What Snew

Snowmageddon: The big dump hit Illinois last weekend.  I know 12 inches is nothing to what Boston, Maine and other points east experienced recently, and I may be a total little girly-woman for even mentioning it but, and this is the important part, it was really inconvenient for me personally.

If you get to experience a big snow fall by looking out at a world turned magically white and clean, then it’s all good.  It’s like living in a snow-globe.  If you have to get out and actually BE in all that white stuff, which, as it turns out, is very cold and makes your feet wet, it stinks.

Our power went out early Sunday morning.  The temperatures in the house fell along with the snow throughout the day. The gas stove still worked so I drank mug after mug of hot tea and burrowed down with a good book under my blankie.  By mid-afternoon it was clear that the power was not going to magically fix itself any time soon.   My bladder was going into toxic shock from all the tea, hubster and I were losing feeling in the lower extremities and the Super Bowl was happening in a couple of hours.  We decided to make a run for it.

Thank goodness for my hubby’s truck.  We somehow stayed on the road, made it to town and checked into a hotel.   There we stayed with hot showers, snacks and color TV, warm and cozy, until morning.   By then the major roads were plowed enough so we could get to work.  They got the power going again the next afternoon and we were able to go home Monday night – all was good.

This is an actual, unretouched(ish) photo of the road as we drove into town.

Bumbles bounce!  Off your bumper.

Bumbles bounce! Off your bumper.


Humor Me: As bragged, er, mentioned before, I signed (as a free agent) to write a monthly humor column in the local paper.  My first offering appeared a couple of days ago to universal acclaim.  By which I mean I got an email from one person who did not hate it.  I was really touched when a group of townspeople came by the house to show their support.  Little confused by the pitchforks, though…


What snew with yew?

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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89 Responses to What Snew

  1. So glad you got a column! We’ve gotten almost three feet of snow here, and more on the way. Lucky us! 😦


  2. I can’t imagine having your home’s power go out when it is so cold outside! Living in Southern California, my biggest fear when the power goes out is that I won’t have enough ice for my margaritas (ok, I know that was just mean). Stay warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. pmahaney says:

    Nice to know Peg, that the Bumbles has a place to go after Christmas. I think you can take heart, in regards to your column, that you find Eric Idle and Michael Palin among your fan base. Such comedy giants from, “Monty Python” fame should give you comfort. I’d ignore the pitch forks and torches though, they’re probably just funnin ya.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I always express my jealousy when other bloggers talk of their snowfalls, I’m desperate for a big snowfall, we’ve just had a pathetic few flakes here. I get that the powercut thing isn’t fun, and having to drive in it isn’t fun either, and that it’s really a pain (or worse) for lots of people, but I STILL WANT A BIG SNOWFALL!

    And hurrah for your first column coming out! Is it available online, or only hard copy? And if it’s only hard copy, are you allowed to scan it and show us, or does that break some copyright thingy?


  5. Blogdramedy says:

    Let’s house swap. Then you can get an idea of real snow. We’re clocking in at over 6 feet in places and if we get much more, I don’t know where it’s going to go.

    Maybe you can drive up here with your truck and take a load off…so to speak, and take it back with you when you leave. Really. We won’t mind.


  6. Deborah the Closet Monster says:


    I am four hours away from a three-day weekend.

    I’m sure there’s more, but my brain’s kinda stuck there ATM.


  7. Al says:

    I think this is the most touching story of survival since since that soccer team started eating corpses after that plane crash in the Andes mountains several years back. Maybe a made for TV movie is in the offing, eh?

    Liked by 3 people

  8. share you column with us–I got permission from my paper and publish mine every week–we are curious–I don’t want to have to get my pitchfork out now………….


  9. Carrie Rubin says:

    I saw your tweet about your power going out on Superbowl Sunday, and I felt for you. I don’t know if you’re a football fan or not (I’m not), but if you are, I figured that would suck for you (not to mention the cold temps…). You were smart to head to a hotel.

    Congrats again on the column writing!


  10. Kylie Betzner says:

    That picture!


  11. Kylie Betzner says:

    That picture!


  12. Elyse says:

    Peg, I think you’ve had enough mid-West winters to be entitled to whine a bit. (Just don’t do it to me!)

    Are you able to post a link to your column? I mean so we can all say we knew you when?


  13. At least you didn’t lose power in chilly November the night before and most of the day of your father-in-law’s funeral. That was last year and that’s why we own a generator! Glad you got a room with heat and TV! 🙂


  14. Here in Buffalo, NY (one of the snow capitals of the world, apparently), Bumbles don’t bounce – but they sure as heck know enough to jump out of the way of sliding vehicles. Amazing just how agile those Bumbles can be when espying a fast-approaching, temporarily out-of-control SUV.


    • pegoleg says:

      Survival of the fittest, CM. Only the agile Bumbles live to make little Bumblettes.

      My brother was in Buffalo over the weekend and he said, surprisingly, you didn’t have as much snow as Michigan. Mother Nature taking it easy on you this time around?


      • I think we’ve made up for the lack of snow since your brother was here. We got walloped on Monday. Of course, I don’t know how much snow Michigan really has, so it’s very possible you have more. I’d be more than happy to let you have more than us – this is a competition I don’t care to win.


  15. Shannon says:

    Hey, Peg! Congrats on the gig. Sorry to read about the snow problem. Posts like this make me glad to be on the Texas Gulf Coast in flip-flops and shorts (okay, maybe not today in 47 degrees). I’m not much for snow, unless it’s on vacation and only for a day or so.


  16. Becky says:

    Glad to hear that you have Bill’s Brumblecrusher truck to navigate those country roads, Smart move to relocate to hotel to watch an unbelievable ending to the Superbowl. It snewed a record 40″ in Bahston, snewed some more today and bracing for another storm Sunday night.


    • pegoleg says:

      Ha! Yes, we’re delighted to have a Bumblecrusher to help us through the drifts.

      I know I shouldn’t complain when you guys have snew galore, and another foot or two on the way. Groan! Try to stay sane.


  17. Barb says:

    Blaaahhhh! I can’t believe how used to electricity I am, too. I keep flipping switches each time I go into a room even though the lights have been out for hours. Again, good luck on you column. I know you’re having fun. (with or without lights)


    • pegoleg says:

      You, too, without power? It stinks, don’t it?

      And thanks for the words of advice and encouragement “off line.” It helps to hear from someone who has been in the trenches already.


  18. koehlerjoni says:

    Ya’ll Northerners are just making me feel bad. At supper tonight I was complaining about how it’s overcast and 45 degrees out, and I might have to go get my coat out of the closet. Hope it clears up soon.


  19. Blunderdad says:

    Last year, we were without power for a week . . . . . Which included Christmas. A week, no power, kids home from school, . . . . . (shudder) next time we will go to a hotel.


  20. susielindau says:

    Glad you survived Snowmageddon! I worried while reading that your pipes froze!
    Congrats again on your column! How very exciting. What was the subject of your first article? Are you going to repost it here? I hope. I hope I hope…..
    Recommended blogger and a columnist. You are my hero!!!


    • pegoleg says:

      Thanks Susie, but puleeze. Viral on Reddit? Boulder Blogger of the Year? Shooting into the Statosphere? I just hope you still let us peons lick your boots when you complete your total world domination.

      Cuz I really like doing that.


  21. Glad you got your power back. Out here in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, we lose power a number of times each winter, but thankfully, not for more than about 8 hours or so. We crank up the generator, stoke the wood stove, and carry in buckets of water from a nearby stream to flush. Today, however, was a very unseasonably warm 59 degrees. Very weird indeed!


    • pegoleg says:

      Maybe it’s time for us to consider a generator as my sister, Tar Buns, got last year. The power doesn’t go out often, as it did when we moved out here 25 years ago, but once is enough. We only have a couple logs stacked up, and they were buried under wet snow.
      We’ve lost that pioneer, can-do spirit.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Sandy Sue says:

    Congrats on the column, Peg!
    I know what you mean about being a snow-pansy. I don’t remember being such a wimp when I was younger. The power outages were an adventure, the partially cleared and icy streets a challenge. I took pride in getting myself out of the ditch after spinning out. Now it feels like an imposition to put on boots. Crap, is this what getting old is?


  23. Since I’m currently buried under more than FOUR FEET of snow, I think today I’ll stave off my cabin fever but hunting down your column. Congrats again, you superstah you!

    Also? I giggled at that photo because Bumble is my absolute fave character, ever year my kids buy me an ornament or a plate with his likeness on it. This has been such a bad winter, I think I’m even starting to look like him myself.


    • pegoleg says:

      I know I shouldn’t complain with the amount of snow you guys have. And another foot or two this weekend – will it never end? Pretty soon you’ll be delighted to welcome Bumble in the house for a change of pace.


  24. lexiemom says:

    I wish I could relate, but…no wait, no I don’t. I’m very glad I can’t relate. I had to dress the kids up extra warm today, because the high is only going to reach 53. Brrrr…
    (What can I say? I love being a southerner.)


  25. Faith Simone says:

    Congrats on the column! I feel a little bad about wishing for an ice day here in Memphis, so I could be off from my day job. Yeah, we’re wimps and any sign of ice on the roads means we shut the whole city down.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Hey, nice news on the humor column. You go Girl! And I though Hermie took care of those teeth a long time ago on the big, bad snow man…


  27. In NYC we were hunkered down for the “snowpocalypse” last week, which, after forecasters were predicting the end of civilization, turned out to be about 6 inches total. I’m not complaining though!
    Looks like Bumbles was hitchhiking his way to town. You should have picked him up. I bet he was hungry. 🙂


    • pegoleg says:

      Yeah, you NYCers were kinda wimps with your “oh, no, it’s gonna snow! Let’s close down the town!” and then you got a light dusting. Not you personally, of course, Jackie.


  28. I thought I commented earlier . . . or tried to, which is exactly the point. I mostly read and write from my phone these days and I miss a lot. Apparently I missed your big You-Can-Call-Me-Columnist news. That’s awesome.

    Also, I love “unretouched(ish).” If I “borrow” that, is your editor going to haul me in on plagiarism charges? Suddenly this is getting very complicated.


    • pegoleg says:

      No, you’re good, Karen. Borrow anything you want. I know what you mean about the phone. When I read and comment on it and my pearls if wisdom suddenly disappear


  29. Thank goodness for your husband’s truck, though I’m sure he would have walked in the blizzard to town, to watch the Super Bowl! It’s becoming so ridiculous now. Another foot for Sun-Monday, here. I pray that my flight to Puerto Rico to stay with my mom does not get cancelled. I think I will cry and have a real life tantrum if that happens.

    Continued success to you on your monthly humor column, girl! 🙂


  30. The snow continues here. It does seem endless. I am happy to say that thus far the power has stayed on. I’m better prepared this year after being without power for five days before Christmas.
    Is there a link to your column? Did I miss it?


  31. amelie88 says:

    My mom works in Boston but she commutes back and forth on Amtrak on weekends back to NY. She went back to Boston on Tuesday (Monday was Presidents’ Day) and got stuck between Boston and Providence for three and a half hours. It snowed on Tuesday again and I’m assuming wreaked havoc again in Boston. They’ve shut down the MBTA several times; the T is just a terribly inefficient rail service to begin with and this winter has highlighted the lack of infrastructure much to the despair of Boston commuters. My mom posted a picture of the sidewalks on her way to work on Facebook this morning–just a tiny skinny little path between incredibly high snow banks coming up to her waist. I think we are all looking forward to the end of winter!


    • pegoleg says:

      I pity your poor mom. My sister-in-law is in BOston, too. She said she hasn’t had much trouble keeping the driveway clear and her car gets through, but the tough thing is getting out of the driveway. The piles are so high on both sides she can’t see if any cars are coming down the street without a spotter standing out there!


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