Apple Employee Engagement Workshop

Rejected t-shirt logo for an upcoming employee engagement/team-building workshop at Apple headquarters:

What other mottos might they consider?

About pegoleg

R-A-M-B-L-I-N-G-S, Ram...Blin!
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60 Responses to Apple Employee Engagement Workshop

  1. I can’t beleive they’re not going with the classic “No I in Team” slogan. They’re such forward thinkers. Maybe they’ll choose “Please refer to your iPads for your inspirational Apple catch-phrase. If you’re unable to access your inspirational slogan, please go to the nearest Genius Bar to be made to feel like an idiot”


  2. Al says:

    How about: “Teamwork – because Bill Gates sucks!”


  3. OneHotMess says:

    iGetItNow 😉 That being me, I finally get it. 😉


  4. One Bad Apple Can Spoil the Bunch – Apple Quality Control. Weak, I know, but it’s Monday.


  5. List of X says:

    Groundbreaking Apple T-shirts: now in white!


  6. 1. iKnow.
    2. iWillFireYouIfYouDon’tComeToThisConvention
    3. iWent to the Apple Employee Engagement Workshop and all iGot Was This Lousy T-Shirt
    4. iMatter. Apple Employee Engagement 2013
    5. iQuit
    6. iThought We Could Work From Home
    7. My Other T-Shirt Has Better Stock Performance


  7. Hmm… my brain seems to have locked-up on me today…
    so, wait… I’m supposed to hold down the menu and select button simultaneously when that happens, right?!


  8. Elyse says:



  9. susielindau says:

    “You are the Apple of our I”


  10. Laura says:

    iScream: official t-shirt of the Apple 2013 Ice Cream Social
    iObey (for Dr. Who fans)


  11. iHeart Apple: Our competition bytes!


  12. iWant it all. iWant it now.

    Wait, that sounds like McDonalds!


  13. “For the love of God DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY NEW IDEAS???”


  14. pattisj says:

    Is English spoken at Apple headquarters, or do we need a Chinese symbol?


  15. Steve Jobs is dead. Long live Steve Jobs.


  16. Go Jules Go says:

    Put Down Your Phone and Focus those i’s on the Front of the Room; This is a Goddamn Engagement Workshop.

    (The t-shirts will have to be XL.)


  17. iDon’t get it. Maybe I should down another coffee and my brain will focus enough to figure this out.


    • pegoleg says:

      OK, so “There is no “I” in teamwork” is one of those trite,bumpersticker-worthy cliches that coaches, teachers and scout leaders say when they’re trying to get a group to work together. It’s something of a double entendre because the word “teamwork” is not spelled with the letter “I” AND members of a team should leave their egos (the “I”) at the door.

      At the Apple Corp, everything they produce starts with the letter “I”. It has become a cultural joke that any word that starts with the letter “I” must have something to do with Apple.

      Which brings me to where I attempt the funny. Because corporations have these stupid employee engagement/team-building meetings all the time, and that slogan would usually be just the kind of junk any Human Resources cheerleader would go for. Except not at Apple… because they love the letter “I” and would never dis it.

      Get it? Get it? Huh? Pretty funny, eh? Are you rolling on the floor yet?

      Someone just shoot me.


  18. mirkinfirkin says:

    Take a byte with Apple? I’m and Apple – Bite/Byte me? Apple – the juicy fruit? Apple – more bytes? Bite into an Apple? Apple bites? My Macintosh has a hole in it? Bite/Byte the big one? Apple – good to the core? … I could go on and on, but don’t want to punish you further with the fruits of my … well, I’ll leave the rest of that one to you, so I won’t write even a bit more.


  19. mirkinfirkin says:

    OOPS! Just noticed – the second suggestion ought to read as “I’m an Apple – Bite/Byte me?”

    Sorry, there was a read/write error in that line.


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