A Facebook Post That Will Heal The World

Facebook to change the worlddownsized(This is easier to read if you enlarge it by clicking on the lovely picture of my barn.)

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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128 Responses to A Facebook Post That Will Heal The World

  1. franhunne4u says:

    That is called emotional blackmail, isn’t it?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Deborah the Closet Monster says:


    (Have I told you lately that I love you?)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Is it still my fault if I don’t have a facebook?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Blogdramedy says:

    I tweeted instead. Please forgive me.

    Because I love puppies.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Love those passive-aggressive ‘heart warming’ messages….


  6. AthenaC says:

    Yeah! You tell ’em! The true measure of a mover and shaker is how much a person can clutter up their friends’ Facebook feeds with “Share this and heal the world” pictures!

    *Grumble, grumble* Selfish people doing actual activism and donating actual money to charity *grumble, grumble*


  7. Carrie Rubin says:

    And yet another reason why I don’t like Facebook…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Elyse says:

    Yup. That’s the way to world peace. But, cute as they are, puppies cause their own problems. Family discord (who has to walk him through TODAY’s blizzard, for example.)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I prefer kitties. Can I still share this?


  10. Go Jules Go says:

    Is that really your barn? Can I just repost that photo?


  11. mary says:

    Don’t know how to do what you are requesting. Interesting post.


  12. Peg, being that I think I was the lone miserable bastard mentioned above, I have decided to mend my ways. I just posted your plea to my Facebook page. Gee… I’m feeling better already! I highly recommend this to everyone, and you’ll feel a lot less guilty too. Not to mention Peg won’t blame you.


  13. mary says:

    Maybe we could all do something concrete like smile more to help make the world a nicer place.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The Waiting says:

    I love you. That is all.


  15. mary says:

    oops-is this sarcasm on your part?

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      It is. I’m tired, not of the Facebook posts that are sweet or make us think, but so many come with a “repost or else” threat. I also suspect that many people think posting that stuff is the same as real action.

      Your suggestion to smile is much more useful.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. mary says:

    Ok-I won’t comment anymore.


  17. mary says:

    On second thought-people should know that you and Bill are very generous with your time in helping the homeless and elderly clients-so I know you are trying to do your part to make this a better world!


  18. Exactly. (And don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean!) 😉


  19. mary says:

    P.S. Like the little wink guy on one of your comments. Have a great week!!!


  20. Michael says:

    I always wanted to save the world. And since I don’t have superpowers, spreading the word of this post is the next best thing!


  21. Dana says:

    Aaaand then it gives you malware.


  22. Wonder how many are going to slam your post due to lack of understanding sarcasm.
    I really get turned off when you’re threatened to “post 100 times” if you’re a real friend. Meh.
    And, is Mary MK? Can’t tell…


  23. Inkplume says:

    My sentiments exactly.


  24. I don’t really give a shit about any of that, but hey… do you want to play Farmville with me?

    Liked by 2 people

  25. I love this! Would add this to Pinterest if it weren’t for the language.


  26. Nice barn and even nicer words. 🙂 And puppies. 🙂


  27. susielindau says:

    It’s a beautiful message, but it has that email chain letter feel to it. The thing that throws me is it’s so positive and then accuses friends and ends with bastards. It’s gotta be a joke, right?


    • pegoleg says:

      Yep. I guess that isn’t as clear as I would have hoped.


      • franhunne4u says:

        Only if one has not seen your other posts, Peg. In the context of this whole blog you could not mean this for serious. So when I saw your single NO to the “emotional blackmail” lure put out I knew you were not for serious or you would have “burned” me instead.


        • pegoleg says:

          Exactly – you get me.

          I’m trying to be funny, but sarcasm that hurts people is not a place I want to go. Susie has a very tender and generous heart so I’m glad to have her input so I can keep myself from going over that line.


  28. Whenever someone posts the idiotic thing where you are supposed to type in one word describing where our how we meet, I try to write “rehab” whenever possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. List of X says:

    I don’t ever get “I know which ones of you won’t post this” part. I won’t. If you already know, why bother the 98% and not just message 2% “will-post”-ers directly? Then they forward this to 2% of their friends, until this quietly dies.

    P.S. I think puppies are overrated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      That’s the part that bugs me. The inspiring stuff I can take or leave. It’s the “I bet you won’t post” stuff. If you know it, save us all some time and don’t bother!


  30. Barb says:

    Puppies end war? Phooey? We all know it’s kittens. What the world needs now is a few more kittens on the internet

    Liked by 1 person

    • pegoleg says:

      THAT’S the problem. There aren’t enough pictures of cats with cheeseburgers and cats with painted fur and cats reading the newspaper and…never mind.


  31. I am so sorry I caused all this. I’m still not posting it to my facebook page, but I’m sorry.


  32. lexiemom says:

    “We are the world….we are the children…!!! We are the ones to make a brighter place, so lets start givin….!!!”
    Sing with me!
    “There’s a choice we’re makin’…we’re savin our own lives! It’s true, we’ll make a better day, just you and me!”
    Sniff! Sniff! I’m all choked up….


    • pegoleg says:

      You mean I have to be drinking carbonated beverages while linking arms with people from other continents AND sending heartfelt posts to Facebook? Dang! I may have to quit my job to get this done.

      Liked by 1 person

  33. thedailydish says:

    All this needs is muzak that starts playing the moment you click/scroll over. And maybe some sort of suggestion that you could win something by sharing to additional social media. As long as you hash tag it appropriately #worldpeaceforall #icare #doyourpartbastards etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Nicole Roder says:

    LOL! I despise those “I know 98% of my friends won’t re-post this” posts. If I’m reading a post and I like it, I may be thinking, “This is nice, I’m going to share this.” But as soon as I see that, “I know who you are” crap, I say “forget this.” Don’t try to guilt me into posting your stupid meme! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Ooh… yikes….see, I hate to tell you this but you really should’ve gone with the more obnoxious comic sans font. Then you totally would have saved the world. Rookie mistake. (shaking head)

    Liked by 3 people

  36. pegoleg says:

    Dang their cuteness.


  37. It doesn’t work, I tried it. So it is back to rude postings of ugly families for me.


  38. Shannon says:

    FB should leave real world stuff to Twitter, wanna-be world stuff to WordPress, and stick to puppies and kitties post sharing and who’s dating who instead. The world would be a better (and more organized) place if everyone would just mind their own corners. I don’t want real world stuff ruining my puppies videos!


  39. Haha, yes, these drive me nuts! Especially the “I think I know the ones who will” stuff, I always think – yeah, I know the ones who will too! Also, what’s with the whole “Post this for one hour” thing? Who posts stuff on Facebook for one hour and then takes it off? And what’s the point of that? Most of their Facebook friends probably won’t happen to have been on in that hour and seen it! And what is the meaning of life anyway? And why do people sit in the Quiet Zone on trains and then talk loudly on their phones? And puppies and kittens.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Whurled peas. Puppies – pit bull ones.


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