The Jacket: A Nagging

Just a little reminder that tomorrow is the deadline for submitting your entry in The Jacket: A Writing Competition.

“Wha???” you ask.

“What’s that all about?”  you demand.

“Can I get fries with that?” you query thoughtfully.

To find out all about the competition…

Look to the top, look to the right, stand up sit down, fight, fight, fight!

(Bet you didn’t know I was a cheerleader for all of a couple of months in 8th grade.  Yup.  Yuppers.)

I will post the next 5 entrants tomorrow and the final entries (unless I get a new batch overnight) next week.  Remember, the fate of the free world, as well as ownership of that spiffy jacket, is on the line.

Get your entry in now!


About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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14 Responses to The Jacket: A Nagging

  1. I didn’t get any fries with mine. (bottom lip sticking out in a pathetic pout)


  2. snhamlett says:

    Hey, does this mean I could (theoretically) send my entry tomorrow night? I’m scrambling to get it finished, but I’ve got flu brain, so another full day to work on it would be lovely! 🙂


    • pegoleg says:

      I guesssssss. Midnight Friday, Illinois, US Time. Of course all entries are date-stamped by my dedicated cadre of blog assistants.


      • snhamlett says:

        LOL! I will get it in before midnight, I promise! 🙂 Send your blog assistants a big hug and kiss from me…er, well.. virtually, so ya’ll don’t catch the flu!


      • snhamlett says:

        Okay, I just submitted my entry, but I think all of the formatting was cut out! Can I send you an email copy of it so you can read the formatting correctly?


  3. gojulesgo says:

    If I get fries with that, I DEFINITELY won’t fit in that jacket. 😉

    This is such a cool contest!!


  4. Has anyone left you a ‘Masters’ comment RE: said svelte jacket?
    Because it just occurred to me I probably should do that.
    If I ever come up with something good, I’ll let you know.


    • pegoleg says:

      Yes, as a matter of fact. Once Big Al saw the level of competition he decided to brush up on his golf skills in order to land a spiffy, green jacket. Must remember when the Masters air on TV so I don’t miss him…


  5. Margie says:

    I really wanted to enter your contest, but in all honesty I just couldn’t write about a jacket that is green. My mind can’t think of any scenario that would involve something of that colour. I guess I’m frozen in white snow mode…


  6. egills says:

    What’s all this about a jacket?
    I’ve missed so much 😦


    • pegoleg says:

      THere’s still time. Take the day off of work, cancel dinner plans and get a-writin’. I’ve already been forced to admit the deadline isn’t until midnight tonight, so you’ll be fine!


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