Freshly Pegged – Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride

freshlypegged2By now you know what this is all about.  If not, click here to get schooled.

Then come right back, quick like a bunny, and meet…


Susie at Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride.  Girl ain’t kidding. Her life IS a wild ride.  Susie’s so active and into trying new things I’m exhausted just reading about it.  She loves to write, to take pictures, to dance and ski…you name it and she’s doing it, up to and including hanging out with Frozen Dead Guys,  You heard me.

Susie knows how to throw a party, too.  The virtual kind.  She periodically hosts Use Me And Abuse Me Day where she invites any and all bloggers to provide links to their posts, and check out other unfamiliar bloggers in return.  She takes everybody’s car keys at the beginning of the party so there’s no drunk blogging.

Into each wild-rider’s life some crap must fall.  Susie is still recovering from her recent, not-so-fun ride on the Breast Cancer Express.  In typical Susie fashion, though, she’s writing about the experience with honesty and humor.  Cancer may be one of the stops on the ride, but if I know Susie, it sure as hell won’t define her journey.

Get to know all the goings-on at Susie’s place after you read…

p.s. Hey Susie, I’m an ESFP too!  I’m going bar hopping tonight – can I borrow the boots?


Prepare to Be Typealzyed!

You have got to try this!

I am willing to bet that everyone has looked up their astrological profile. What’s your sign? See? Do you think it sums up your personality?

Our preconceived idea of who we are may differ from how we project ourselves in society.

I found the coolest site on the internet. Really! Anyone who has a blog can type in their URL and its author’s personality type will be analyzed or “Typealyzed.” It is based on word choice and repetition.

I thought, “What the heck. It’s a lot easier than answering a bunch of questions.” I entered the URL of my blog and let it rip! I was so curious to see what it said about my Wild Riding personality type. My hands perspired as my mind raced. I hoped it was upbeat, but wondered if I could be giving off some kind of weird vibe….

Then this picture popped up and I laughed and kept on laughing until I read the analysis.

ESFP – The PerformersESFP

The author of is of the type ESFP.

The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft beautiful textiles, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead – they are always in risk of exhausting themselves. ESFPs love being around people and having new experiences. Living in the here-and-now, they often do not think about long-term effects or the consequences of their actions.

A new friend

I picked up this 5-6 foot snake and then ran into the house to get my camera.

ESFPs live in the moment, experiencing life to the fullest. They enjoy people, as well as material comforts. Rarely allowing conventions to interfere with their lives, they find creative ways to meet human needs. Active types, they find pleasure in new experiences.

Boulder Polar Plunge 8

They enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation – qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions. ESFPs are excellent team players, focused on completing the task at hand with maximum fun and minimum discord.

Common satisfying careers: Artist, Performer, Actors, Teacher, Social Worker, Nurse, Event Coordinator, Chef, Fashion Designer, Jeweler, Retail Manager, Recreation Worker and Interior decorator.

*Notable ESFJs: John. F. Kennedy, Richard Branson, Hugh Hefner, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, Quentin Tarantino, Mel Gibson, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Megan Fox, Jamie Oliver, Robbie Williams, Dan Brown and Chewbacca.

ESFP Brain Chart

Do you see why I was amused? I was amazed at its accuracy. I am always up for something new and do tend to exhaust myself. I’ve also experienced many of the careers on the list in some way, shape or form.

That is quite a list of celebrities with the same personality type, although I can relate to Chewbacca more than Justin Bieber!


When I disagreed with the Typealyzer’s assessment of being present centered, my husband Danny asked, “Why do you think I buy you a leather planner every year?” That shocked me.

I realized that I tend to wait until the last-minute before making plans. Thanks Typealyzer!

I found the creator of the program, Mattias Ostmar, through Twitter and then we continued our discussion via email. I love how the social network reduces the size of the world. He lives thousands of miles away in Sweden.


“Yes, I invented the Typealyzer. It consists of two parts, lots of text examples of different psychological styles which I’ve collected and refined and a text classification engine built by my friend Jon Kågström. He also created the design for the web page.

The original purpose was to see if it was possible to find any personality patterns by using such naïve techniques. It was for my own fun, basically, I had quit my job to take a creative break in life and just do fun stuff of which this prototype was one. I originally considered this whole project to be amateur research and I still do. We´ve actually added the possibility for people to state their personality type according to traditional survey-tests so we can compare the results.

I´ve spent the last three years working on different psychological traits such as values and haven´t really given that much love and attention to Myers-Briggs, however I still personally feel that it is a very useful way of exploring one’s talents and pit-falls in social circumstances.

And most of all I believe that observing our behavior such as how we use language, is a much better way of understanding ourselves and others in comparison to surveys where most people aren´t aware of themselves or sometimes even lie based on what they WOULD like to be. ;-)”

Mattias created this program for fun! Jeez. I watch movies and read blog posts for fun.

I would guess that we are all mistaken about some aspect of our personality. The Typealyzer is a great tool for understanding how others may perceive us.

Click here to be Typealyzed.

Enter your blog and let it rip!

...cue ripping sound…

Let me know if you were surprised by the results!

You can tweet Mattias at @mattiasostmar and check out his blog at

Related articles:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

ESFP Celebrities

What’s in Your Future?

Chewbacca photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Plunging into the New Year, Polar Bear Style

Taking It to New Heights

*I asked Mattias about ESFJs as opposed to ESFPs and he said that was the correct classification of notables since they have a flexible instead of a rigid lifestyle. Hey. He’s the expert!

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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94 Responses to Freshly Pegged – Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride

  1. Hmm….I’m the same as you, Susie. I do find this surprising. I had this test way back in college in my psych class and I was most definitely an Introversion person. I think I was a INFP. (one of only a couple in my entire class) Maybe I’ve changed since then? I guess I have.


    • susielindau says:

      Hey Darla!
      The Typealyzer picks up on key words and phrases instead of relying on a person’s self-analysis.
      I bet you have changed Darla. You definitely seem like a fun party girl to me!
      Thanks for stopping by!


      • pegoleg says:

        How many types are there? I think many of us ARE much more outgoing on our blogs than in real life – I know I am, and I don’t think that’s just a skewed self-impression.


  2. Pingback: What Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda Been Freshly Pressed! | Susie Lindau's Wild Ride

  3. Uh yea I was surprised. I’m masquerading as someone else on my blog. Or maybe that’s the real me? Lots of fun! Thanks Susie- and Peg!


  4. My one came up as the same as you too. I’ve done a proper Myers-Briggs before and I definitely came up more introverted. I can see why it might have found me more extroverted or outgoing from my blog though, I think I come across more like that on there than I really am, especially as I’m currently hosting a virtual blog party on there, whereas in real I tend to avoid parties! I am a bit of a performer though, so some aspects were true.


    • susielindau says:

      That’s cool! I think we express ourselves differently through writing. For me, my writing exhibits a more accurate depiction of who I am than what comes out of my mouth since I have time to edit and think about it. I am pretty impulsive!
      Thanks for being Typealyzed!


  5. I LOVED this post! It was point on for me.


  6. I remember this post. When I took this test – years ago – I was an ENFJ. I wonder if that’s changed. I think I’m more introverted now. I know you probably don’t believe it, but it’s true.

    I remember when Soooooz wrote this post a while back. We’d just talked about how to integrate our twitter tweeps into our blogs a bit more. And while she “plunged right in,” it took me another 6 months to figure it out.


  7. susielindau says:

    Peg! Thanks so much for the amazing honor! I can’t wait to add that really cool badge to my blog. It goes with my blue decor too. Bonus!
    It doesn’t surprise me that we are ESFP sisters. Party girls stick together! Hey. I’ll pick you up at 8:00 and will bring the boots!
    Now where are those Cheese Nips you promised me???


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks so much for coming! The Class-o-Meter just went up 100 points around here. The Cheese Nips and Boone’s Farm are…on their way. Yeah. On their way.


      • susielindau says:

        You are too nice, but keep it coming… Hahaha!
        Make sure to pour the Boone’s Farm into a plastic cup, better yet, Styrofoam to give it that extra full-bodied flavor!


  8. As always you are my everything. Huggg


  9. You are my everything susie


  10. Elyse says:

    I remember this from when you first posted it. What fun. And I am you and you are me and we are all together.


  11. I got ESFP, too! I think when I took the Myers Brigg I was INFJ. My blog persona is so much cooler than me in real life.


  12. Mine came up ESFP as well. With so many of us I getting the same result I thought I would check out He-Who’s blog (we all know that the two of us are nothing alike). Turns out I was wrong. He-Who is ESFP as well. Did anyone get a different answer?


    • susielindau says:

      Some came up differently on my blog when I first posted. I would think a poet or political blogger would come up differently. I wonder how someone who writes about writing would be Typealyzed??
      Thanks for trying it out!


  13. I remember this post – who could forget that green top in frozen water. Boots suit!
    (But now RC is whacking that she must be typed – although we know already know she what she is, a cat – and the others will be shoving in line, too..Look: food. That should keep them distracted for a while)
    Great fun, Susie. Pass the Cheesenips


    • susielindau says:

      Here is your own bowl of Nips Phil!
      RC will have to start blogging! I wonder what personality type, “Meow, meow, meow…” would generate????
      Thanks for stopping by Phil! Don’t forget to click around!


  14. I got “the Mechanic.” Independent, problem-solving, easy-going… unless I think my space, or what’s mine is being infringed on. Then I’m stubborn and protective.

    That may be close to the mark…


    • susielindau says:

      That is so coo! Everyone can use a “Mechanic” in their lives! Too many performers could clog up the stage! Hahaha!
      I will remember to avoid, “Getting all up in your Kool-Aid.” But personal space probably isn’t your problem as long as I don’t take anything from your personal space!
      That reminds me, I should return your Sexy Stalin photo…It slipped into my pocket the last time I stopped by your blog.


  15. Groovy post, Susie! I think mine came out way off for my blog, so I tried it with my main website and sha-POW! Accurate. 🙂 And woo hoo! Oprah showed up on the list of similar-minded folks. Totally intriguing stuff.


  16. jackiered says:

    Me and Chewbacca ! awesome !
    I’m happy to be an ESFP if it means that I’m in such exalted company.


  17. This was sooo neat!! It totally nailed me as an ESFJ! It says I have “difficulty recognizing the shortcomings of loved ones”. .. . boy, ain’t that the truth! 😉 What fun!!


  18. Nagzilla says:

    I’m in with the ESFP crowd, although when I’ve had my Myers-Briggs done professionally, they always peg me as an ENFP. Close enough for jazz.


    • susielindau says:

      Hey I use “jazz” all the time! As in, “I need to pick up all my jazz and we can go!” Where does that come from?
      The Typealyzer analyzes word choice and repetition so that may be the difference..
      Thanks for trying it out!


  19. The Guat says:

    I enjoy Susie’s Wild Rildes all the time. They are actually some pretty cool adventures. I tried this one when Susie originally posted it and the results were interesting. I tripped out on the “celebrities” I was bunched up with 🙂


  20. gardenlilie says:

    So, I did it and I got the same as you! Not sure I did it right … I’ll let you dip in the frozen water Susie … byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😉


    • susielindau says:

      All you do is paste your link to your blog (not an individual post) and you will be TYPEALYZED! zzzZZzZZzzzZzZZZZZZZZZZzzzz!
      Another party girl! Woohoo! Thanks for stopping over at Peg’s!


  21. pmahaney says:

    Truly fascinating thanks Susie, and thanks to Peg for pointing me in your direction you are a good read.


  22. what a lovely post and oh I love Susie. She is strong, positive, fun and a great friend and what an inspiration to every one around.
    took the Typealyzer test. My Blog type is ISFP 🙂


  23. Al says:

    Any friend of Chewbacca is a friend of mine!


  24. colonialist says:

    susie is a great choice! Always finds a way to put a positive spin even on really nasty negatives.


  25. Love the post, and I just LOVE this type of stuff. It totally pegged me (pun intended) as one of the party crowd (ESFP). Bring on the polar bear swim!


  26. Pleun says:

    I am the same as you! Although the bit of avoiding conflicts and rarely initiating confrontation? Not true. If I see something that I think is wrong (or if I have to do something at work that I think is wrong/silly/useless) I’ll fight til death to change it.
    But other than that it was quite accurate. 😉
    Looking forward to the next Use Me And Abuse Me Day, that sounds like a lot of fun! Super-cool idea.


    • pegoleg says:

      I tend to avoid conflict, but have learned to stand up much more as I’ve gotten older. You start to figure “What the hell do I have to lose?”


    • susielindau says:

      Thank you! I will have another Use Me and Abuse Me Day really soon! They are a great way for people to “hook up!”
      I am one of those people who avoids personal conflict, but can be very outspoken when in a situation of defending someone and I got the same type!
      Thanks for coming by to read!


  27. Hello! I just tried it and also got ESFP, but when I took the test I was definitely on the introvert scale. But in this version I’m in the same group at Chewbacca, and that’s pretty awesome, so that’s the one I’m going with. 🙂 If the Star Wars fits…


    • susielindau says:

      You gotta love Chewbacca! Grrrrraaaaaa!!
      Thanks for stopping by and joining us! Can you believe Mattias created this program just for fun? He isn’t even a computer programmer!


  28. I just got to this now. Congrats my Dear Susie!!! Well deserved, pegging going on here! Well, I am ISFP – the gentle and compassionate type! I love that I’m in good company with Brad Pitt, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, David Beckham, John Travolta, Liv Tylor and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis! I apparently tend to value my friends and family above what I do for a living. And I genuinely care about people. I guess that’s pretty accurate! 🙂


  29. Dana says:

    I got the same type as you, and then I entered the URLs of my other 2 blogs and it came up the same– at least it’s consistent, right (or maybe everybody is the same ‘type’?) I love stuff like this, though– analyze away! 🙂

    PS: My latest fave analysis was the Strengthsfinder test. You have to pay $10 to take it, but man– was it spot on!


  30. A fun and entertaining read – why am I not surprised?


  31. List of X says:

    Thank you for the link and for the post! I got pegged as ISTP, just like my favorites Byronic Man and The Official How To Blog.
    However, I wrote about 20 posts for another blog ( which still has ESFP type – so apparently my guest posts didn’t mess it up too much.


    • pegoleg says:

      Whew! Thank goodness your ISTPness didn’t mess things up for that blog!


      • susielindau says:

        Another mechanic! It’s great to see you had fun with the Typealyzer.
        I had wondered about guest posts. Maybe they would have to be in the majority. Maybe the next time you guest post, it will be the one that tips the scale!
        Thanks for stopping by~


  32. I don’t know too much about astrology, but I’ve always thought I’m surprisingly / accurately described as being ‘Pisces-ish’.
    I remember taking the Myers-Briggs in a Psyc. class I took WAY back in high school (I think I was an ISFJ if I remember correctly) – it’s really kind of fascinating stuff, isn’t (speaking of which… I am TOTALLY curious about the Typealyzer thing, now – must… find out… more)!


    • pegoleg says:

      I don’t know much about astrology – what is Pisces-ish?

      I must be the only person who never heard of the Myers-Briggs test. Note to self: stop living under a rock.


  33. filbio says:

    Susie and her blog rocks! Great choice to feature her here on your blog! She is a sassy and sexy lady!


  34. PinotNinja says:

    Hope there’s room for one more wild girl at the party, since I’ve got an ESFP ticket to ride, too. Let’s turn the fun up to 11!


  35. Go Jules Go says:

    I remember this one, Sus! This was fun. I’m almost positive I came up with the same type as you, and we both questioned the ‘present centered’! I might have to take it again. I still have my doubts about that.

    Oh crap. Just got an email from Babs. Forgot there was a family reunion this weekend. 😉


  36. Pingback: What’s Your Sexual Personality Type? | August McLaughlin's Blog

  37. Bill Peschel says:

    ISTP: A cold, calculating engineer type who should have been a policeman or fireman (or skydiver, huh?) than attempting writing.
    Now Scarlet Johannson and I would have something to chat about the next time we meet.
    Thanks for providing this (I came over from August’s blog)! It was enlightening, if disturbingly accurate. I’ll have to use my problem-solving skills to appear more empathetic and emotional.


  38. Pingback: Like Two Ships That Pass In The Park | Peg-o-Leg's Ramblings

  39. Jill's Scene says:

    I just had to give this a go. I think the analyser might have focused on the word travel – it does come up a lot on my blog – and assumed I’m more of a thinking doer than I am in actual fact. Lots of fun. Glad I stumbled across this post, even if it is more than two old.


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