to discover standout posts and new bloggers.

The So You Want To Be Freshly Pressed support page explains what we look for, although these are merely guidelines — there’s no magic formula to be featured. We, too, are people who love to read. We look for posts that are thought-provoking, inspiring, unexpected, unique, relevant, and resonant. We’re…

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About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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40 Responses to The Dark Side of Freshly Pressed: Handling the Highs and Lows

  1. Seasweetie says:

    I’ve only had the honor once, some years ago, but I remember it fondly!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    That’s awesome, Peg. Congrats on being interviewed!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. franhunne4u says:

    This is something that will not happen to me – but it’s only myself to blame for – why do I insist on writing the majority of my posts in German? I don’t even envy you for your 10 (or so) FP – as I have come to the conclusion that too much traffic might even have a downside. I am pretty dark in my humour. Not everybody can handle that.


  4. I’ve been FP’d once. It was cool and completely overwhelming.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jill's Scene says:

    It’s a great article Pegoleg, really helpful tips about blogging – aside from the inside know-how on life for the FP’ed. Best of all it brought me to your blog.


  6. Look at you! SUPAHSTAH!! (my SNL Mary Katherine Gallagher impression)

    Loved the entire interview. What everyone said was spot-on. I had to add in my comments over there that FP really needs more humor. I mean, for the love of god, it’s all just so serious and depressing over there at FP headquarters. I’m a fan of the though-provoking read and yes, serious stories need to be told. But there is hardly ever any humor up there!

    Funny stuff is always underrated. And incredibly hard to write. Sure, I could spew off a sad post about how Mr. Skittles is now penniless and destitute thanks to me not being FP’d in eons. That would be easy. But to write humor? That should be honored. (and I should be FP every day of the week and twice on Sundays)


  7. List of X says:

    I don’t think there are any lows to being Freshly Pressed – first you feel like the school’s most popular kid, and three days later you get your life back from all these comments and obsessive stats-checking.
    But congratulations on making it into the Daily Post! I am curious, though – given the choice between Daily Post and Freshly Pressed, which one would you pick?


    • pegoleg says:

      There aren’t really lows, X, as you know, but they ASKED for some. It is a let-down afterwards, at least for me. Three days later I’m STILL doing the obsessive stats-checking, and there’s now nothing there. I feel so loved when everybody is stopping by, then – zip.

      The Daily Post is interesting and I’m super glad to have done this. It’s hard to compare the two because they attract different audiences. Can I say both…plus going viral on the inter webz?


  8. thesnarkyblonde says:


    Liked by 1 person

  9. FP is so quirky. But if anyone deserves repeated applause, it’s you. Congrats! (again)


  10. You’re such a super star, Peg. Being on the editor’s radar has to help. It just has to. Not taking anything away from you, mind you. You deserve every nod you’ve gotten. Not in the nodding off way, mind you. Oh, I think I’ve said quite enough. 😐

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sandy Sue says:

    This is one dilemma I’ll never have–and I’m cool with that. But I feel *seriously* cool hobnobbing with FP royalty here. What’s the bloggy equivalent of caviar? And who carries your tiara?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m in awe of you, Oh Mighty one. 😉


  13. Barb Knowles says:

    I read the article via the Freshly Pressed Twitter feed, which I’m obsessed with since I was Freshly Pressed in May. The upside goes without saying. The only downside is that the bar was raised so high that I don’t know if I’ll reach it again. But, at any rate, the article was great and I’m already trying some ideas mentioned there. Congratulations to you!


  14. Pingback: And Then There Were More | Peg-o-Leg's Ramblings

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